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Daily Receipt Processing

To begin the daily processing of receipts, log onto a register and enter receipts online or in batches. An online receipt is typically used when you are taking in payments at a cashier window.

  • An online receipt becomes a receipt immediately; therefore, any changes to an online receipt must be done through an adjustment or a void.
  • Online receipts allow you to allocate partial payments in ways other than the system defaults.
  • You can also add sales tax to one or more items on a receipt. A batch receipt is for entering payments that were mailed in, such as school fees or lunch money.
  • A batch contains receipts for the same revenue code and can be entered manually, scanned, or loaded from a lock box.
  • Batch receipts should be reviewed and updated before you post them online. You can search for an online receipt at any time. Once receipts are entered, you can adjust or void them as long as they have not been interfaced with Fund Accounting or with another billing system. Voiding/adjusting removes the dollar amounts and charging information for a receipt, yet retains the transaction information for future reference.
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