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Add Fixed Assets Records

On this page:

Menu Path:  Fixed Assets > Entry & Processing > Fixed Assets > Acquisition Interface

Use the Add Interface Item to Fixed Assets page to convert purchase order line items or non-purchase order payments into asset records.

This section includes the procedure for adding an individual asset.

Add Asset Records

  1. Choose the Acquisition Interface page.
  2. Enter criteria identifying the records to list, then click Find. To run an advanced search, select Advanced.
  3. Select the record being converted, then click OK.
  4. If the record is not in the range of capital accounts defined in the Fixed Assets Profile:
    • Click Yes if the item's account is a capital account. This selects the Capital Asset checkbox in the Add Interface Items to Fixed Assets page.
    • Click No if the account is not a capital account. This leaves the Capital Asset checkbox blank.
  5. If the item selected includes more than one unit, the Multi-Unit Item dialog displays:
    • Click Yes to create a separate asset record for each unit. For the procedure to follow, refer to the next section, Convert Multiple Units to Individual Assets.
    • Click No to treat all of the units as a single fixed asset.
  6. In the Question dialog:
    • Click Yes if the record being added is an improvement.
    • Click No if the record being added is a fixed asset.
  7. On the Add Interface Item to Fixed Assets page, complete the fields in the Asset section and General, Financial Information, and Other tabs.
    For details on these fields, refer to the Fields section below.
  8. In the Other tab, complete all required fields to display the G/L Distribution Information page, then click OK. The distribution page does not display if you selected GL/Distribution while completing the Financial Information tab. In that case, proceed to Step 10.
  9. Complete the fields in the G/L Distribution Information page, then click OK.
  10. The Question dialog displays the message "Create Component Assets?":
    • Click Yes to display the Component Assets page. Complete the fields as needed.
    • Click No to process the item as a single fixed asset.
  11. If your system includes one or more required user-defined pages, the first of these displays. Complete the page, which will include at least one required field, and then click OK. Repeat this step for each required user-defined page.
  12. If your system includes non-required user-defined pages, a Question dialog displays asking if you would like to update these pages.
    • Click Yes to display the Defined Windows Selector page, which lists one or more user-defined pages. To display a page, select it, and then click OK. After you complete the page, click OK to return to the Defined Windows Selector. You may select another non-required page, or click Back to close the Defined Windows Selector.
    • Click No to complete the process.
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