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Billing and Receipts - Cash Receipts

Menu Path:  Billing & Receipts > Cash Receipts

The Cash Receipts system processes payments received at a cashier window as well as payments received in the mail. Daily receipt processing involves taking in payments and searching receipts. In addition, the system manages the financial data contained in the receipts.

Section Organization

This section summarizes the general capabilities of the system and is arranged as follows:


Describes options for setting up the system, including setting up the profile, revenue codes, revenue groupings, and cash registers.

Daily Receipt Processing

Describes options for online and batch receipts, including setting the transaction date, entering online receipts, entering batches of receipts, processing batches, and searching for receipts. This section also covers the options for adjusting and voiding receipts.

Billing and Receipts - Information Management

Describes options for interfacing receipts into another system, running daily and periodic reports, and purging receipt information.

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