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Transaction History

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Menu Path: Fixed Assets > Entry & Processing > Fixed Assets > Transaction History

The Fixed Assets System maintains history records of all additions, changes, and deletions affecting your asset records. The Transaction History option enables you to list, print, and purge these records.

The following are a few examples of how Transaction History records generate:

  • When you add an asset or improvement, the system creates a history record with the asset ID, date of the addition, login ID of the person who created the record, and the designation NEW ASSET.
  • When you change a field in an asset record, the history includes the asset ID, date and time of the change, login ID of the person who made the change, name of the field changed, and the field's old and new values. Comments entered during the change procedure have the designation *COMMENTS.
  • When you delete or purge an asset, the system creates a history record for each field in the record. In this case, the history designation is PURGED.

List History Pages

Use the Transaction History page to review records on the additions, changes, and deletions made to your asset records. In addition to being able to display records, you can also print or store a report on the history records you select.

The history records include the following data:

  • Asset ID
  • Improvement Number
  • Transaction Date
  • Transaction Time
  • Operator ID
  • Field Name
  • Old Value
  • New Value

List Transaction History Records

  1. Choose the Transaction History page.

  2. Enter selection criteria to identify the records to display.

  3. Click OK.

  4. In the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Level Sort fields, select a sort field for each level indicated.

  5. Click Find.

Generate the Fixed Assets Transaction History Report

  1. Complete the previous procedure.

  2. Click Print.

  3. Specify how to generate the report, then click OK. The report's default file name is transact.rpt.

  4. Click OK.




Asset ID

Unique number that combines with an improvement number to identify an asset or improvement.

Improvement Number (untitled)

Number identifying an asset or improvement, in combination with the record's asset ID. The improvement number for an asset is always 000. For improvements, the number is always 001 or higher.

Transaction Date

Date of the addition, change, or deletion. You can use the greater than (>) or less than (<) symbol in this field. For example, <01012019 selects all history records created before January 1, 2019.

Transaction Time

Time of the addition, change, or deletion in HH:MM:SS format. Usually, this field should be left blank, though it may be useful in searching for a change that was made in the morning or afternoon. For example, to find records created before 12 noon, enter <12:00:00.

1st, 2nd, 3rd Sort Levels

Fields for setting the sort order for displays and reports. Open the drop-down, then select a field for sorting records for the level indicated. You may leave any or all fields blank.

If you omit all three sort levels, the default sort order is asset ID, improvement number, then transaction date.

Purge History Records

Use the Purge item on the Transaction History page's Action Bar to delete history records for assets that were purged from the system. After processing the purge, the system generates the Fixed Assets Purged report showing the history records affected. For information on purging asset records, refer to Purge Retired Assets.

You cannot delete history records that were created during the current year. Also, keep in mind that the Purge item does not display until you generate a list of history records.

  1. Choose the Transaction History page.

  2. Enter criteria to identify the records to purge.

  3. Click OK.

  4. Select the fields to use for sorting for the levels indicated.

  5. Click OK.

    Not all of the records shown will be purged, in particular, records from the current year and records for assets that still exist.

  6. Click Purge.

  7. Click OK.

  8. Specify how to generate the report, then click OK. The report's default file name is fxpurged.rpt.

  9. Click OK.

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