Change Batch Adjustment Records
Use the Change Batch Budget Adjustments page to update batch adjustment records. You can only change the following fields: Period, Year, Description, Budget Adjust (adjustment amount), and Hold. All other fields are display-only.
Menu Path
From the Fund Accounting menu, select Entry & Processing. In the Budget Ledgers menu, choose Batch Budget Adjustments. Select a batch from Batch Selection, then select a detail record from the list and click OK or Accept.
Action Bar
The page's action bar displays the following items:
Expenditure Ledger | Displays the Expenditure Budgets page, where you can access records in your expenditure ledger. |
Revenue Ledger | Displays the Revenue Budgets page, where you can access records in your revenue ledger. |
Change a Batch Budget Adjustment Record
On the Change Batch Budget Adjustments page, change the following fields as needed:
Period Accounting period in the fiscal year, 1-13. Period 13 is used only after the end of a fiscal year. Year Four-digit fiscal year. You can change this to the prior year, in which case you must also change the Period field to period 13. Description Brief description of the adjustment. Character/25 Budget Adjust (adjustment amount) Dollar-and-cents amount to add to or subtract from the budget unit-account's current balance. You may enter a positive or negative number. For example, to reduce the current balance by $1000, enter -1000. Hold Select Hold to prevent the adjustment from being posted. You can clear the box for the current adjustment or use the Release/Post item on the Batch Budget Adjustments page to release all adjustment records within a batch.
Click OK or Accept to save the record.
If an adjustment is under review for approval, a confirmation displays prompting if you want to restart the approval process. If you click Yes to restart the process, the status of the records is reset to Open.- When you return to the Batch Budget Adjustments page's details section, you can select another detail record from the same batch, or click Back or click in the list section to return to the list section to select a different batch.
You can add, display, or delete attachments on the Change Batch Budget Adjustment page. Click the View Attachments icon.