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Use the Transactions page to search for information on the full range of transactions supported by the Fund Accounting System. This includes the following types of records:

Expenditure Budgets

Accounts Payable

Journal Entries


Revenue Budgets


Manual or Void Checks

Project Budgets



Menu Path

Click Fund Accounting and select Entry & Processing. In the Detailed Displays menu, choose Transactions.


You can use the Transactions page tabs to enter selection criteria for locating either a specific record or a group of records that share similar data. After you display a list of records, you can select an individual record and display the Transaction Detail page. From here, you can access a variety of pages related to the record, depending on the type of transaction you are viewing.

Search for records using one or more of the following criteria. Entering multiple criteria reduces search results.


  • Year
  • Period
  • Dates of transaction or entry
  • Transaction codes
  • Vendor or payer
  • Journal entry numbers
  • Descriptions
  • Operator login ID
  • Control number
  • Amounts

Charge / Check

  • Fund
  • Budget unit or organization number
  • Account
  • Project
  • Project account
  • Cash Account
  • Receivable account
  • Disbursement Fund
  • Check number
  • Check date
  • Cleared status
  • Void status

Encumbrance / Invoice

  • Due date
  • Purchase order number
  • Invoice or receipt number
  • Item number
  • Partial or final status
  • 1099 indicator
  • Discount date
  • Discount amount

Transaction Detail Page

The Transaction Detail provides extensive information on a selected transaction. To display the page, select a record and click OK. You can use the page's View Attachments and Notes toolbar items to view attachments and notes related to the transaction.

The page's Action Bar displays the following items:

More Info...

Displays additional information on the transaction, using one of the following pages, depending on the type of transaction that applies:

Journal Entry Information Page

Displays the debits and credits associated with a journal entry.

Payroll Transactions Page

Shows basic information on a payroll transaction, including employee ID and name, pay date, distribution, net pay amount, and check number.

Purchase Order Detail Listing Page

The list section shows the purchase order line items. To view additional details on a line item, select the item, and then click OK to display the Transaction Detail page.

Two additional action items display when you access the list section:

    • Consolidated Item: To view details on a purchase order line item that was affected by a change order, select the item, and then click Consolidated Item to display the Purchase Order Information page's Consolidated Line Item tab.
    • Change Orders Item: Displays the Change Order Listing page, if any changes apply to the purchase order.
More Info... only displays for purchase order transactions generated in Purchasing. It does not display for purchase orders / encumbrances generated in Fund Accounting.

Approval Status

Displays the Approval Status page, which lists the approval level, approver, action date, action, and comments on certain approvals.

Approval Status only displays for transactions that have gone through the approval process in the Batch Budget Adjustments, Batch Budget Transfers, Post Accounts Payable, Batch Accounts Payable and Standard Payables options. It does not apply to purchase orders and other types of transactions.

Transaction Codes

The Transaction Code fields in the Transactions and Transaction Detail pages display codes that enable you to identify the type of transaction:

11 - Original Expenditures Budget
12 - Original Revenue Budget
13 - Adjust Expenditures Budget
14 - Adjust Revenue Budget
15 - Original Project Budget
16 - Adjust Project Budget
17 - Add Encumbrance
18 - Change Encumbrance
19 - Journal Entry
20 - Manual/Void Check
21 - Accounts Payable Check
22 - Payroll Transaction
23 - Add / Change Receivable
24 - Post Receipts
25 - Expenditure Budget Transfer
26 - Revenue Budget Transfer
27 - Project Budget Transfer

Display a Transaction Record

  1. Click Fund Accounting and select Entry & Processing. In the Detailed Displays menu, choose Transactions.
  2. In the General, Charge / Check, and Encumbrance / Invoice tabs, enter selection criteria to identify an individual record or group of records.

    If the Print Checks by Bank Account option is selected in the Fund Accounting profile, the Bank Account field appears within the Charge Data section on the Charge / Check tab.

  3. Click OK to display the records in the page's List section.
  4. To display the Transaction Detail page for a line item, select the item, and then click OK.
  5. If the More Info item displays on the detail page's Action Bar, you can use it to display one of the following pages, depending on the transaction type:


    Transaction Type



    Add Encumbrance

    Purchase Order Information


    Change Encumbrance

    Purchase Order Information


    Journal Entry

    Journal Entry Information


    Manual / Void Check

    Purchase Order Information


    Accounts Payable Check

    Purchase Order Information


    Payroll Transaction

    Payroll Transactions

  6. If the Approval Status item displays on the detail page's Action Bar, you can use it to display an Approval Status page, which provides information on approvals that applied to the transaction.
  7. To close the Transaction Detail page, click Back.


You can add, display, or delete attachments for many transaction types.

Some transaction types only allow attachments in specific versions of the software. If the View Attachments icon is active after you select a record, then attachments are supported for the transaction type.

Display an Attachment

  1. Click Fund Accounting and select Entry & Processing. In the Detailed Displays menu, choose Transactions.
  2. In the General, Charge / Check, and Encumbrance / Invoice tabs, enter selection criteria to identify an individual record or group of records.
  3. Click OK to display the records in the page's List section.
  4. If a transaction has an attachment, the View Attachments icon will be highlighted. To display the Attachments page, select the item, and then click the View Attachments icon.

    The Attachment Information section will display the information from the record to which you are adding the attachment. This varies depending on which menu option and record you are in when you display the Attachments page.
  5. Select an attachment from the list and click Accept or double-click the filename to display the attachment.

Add an Attachment

  1. Click Fund Accounting and select Entry & Processing. In the Detailed Displays menu, choose Transactions.
  2. In the General, Charge / Check, and Encumbrance / Invoice tabs, enter selection criteria to identify an individual record or group of records.
  3. Click OK to display the records in the page's List section.
  4. To display the Attachments page, select the item, and then click the View Attachments icon.

    The Attachment Information section will display the information from the record to which you are adding the attachment. This varies depending on which menu option and record you are in when you display the Attachments page.
  5. In the Add Attachment section, select an Attachment Group. The attachment groups available vary depending on which menu option you are in when you display the Attachments page and your permissions.
  6. Click Browse... or Upload in the File Name field. This will display the standard dialogue box where you can search for or drag and drop the file to attach to a record.
  7. The Files of type field on this page will list the acceptable file types that can be used for attachments, plus an option to list all of the acceptable file types in a particular location.
  8. Select the file you want to attach to the record, and then click Open or drag the file into the space.
  9. In the Title field, enter the title of the file as you want it to appear in the record's Attachments page.
  10. Click OK to add the attachment. The attachment will appear in the list section of the page and display the Attachment Group and Title that was entered when the attachment was added to the record.
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