Generating Batch Budget Adjustment Reports
The Batch Budget Adjustments option enables you to generate a variety of reports on your adjustment records. You can use these reports to verify that the data in your records is correct in terms of the adjusted amounts, the budget units/accounts affected, and their current and pending balances.
Menu Path: Fund Accounting > Entry & Processing > Budget Ledgers > Batch Budget Adjustments
Report Options
The Batch Budget Adjustments page provides three report options:
Action Bar item. Enables you to generate a detailed report on the selected adjustment records or a summary report on all budget unit/account records in your system, including the projected balances from budget adjustments.
The detail report's title is Proposed Budget Amendments Detail Listing, while the summary report's title is Proposed Budget Summary Report.
Print Multiple Batches Action Bar item. Enables you to generate a detailed report on the selected batch files. The report's title is Proposed Budget Amendments Listing.
Print Toolbar item. Enables you to generate a detailed report on a selected batch file. This report, Proposed Budget Amendments Listing, is the same as the one produced by the Print Multiple Batches item in terms of title and format. The difference is that with this option, you can only generate a report on a single batch file.
Following are the procedures for using the Batch Budget Adjustments page's report options:
Using the Reports Item
- Select Fund Accounting > Entry & Processing > Budget Ledgers > Batch Budget Adjustments to display the Batch Budget Adjustments page.
- Click Reports.
In the Report Option section, select one of the following radio buttons:
Detail Report
Generates a detailed report on the selected batch files. The report's data includes budget/account codes, adjustment amounts, batch control numbers, and record status codes.
Summary Report
Generates a summary report on all your budget code records. The report's data includes budget/account codes, approved budget amounts, proposed adjustments, and proposed amended budget balances.
In the Report Criteria section, the following fields display for the Detail Report option. If you selected the Summary Report option, skip this step.
Entered By - Enables you to enter User IDs. To enter multiple IDs, use the pipe symbol, for example, blaketom|chandgeo|whitemar. To select solely on Control Number, leave the field blank.
Control Number - Enables you to enter the numbers identifying batch files. To enter multiple Control Numbers, use the pipe symbol, for example, A3547|A3555|A3558. To reference all batch files, leave the field blank.Use the following fields to select the report's primary and secondary sort orders:
Organization Sort
Select a reporting level to use as the primary sort order. The choices include: Organization, Fund, and Levels 2-9.
Account Sort
Select one of the following as the secondary sort order: Account, First Sub-Account, Second Sub-Account, or Third Sub-Account.
- Click OK.
In the Print page, enter your report settings. The report's title and default file name depends on the option selected in Step 3:
Proposed Budget Amendments Detail Listing
Proposed Budget Summary Report
- Click OK to generate the report.
Using the Print Multiple Batches Item
- Select Fund Accounting > Entry & Processing > Budget Ledgers > Batch Budget Adjustments to display the Batch Budget Adjustments page.
- Click Print Multiple Batches.
- In the Control Number field:
- Select an individual batch file by entering its Control Number.
- Select multiple batch files by using the pipe symbol, for example, EJ1530|MR2850|LT1100.
- Select all available batch files by leaving the field blank.
- Click OK.
- In the Print window, enter your settings, and click OK. The default file name of the report is budamdt.rpt.
Using Print
- Select Fund Accounting > Entry & Processing > Budget Ledgers > Batch Budget Adjustments to display the Batch Budget Adjustments page.
The page's upper list section shows all the batch files stored in your system. - Select the batch file to include in the report.
- Click Print.
- In the Print window, enter your settings, and click OK. The default file name of the report is budamdt.rpt.