Batch Budget Adjustments Page
Use Batch Budget Adjustments to set up and maintain budget adjustment records that are stored in batch files. From this page, you can access additional pages to add, update, import, print, and post batch adjustments.
The Batch Budget Adjustments page's Batch Selection section includes two sections:
The list section displays batch files of adjustment records. You can choose to display batch files that you created or show all batch files stored in your database.
Results are based on your security level.- The detail section displays the list of adjustment records stored in the batch file selected in the list section.
You can perform the following tasks for Batch Budget Adjustments:
- Add a record or batch
- Change or update a record or batch
- Delete a record or batch
- Import a batch file
- Generate reports
- Post a batch
Menu Path
From the Fund Accounting main menu, select Entry & Processing. In the Budget Ledgers menu, choose Batch Budget Adjustments.
Action Bar Items
The action bar items will change based on whether you have selected a batch in the list section or a specific record in the detail section.
Selection on Batch
Release / Post | Displays the Release / Post page. If you are using approvals for batch budget adjustments, the release and post process routes the records to the approvers. |
Set Period | Displays the Set Period page. You can change the period, fiscal year, and transaction date. You can also change the period and year when adding or changing a batch record. |
Reports | Generates a detailed or summary report on the adjustments. |
Print Multiple Batches | Displays the Print Adjustments Selection page. You can generate an edit list of one or more batch files. |
Import | Displays the File Import and Data Selection page. You can import batch budget adjustments from files stored on your computer or shared network. Supported file formats are: .xml, .exml, .csv, .txt, or .unl. |
Selection on Record
Release / Post | Displays the Release / Post page. If you are using approvals for batch budget adjustments, the release and post process routes the records to the approvers. |
Approval Status | Displays the Budget Adjustment Approval Status page. This item is available in the Batch Budget Adjustments page's details section for adjustments that have been routed for approval through the Release / Post process. If a batch does not require approval, a message appears indicating that there is no approval information. |
Delete Row | Deletes the selected budget adjustment record from the batch. |
Understanding Batch Adjustments
Before posting a batch of file adjustment records, you can print an edit list of the file's contents and change or delete the adjustments as needed. You can then release the batch and post its adjustment records to your database. If you are using approvals, the release and post process will route records to the approvers.
Consider the following information about batch adjustments:
- As with regular budget adjustments, you enter the amount of the adjustment, not the amount of the new budget. Use a positive number to increase a budget or a negative number to decrease.
- You can adjust expenditure and revenue budgets, but not project budgets. Project adjustments are made in the Project Ledger.
- You can require adjustments to be approved before posting.
- With expenditure adjustments, you can only change the budget amounts for specific periods. With revenue adjustments, the periods selected relate only to posting, since revenues can only be budgeted on an annual basis.
You can delete individual adjustment records or an entire batch.
Make sure that you have selected the individual record or batch accurately before deleting. You can use the action bar items to confirm that your selection is at the correct level.
Batch Adjustments or Transfers and Pending Balances
The system tracks a pending balance for all expenditure ledger records. The pending balance is equal to the record's actual budgetary balance with all existing batch budget adjustments and transfers included. When performing budget checking for a financial transaction, the system refers to the pending balance for the expenditure ledger record.
Therefore, batch budget adjustments and transfers can affect your ability to enter transactions for an expenditure ledger record, depending on:
- The amount of all batch budget adjustments and transfers for the expenditure ledger record.
- The Check Budget Balance setting for the associated budget unit on the Organization Chart.
Display the Pending Balance for an Expenditure Ledger Record
- From the Fund Accounting main menu, select Entry & Processing. In the Budget Ledgers menu, select Expenditure Ledger.
- In Selection Criteria, enter criteria to identify the desired records and click Find or Search. To run an advanced search, click Advanced or Advanced Search.
- Select the record, then on the action bar click Budget Control.
On the Budget Control Status page, select the expenditure ledger record, then on the action bar click Period Balances.
The Period Balances page displays the ledger record's actual Balance and the Pending Balance. These amounts will differ if there are batch budget adjustments and transfers for the record.
You can add, display, or delete attachments for the Batch Budget Adjustment page. Select a detail record and click the View Attachments icon.