File Import and Data Selection Page
On this page:
The Batch Budget Adjustments page's Import item enables you to load batch budget adjustments from files stored either on your personal computer or network server.
Menu Path: Fund Accounting > Entry & Processing > Budget Ledgers > Batch Budget Adjustments > click Import on the Action Bar
Import Wizard
The Import item launches the Import Wizard, which takes you step by step through:
- Loading the file.
- Mapping the columns on the file to the fields in the database table.
- Mapping static columns that are required by the Batch Budget Adjustment option, but not defined in the file.
- Saving the mapping that was created to be used for future file imports.
- Viewing a list of warnings and error messages generated during the data validation. These are the same messages a user receives when manually adding batch budget adjustment records.
File Requirements
Your ability to import a file depends on the following:
- You must have the proper security resource to access the Import item.
- The data in the file's fields must comply with the field requirements in budget adjustment records. For example, if a field requires numeric data and the field in the external file contains characters, the system cannot import the file.
- The file must be formatted as XML Spreadsheet 2003, Comma Separated (CSV), Tab-Delimited (TDF/TXT), or Pipe-Delimited ( | ).
- The extension on the file to be imported must be *.xml, *.exml, *.csv, *.txt, or *.unl.
Creating a File for Import
Users can create the file to be imported into batch budget adjustments in any manner they choose. The easiest way is to use a spreadsheet program. The file can contain one or more batches of budget adjustments. The database table used to store batch budget adjustment is dexpledgr.
The file created can contain any of the following fields in any order. Once the file is created, it must be saved with the extension *.xml, *.exml, *.csv, *.txt, or *.unl.
- dexpledgr.batch (Control Number) – Required
Required, must be included in the file or entered in the Static Column Value Mapping page of the wizard.
If importing multiple budget adjustments that should have different control numbers, the control numbers must be in the file. When the control number is set on the Static Column Value Mapping page, all budget adjustments will be linked to the same control number.
- dexpledgr.key_orgn (*Budget Unit*) - Required
- dexpledgr.account (Account) – Required
- dexpledgr.amount (Adjustment Amount) – Required
- dexpledgr.yr (Fiscal Year) – Required
If the fiscal year is not in the file, the fiscal year will default on the Static Column Value Mapping page. The default is from the Year field on the Fund Accounting Profile. This field can be modified to the prior year if necessary.
If importing multiple adjustments spanning multiple years, then this field should be included in the file, otherwise it can be entered in the Static Column Value Mapping page of the wizard and that value will be used for all adjustments. - dexpledgr.period (Period) – Required
If the period is not in the file, the period will default on the Static Column Value Mapping page. The default is from the Period field on the Fund Accounting Profile. This field can be modified to another period if necessary.
If importing multiple adjustments spanning multiple periods, then this field should be included in the file, otherwise it can be entered in the Static Column Value Mapping page of the wizard and that value will be used for all adjustments. - dexpledgr.app_group (*Approval*)
Required, if Budget Transfers/Adjustment Approvals field on the Fund Accounting Profile is selected.
If importing multiple adjustments with different approval groups, then this field should be included in the file, otherwise it can be entered in the Static Column Value Mapping page of the wizard and that value will be used for all adjustments.
Control Buttons
The Import Wizard displays the following controls for navigating from page to page:
- Next - advances you to the next page.
- Previous - returns you to the previous page.
- Cancel - returns you to the Batch Budget Adjustments page.
Importing batch budget adjustment records
- Select Fund Accounting > Entry & Processing > Budget Ledgers > Batch Budget Adjustments to display the Batch Budget Adjustments page.
- Click Import to display the File Import and Data Selection page.
- Click Browse... in the File to Import field to locate the file that you want to import from your personal computer or network server.
- Once the file is located, select the file, and click Open to display the file in the File to Import field.
- Click Load to load the data from the file into the Import File Data section of the File Import and Data Selection page.
- In the Import File Data section, select the line that will be used for the Column Titles, and then click the following:
- Set Column Titles - to display the data selected in the column headings of the Import File Data section.
- Reset Column Titles - to put the line back into the list section, if you selected the wrong line. After clicking this button, select the correct line and then click Set Column Titles again.
- Once the column titles are set, select the lines of the file to be imported.
- To select a range of consecutive lines, select the first line, hold down the <Shift> key, and then click the last line.
- To select lines individually, hold down the <Ctrl> key, and then click each line.
- To select all of the lines from the import, click Select All.
- When the lines have been selected, click Next.
- In the Define Column Mapping page:
- Select a mapping from the drop down in the Saved Import Mapping field,
or - Tab into the Table Field column for the first Import File Column to map the file column to the appropriate field in the database table.
- Select a mapping from the drop down in the Saved Import Mapping field,
- After mapping the columns in the file to the fields in the database table, click Next.
- If the data in the file does not meet the requirements of the database table, the Import Errors page displays. You cannot proceed until the file or mapping is corrected.
- If there are no errors with the requirements between the data in the file and the database table, proceed to Step 11.
- In the Static Column Value Mapping page:
- Required fields from the database table that are not mapped on the Define Column Mapping page will display.
- Non-required fields that are in the database table and not in the file can be selected by clicking Append Row. When the dexpledgr.yr (Fiscal Year) and dexpledgr.period (Period) are mapped statically, their values will default.
- Once the static mapping is complete, click Next.
- In the Save Import Mapping page:
- To identify the mapping you defined, assign a unique name.
- To allow the mapping to be used by anyone who can import a file, select Public, which allows users to modify the mapping if needed.
- To limit use of the mapping to yourself, select Restricted, which allows only the owner to update the saved mapping.
The ability to add and update an import mapping on the Save Import Mapping page is dependent on security, in addition to the Restricted field. - Click Finish to exit the Import Wizard.
- If there are any errors found during data validation of the file being imported, the Import Status page displays error and warning messages:
- The Line # column represents the line number in the actual file to help you find the data that needs to be corrected before it can be imported.
- The Summary Information section displays the number of Errors, Warnings, and Successes. If there are no Successes, the Import item will not appear on the page.
- In the Display Results field, you can choose to display Warnings Only, Errors Only, Warnings/Errors Only, or Show All.
- You can print the listing of errors by clicking Print.
- If no errors are found in the data validation or if the Import item is selected in the Import Status page, a confirmation dialog displays.
Click Yes to import the file. - A final confirmation dialog displays, listing the batch adjustments imported into Batch Adjustments. Click OK to complete the process.
The budget adjustment will now display in the Batch Budget Adjustments page. The budget adjustment's Hold Status will be set to On Hold.
File Import and Data Selection Page
This page allows users to select the file and records to import into Batch Budget Adjustments.
Field | Description |
File to Import | The directory path indicating the location of the file on your personal computer or network server, in addition to the file's name. |
Line # | The number representing the line in the file to be imported. |
Column 1- Column 30Column 1 - 100 | Represents the column headings for the file to be imported. |
Define Column Mapping Page
This page allows users to map the columns in the file to be imported with the fields in database table.
Field | Description |
Saved Import Mapping | Lists the mapping you created or mappings set to public. When a saved mapping is selected, the table field mapping defaults into the page's Column Mapping section. |
Import File Column | Lists the Column Titles set on the File Import and Data Selection page. |
Table Field | Lists the table and field names from the database table. Select the appropriate field to map the Import File Column item to. |
Field Description | User-friendly name for the value in the Table Field column. Display only. |
Import Errors Page
This page generates a list of errors where the data in the file does not match the requirements of the fields in the database table.
Field | Description |
Line # | The number representing the line in the file to be imported. |
Import File Column | Lists the Column Titles set on the File Import and Data Selection page. |
Table Field | Lists the table and field names from the database table. |
Value | The data in the field that is generating the error. |
Error Message | The error message explaining why the value does not meet the database requirements. |
Static Column Value Mapping Page
This page allows users to statically map required fields in the database table to a value. This value is used for all lines of the file to be imported.
Field | Description |
Table Field | Lists the table and field names from the database table that have not been mapped on the Define Column Mapping page.
Field Description | User-friendly name for the value in the Table Field column. Display only. |
Value | The value that will be used for all rows in the file to be imported. |
Save Import Mapping Page
This page allows users save the mapping created in the Define Column Mapping and Static Column Value Mapping pages.
Field | Description |
Mapping Name | Name identifying the mapping. |
Owner | Identifies the user who created the mapping, as well as the date and time. If another user updates the mapping, this user's ID displays instead. |
Public | Select this checkbox to allow all users access to the mapping. The mapping will appear in the Saved Import Mapping field of the Define Column Mapping page. Clear the box to prevent others from using this mapping, in which case only the owner will have access. |
Restricted | Select this checkbox to prevent users from updating the mapping if selected in the Saved Import Mapping field of the Define Column Mapping page. In this case, only the owner will be able to update the mapping. Clear the box to allow other users to update the saved mapping. |
Save Option | Determines how the mapping should be saved. Select: Create new mapping- to require a unique Mapping Name |
Import Status Page
This page allows users to see error and warning messages generated during the data validation of the Import to Batch Budget Adjustments.
Field | Description |
Number of Errors | The count of errors found during the data validation that will prevent the data from being imported. Display only. |
Number of Warnings | The count of warnings found during the data validation. Warnings will not prevent the data from being imported. Display only. |
Number of Successes | The count of successes found during the data validation. Display only. |
Display Results | Allows you to decide which records you want to display in the list and on the Import Status Report. Select: Show Errors Only - to only show the error messages preventing the lines from being imported. |
Indicator | Displays the indicators for errors, warnings, and successes. |
Line # | The number representing the line in the file to be imported. |
Status | Displays error and warning messages. Also displays successes if Show All is selected in the Display Results field. |