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Encumbrances Detailed Displays

Use this option to review encumbrance information in the Fund Accounting System, including descriptions, transaction amounts, payments, balances, and distributions.

Encumbrances are created in Purchasing when purchase orders are issued and in Fund Accounting through the Encumbrances option. In addition, encumbrances can be generated in the Purchasing Card Interface system.

Purchase Order (PO) encumbrances appear on this page if a user enters them with the Encumber field set to Y - Post Encumbrance. If the user selects R - Allow PO To Be Reviewed, the PO can be reviewed on the Batch Encumbrances page.

The Encumbrances page enables you to search for a specific encumbrance or group of encumbrances. After you identify the encumbrances you want, basic information for these records appears in the page's list section. You can select a record and review more detailed data in the page's tabs.

Menu Path

From the Fund Accounting menu, select Entry and Processing. From the Detailed Displays menu, select Encumbrances.


You can use the Encumbrances page's tabs to view information on a selected record.

General Displays general information on the selected encumbrance, including encumbrance and line numbers, date, description, and vendor number.

Displays the encumbrance's accounting distribution.

Field titles enclosed in asterisks are user-defined in the Fund Accounting Profile. These titles may be different in your system.
Payment Displays the payment status, sales and use taxes, invoice (original) amount, and balances.

Locate and view an Encumbrance Ledger record

  1. In the Selection Criteria section, enter criteria to identify an individual record or group of records.
  2. Click Search to display the records in the page's list section.
  3. Select a record.
  4. Select the General, Distribution, and Payment tabs to display information about the selected encumbrance.
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