1099-R Work File Maintenance
Use this option to display, add, change, and delete employee records in your 1099-R work file.
If users make changes to employee records or Effective Date Changes records to the employee name, address, or Social Security number fields, they may encounter a prompt asking if the change should be applied to W2 and 1099-R records. The message displays if one of these conditions is met:
The W2 Address Prompting Enabled checkbox on the W2 Processing page is selected.
The system month is January.
W2 or 1099-R information exists for the prior year.
Select Yes to update W2 and 1099-R records for the employee. Otherwise, the W2 and 1099-R records are not updated with the edits.
Menu path
From the Human Resources menu, select Periodic Routines. From the Year End menu, select 1099-R Processing. Click 1099-R Work File Maintenance.
List employee 1099-R records
On the Maintain 1099-R Workfile page, in the Search Criteria section, enter criteria to identify employee records for the tax year being reported. To perform an advanced search, click Advanced Search.
Click Accept.
Add a 1099-R employee record
On the Maintain 1099-R Workfile page. click Add new.
Complete the fields in each of the tabs. For details, refer to the Fields and descriptions section of this page.
After you complete the last field on a tab, the system advances to the next tab. When you complete the last field on the State tab, press Tab to return to the Base Information tab Continuous checkbox.
For the Base Information tab Continuous checkbox:
Select the checkbox to enter multiple records, and then press Tab to save the record and return to the Tax Year field. You may enter another record by repeating the steps for each record. To end the process after adding your last record, click Back in the Tax Year field.
Leave the checkbox blank if this is the only record being added.
Click Accept.
Change a 1099-R employee record
Complete the procedure to list employee records.
Select the record you want to change, and then click Accept.
Change the desired fields. For more information, refer to the Fields and descriptions section of this page.
For the Base Information tab Continuous checkbox:
Select the checkbox to proceed to the next record in the List section after you save the current record. Repeat the steps for each record you need to change. Click Back when you finish your entries.
Leave the checkbox blank if this is the only record being changed.
Click Accept.
Delete a 1099-R employee record
Complete the procedure to list employee records.
Select the record you want to delete.
Click Delete.
On the Confirmation dialog, click Yes to delete the record.
Fields and descriptions
Search Criteria and List
Field | Description |
Tax Year | Select one or more calendar years to list. To access records for all tax years, leave the field blank. |
Employee Number | Employee ID number.
First Name | Employee first and middle name or initial, as stored in the Employee Information detail page. |
Last Name | Employee last name and suffix, as stored in the Employee Information detail page.
Base Information
Field | Description |
Tax Year | Calendar year of the tax records being reported. The Tax Year and Employee Number fields combine to identify a 1099-R record. |
Employee Number | Employee identification number. When you enter a valid ID, all of the remaining fields, except Pay Group, default data from the Employee Information detail page. |
Pay Group | Identifies the employee pay group. In most cases, you should enter the code from the employee primary pay rate. The limit is one character. |
Department | Identifies the employee assigned department, as defined in the Department table. |
Social Security | Employee Social Security number. The system provides the dashes. |
Last Name | Employee last name and suffix as they should appear on the 1099-R, for example, JOHNSON JR or RIVERA. The limit is 30 characters. |
First Name | Employee first name, as it should appear on the 1099-R, for example, DIANE R. The limit is 30 characters. |
Middle Name | Employee middle name or initial as it should appear on the 1099-R. The limit is 30 characters. |
Suffix | Employee name suffix, if applicable, as it should appear on the 1099-R. Select:
Address Line 1 Address Line 2 | Two lines, the first for the employee street address and the second for additional address information, such as a post office box number. The limit is 30 characters per line. |
City | Employee city of residence. The limit is 25 characters |
State | Employee state of residence. Select the state abbreviation from the list. |
Zip Code | Two fields for the employee zip code, the first for the five digit code and the second for the four digit extension. |
Field | Description |
Account Number | Account number for distributing employee pension payments. The limit is 20 characters. |
Gross Distribution | Total of all payments in the tax year. |
Taxable Amount | Taxable amount of the gross distribution. |
Taxable Amount Not Determined | Checkbox indicating whether you can obtain the data to calculate the taxable amount. If you cannot, select the box, in which case an X appears in the checkbox on the 1099-R form. |
Total Distribution | Checkbox indicating whether the year’s payments include the final balance of the employee account. If so, select the field, in which case an X appears in the checkbox on the 1099-R form. If a balance still remains, leave the field blank. |
Capital Gains | Portion of the taxable amount subject to capital gains taxes. |
Federal Income Tax Withheld | Distribution amount withheld for federal income tax. |
Field | Description |
Employee Contribution Or Insurance | Employee contributions toward profit-sharing, retirement, and insurance plans. |
Net Appreciation | If the distribution includes securities from the employer, enter the net amount of unrealized appreciation on the securities. |
Distribution Code | IRS distribution code. For definitions of the codes, refer to the IRS publication, Instructions for Forms 1099-R and 5498. |
IRA/SEP | Checkbox indicating whether this is a traditional IRA, SEP, or SIMPLE distribution. If it is, select the field, in which case an X appears in the section on the 1099-R form. |
Other (Box 8) | Current actuarial value of the annuity contract that is part of a lump sum distribution. This should not be part of the amount in either the Gross Distribution or Taxable Amount field. |
Percent | If the annuity contract referenced in the Other (Box 8) field is part of a multiple recipient lump-sum, enter the percentage of the total annuity contract each 1099-R form represents. |
Percent of Total | Percentage of the distribution received by the employee, if this was the total distribution and it was shared by more than one person. Enter the percentage as a decimal (for example, 50% = 0.5). |
Total Employee Contribution (Box 9B) | Total Employee Contributions. If the distribution is in the form of a life annuity, enter the contributions the recipient can recover tax free. Do not include any amounts recovered tax free in prior years. |
Date of payment | Date payment was received. Select a date or enter in MM/DD/YYYY format. |
All of the fields in the State tab are optional.
Field | Description |
Tax State | Abbreviation of the state where the employee paid state income taxes. Select a state abbreviation from the list. |
State Income Tax Withheld | Amount withheld for state income taxes. |
State Distribution | Amount of the distribution subject to state taxes. |
Locality | Name of the municipality where the employee paid local income taxes. Abbreviate the locality name as needed. The limit is 10 characters. |
Local Income Tax Withheld | Amount withheld for local income taxes. |
Local Distribution | Amount of the distribution subject to local taxes. |