Convert Multiple Units to Individual Assets
Purchase orders line items frequently cover the purchase of more than one unit of a commodity. You can treat the entire purchase as a single fixed asset, though in many cases you need to account for each unit individually. For example, if ten laptop computers were part of a single purchase, you should convert each unit to an individual asset.
Convert Line Item Units
- On the Add Interface Item to Fixed Assets page, complete Steps 1-4 of the procedure for Add Fixed Assets Records.
- If the item includes more than one unit, the Multi-Unit Item dialog displays (Step 5). Click Yes to create a separate asset record for each unit.
- Complete the page and all subsidiary pages for the first unit, following Steps 6-12.
- When you finish converting the first unit, repeat the add procedure for each subsequent unit. If Asset ID's are system-assigned, the system will increment the previous ID by one, as you start entering the next asset. Otherwise, you must enter the ID for each record.