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Encumbrance Activity Reports

Use this option to audit encumbrance transactions. The information is reported in a detail format that includes the purchase order/encumbrance number, budget unit/account, project/account, vendor name, date, check number, and description. In addition, the reports list the original encumbrance amount, changes made to this amount, payments, sales tax, use tax, and balance due. To view a summary report of this information, refer to Encumbrance Status Reports.

The Encumbrance Activity Reports page's Sort Options section includes radio buttons for sorting the report by Encumbrance Number or Organization. The report's default file name depends on the sort order selected, either encact1.rpt if sorted by Encumbrance Number of encact2.rpt if sorted by Organization.

For the standard procedure for generating financial reports, refer to Financial Report Menus.

Menu Path:  Fund Accounting > Reports > Financial Statements > Encumbrance Activity Reports

Report Titles

The titles of these reports are determined by the Encumbrance title in your Fund Accounting Profile. For example, if your Encumbrance title is Purchase Order, the report title is Purchase Order Status Report.

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