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Batch Encumbrances Page

On this page:

Use this page to maintain encumbrance records that are stored in batch files. The page lists all batch encumbrance files stored in your database. Use the Action Bar and toolbar items to display additional pages for adding, updating, deleting, printing, loading, releasing, and posting batch encumbrance records.

Purchase Order (PO) encumbrances appear on this page if a user enters them with the Encumber field set to R - Allow PO To Be Reviewed. If the user selects Y - Post Encumbrance, the PO can be reviewed on the Encumbrances Detailed Display page.

Menu Path

From the Fund Accounting menu, select Entry and Processing. From the Encumbrances menu, select Batch Encumbrances.

Action Bar

Print Multiple Batches Displays the Print Encumbrances Selection page, where you can generate an edit list of one or more batch files.
Set PeriodEnables you to change the default fiscal year period or transaction date for the encumbrance records stored in a selected batch. For details, refer to Resetting Periods.
Release Releases all encumbrances in a batch so they can be posted. This item clears the Hold field for each record in the batch.
Post Posts encumbrance records to Fund Accounting for a selected batch. The system only posts a record if its Hold field is blank.
Load External Displays the Load External File page, which lets you import batch encumbrances from external text files.


Display Encumbrance Details

Select a batch on the Batch Encumbrances page, then select Accept to open the Post Encumbrances - Batch Entry page. The selected batch's Control Number appears in the page title.

Enter Search Criteria to narrow the number of records displayed from the batch, or select Search with no criteria to display the entire batch.

If an encumbrance line item has multiple accounting distribution rows, each row displays as an individual record in the List section. Keep this in mind when updating and deleting batch records.

Add a Record to a Batch

From the Post Encumbrances - Batch Entry page, select Add to open the Add Batch Encumbrance page. The selected batch's Control Number is defaulted in the new record and cannot be edited.

Fill out the fields and select Accept to add a record to the batch.

Change a Batch Record

From the Post Encumbrances - Batch Entry page, perform a search, select a record, then select Accept to open the Post Encumbrances - Batch Change page. The selected batch's Control Number appears in the page title.

Edit fields as needed and select Accept to update the record.

Delete a Batch

This procedure deletes an entire batch. You can also delete individual encumbrance records within a batch file

  1. Select a batch file.
  2. Select Delete.
  3. In the Confirmation dialog, click Yes.

Print the Batch Encumbrance Edit List

  1. To print an individual batch file, select the batch, then Print.
    To include more than one batch, select Print Multiple Batches. In the Print Encumbrances Selection page's Control Number field, enter multiple control numbers separated by the pipe symbol, for example, 1050|1055|1070, or leave the field blank to include all batches. Select OK.
  2. In the Print window, specify how to generate the report, and then select OK. The report's default file name is batchenc.rpt.

Release Batch Encumbrance Records

  1. Generate the Batch Encumbrance Edit List, if needed.
  2. Make changes to encumbrance records in the batch file as needed, including selecting or clearing the Hold field.
  3. Select the batch you want to release and from the Action Bar select Release. The system clears the Hold fields for all records in the batch.
  4. In the confirmation dialog, click OK.
  5. If you release an entire batch in error, you can change a batch record to put it back on hold.

Post Batch Encumbrance Records

Records that are On Hold (not released) will remain in the batch file.
  1. Generate the Batch Encumbrance Edit List, if needed.
  2. Make changes to encumbrance records in the batch file as needed, including selecting or clearing the Hold field.
  3. Return to the Batch Encumbrances page by backing out of other pages, if needed.
  4. Select the batch containing the records you want to post, and from the Action Bar select Post.
  5. In the Post Confirmation dialog, select Yes. The Batch Encumbrances Post Results page appears with details about the records that posted and records that did not post due to data conflicts.
  6. Click OK.

External File Requirements

From the Action Bar, select Load External to load batch encumbrance records into your database from pipe-delimited, plain-text files from either your personal computer or network server.

Before using this item, verify that the source text file is formatted correctly. You are loading the data directly into a database table (dencumbr), so the text file's field data must be arranged in exactly the same order as the corresponding table columns.

  • The system uses the pipe ( | ) symbols in the text file to determine where one field value ends and the next one begins.
  • In optional fields, you can omit field data from the text file by placing two pipe symbols next to each other in the appropriate position.
  • The system provides default values for the following fields if you leave them blank: Hold Flag, Date Entered, Entered By, Fiscal Year, Period, Sales Tax, and Use Tax.
  • The following fields require data in the text file: PO/Encumbrance Number, Line Number, Vendor Number, Key Organization, and Expenditure Account. We also recommend including the Encumbrance Amount.
  • You can define the batch record's Control Number in either the text file or the Load External File page. Control numbers are required for batch encumbrance records.
  • The text file can contain multiple batch encumbrance records, but you cannot have blank lines between records. Enter a hard return at the end of each record.
  • Make sure the PO/Encumbrance Number is formatted according to the Zero-Fill Length of PO Numbers field in the Fund Accounting Profile. This setting determines the number of spaces the system automatically fills with zeroes for your purchase order records.
    For instance, if the zero-fill value is 6, then for a record with the code 36A, you would need to add three zeroes at the beginning of the field in the text file, making the code 00036A.

When formatting the text file if you were leaving data out of fields that are optional or generate default values, data is omitted in the following fields:

Project Code

Optional unless you use project accounting for expenditures.

Project Account

Optional unless project accounting applies.

Date Encumbered


Hold Flag

Defaults Y, meaning there is a posting hold on the record.

Date Entered

Defaults the current system date.

Entered By

Defaults your login ID.

Batch Control Number

Defaults the control number you enter in the Load External File page.

Fiscal Year

Defaults the fiscal year from the Fund Accounting Profile.


Defaults the fiscal year period from the Fund Accounting Profile.

Sales Tax

Defaults 0.00.

Use Tax

Defaults 0.00.

The Encumbrance Description field is optional, but we recommend you define a description so the transaction can be readily identified in listings and reports.

Load an External File

  1. From the Action Bar, select Load External.
  2. Select a radio button to identify where the file is stored:

    Client PC (default)

    Your personal computer


    Your network computer

  3. In the File Name field, identify the file by entering its name and directory path.
    • If you select Client PC, select Upload to display a page to search for and select the file. The path and filename will populate the File Name field after you select the file.
    • If you select Server, enter the directory path and filename. You need to upload the file to the server before you can load it.
  4. In the Control Number (optional) field:
    • Enter a number to identify the batch file you are creating. This overrides the number in the external file and applies to all records in the file.
    • To use the numbers stored in the external file, leave the field blank.
    • The Control Number field in the external file is required. You must enter a control number for each row. Otherwise, the file cannot be loaded.
  5. Click OK to load the file.
    • If the load is successful, a confirmation dialog appears, indicating the file import was complete. The batch file's control number displays in the Batch Encumbrances page's list section if the file is for the current year.
    • If the system cannot load the file, a confirmation dialog indicates that the import did not complete. The dialog may be preceded by another dialog indicating the type of error the system encountered.
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