Post Revenue Budget Transfer Page
Use the Post Budget Transfer page to transfer budgeted revenue amounts from one budget unit-account to another. Following are some of the guidelines related to transfers:
- Each transfer requires at least two entries. The first identifies the budget unit-account providing the revenue (From Amount), and the second identifies the budget unit-account receiving the revenue (To Amount).
- You can transfer revenues from one budget unit-account to multiple budget units-accounts, as long as each transfer is within the same fund.
- While you cannot transfer amounts between funds, you can enter transfers within more than one fund in the same record.
- The totals of the From Amount and To Amount fields for each fund must be equal to save a record.
- The system generates two transaction records for each individual transfer, one for the From amount and one for the To amount.
Menu Path: Fund Accounting > Entry & Processing > Budget Ledgers > Revenue Ledger > search for and select a record > click Transfer on the Action Bar
Transferring Revenue Budget Amounts
- Select Fund Accounting > Entry & Processing > Budget Ledgers > Revenue Ledger to display the Revenue Budgets page.
- In the Selection Criteria section, enter criteria to identify the records to list, and then click Find. To run an advanced search, use the Advanced button.
- Select the budget record you want to adjust, and then click Transfer to display the Post Budget Transfer page.
- If needed, click Set Period on the Action Bar to change the Period or Transaction Date for the transfer. Click OK to save your entries and return to the Post Budget Transfers page.
- In the Transfer Number field, enter a number to identify the transfer.
- If the User Assigned BT (Budget Transfer) Number field in your Fund Accounting Profile is not selected, the system defaults the next available sequential number. You may change this to another unique (unused) number if needed.
- In the Description field, enter a brief description of the transfer.
- In the Control Number field, enter a number for tracking the transfer in the Fund Accounting > Entry & Processing > Detailed Displays > Transactions option.
- Clear the Continuous checkbox. If you are transferring funds for most of the records found in your search, you can keep the box selected, but usually transfers are done for accounts that are selected individually.
- Click OK.
- On the first row in the Transfer section, tab through the Budget Unit and Account fields, and then enter a brief description in the Description field.
- In the From Amount field, enter the amount you are transferring from the current budget unit-account combination. Tab through the To Amount field to accept its 0.00 default.
- On the next row, enter the Budget Unit, Account, and Description for the budget unit-account combination receiving the transfer.
- Tab through the From Amount field to accept its 0.00 default, and in the To Amount field, enter the amount being transferred to the current budget unit-account combination.
- If needed, repeat Steps 12-13 if the From Amount is being transferred to more than one account. Make sure the total from the To Amount fields equals the value in the From Amount field.
- Click OK to post the transfer and return to the Revenue Budgets page.
- To enter a transfer for another record in the current list, repeat Steps 3-15.
Header Section
Use this section to identify the transfer record.
Field | Description |
Transfer Number | Key number identifying the transaction. Character/8
To access the transfer in the Fund Accounting > Entry & Processing > Detailed Displays > Transactions option, enter this number in the option’s Journal Entry Number field. |
Description | Brief description or reason for the transfer. Character/25 |
Control Number | Number for tracking the transfer. Character/8 To access the transfer in the Fund Accounting > Entry & Processing > Detailed Displays > Transactions option, enter this number in the option’s Control Number field. The system generates two records for each individual transfer, one for the From Amount and the other for the To Amount. |
Transfer Section
Use this section to identify the budget unit-account combinations used in the transfer. The from and to amounts must be entered on separate rows.
Field | Description |
*Budget Unit* | Low organization either providing the transfer amount (From Amount) or receiving the transfer amount (To Amount). If your Fund Accounting Profile is set up for full expensing, the Full Account Window page will display to enter the budget unit. For the procedure, refer to Full Account Window Page. |
Account | Revenue account associated with the low organization that is either providing or receiving the transfer amount. |
Description | Brief description or reason for the transfer being made either from or to the current budget unit-account. Character/25 |
From Amount | Amount being transferred from the budget unit-account identified. Required if you are recording a transfer and enter zero in the To Amount field. If you entered a To Amount, leave this field at its 0.00 default. |
To Amount | Amount being transferred to the budget unit-account identified. If you entered a From Amount, leave this field at its 0.00 default, and use the next row to enter the To Amount. |
Totals Section
The following display-only fields provide budget information for the budget unit-account combination on the current transfer line.
Field | Description |
Total | Two totals, the first for the From Amounts and the other for the To Amounts.
The following display-only fields provide budget information for the budget unit-account currently entered on a transfer line. |
Current Budget | Total revenues budgeted in the fiscal year for this budget unit-account. |
Receipts | Total revenues received in the fiscal year-period to date for the budget record. |
Receivables | Total revenues currently stored in the budget record. |
Budget Balance | Total revenues remaining in the fiscal year for this budget record. The system uses the following formula to calculate the balance: Budget Balance = Current Budget - (Receipts + Receivables) |