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ACA Benefit Group Maintenance

Menu Path: Human Resources, then Periodic Routines, then Affordable Care Act, then ACA Benefit Group Maintenance

The ACA Benefit Group Table is the main option that your organization will use to set up the records necessary to create the 1095 forms. This is a required part of setup for 1095 filing. This table will be empty of records and will need to be set up by your organization. Your organization will need to plan how you wish to organize this table: how you wish to establish your benefit group codes, what conventions you will use, and what you will associate with those groups.

The purposes of this table include:

  • To establish benefit groups containing information for employees offered the same types of coverage, coverage dates, off-set dates and summer coverage information. The information contained in these groups will be based on the way you handle your employee information and your employee coverage.
  • Associate benefit groups with job classes and deduction codes.
  • Copying ACA Benefit groups, so you can easily maintain the groups for each plan year.

Steps to Take On This Page

On this page, you will create the ACA Benefit Groups. There are a few steps to create the groups that you will use. Refer to the Procedures sections related to this page for detailed explanations of these processes.

  1. Create an ACA Benefit group on the ACA Benefit Group Table page.
  2. Associate the Benefit group with a job class or classes using the ACA Benefit Job Class Table page.
  3. Associate the Benefit group with Deduction Codes using the ACA Deduction Coverage Options.

    Do not include Deduction Codes that indicate a waived deduction.

  4. Copy existing records to create records for a new calendar or coverage plan year.

Add a Benefit Group

  1. Access the ACA Benefit Group Table page through:
    Menu Path: Human Resources > Periodic Routines > Affordable Care Act > ACA Benefit Group Maintenance
  2. On the ACA Benefit Group Table page, select New.
  3. Fill in the fields as required. Refer to the Fields section for more information on these fields.

    Once you have saved the Benefit Group record, you will not be able to adjust the Benefit Start Date and Benefit End Date fields, so ensure you have entered the correct dates before saving.

  4. Select OK to save.

Associate Job Class(es) with a Benefit Group

  1. Access the ACA Benefit Group Table page though:
    Menu Path: Human Resources > Periodic Routines > Affordable Care Act > ACA Benefit Group Maintenance
  2. Enter Search Criteria and select Find to search for the group you wish to associate with a job class. In the search results, select the benefit group.
  3. With the group selected, select the Job Classes item. The ACA Benefit Job Class Table page will display.
  4. On the ACA Benefit Job Class Table page, select New.
  5. In the Benefit Job Class Data section at the bottom of the page you will be able to select from a list of your existing job classes. You will not be able to edit the Benefit Group, Coverage Start Date, or Coverage End Date. In the Class drop-down list, select a job class.
  6. To select multiple job classes to add at once, select the Select Code(s) next to the Class field. A Job Class page will display. To select multiple codes, hold down the Ctrl key on the keyboard and select the codes or hold down the Shift key to select a range of codes. When you select OK on this page, the record will be added.
  7. Once you have selected the job class or classes you wish to associate, select OK to save. If the Continuous checkbox is selected, the record will be added and you will be able to add more job classes. If the Continuous checkbox is blank, you will be returned to the list section.
    • Once you have associated a job class with the group, it will not appear in the drop-down list. You cannot associate the job class more than once within a coverage period.
  8. If you incorrectly associate a job class with a benefit group or wish to remove the association, locate it in the ACA Benefit Job Class Table page and select Delete. A confirmation will display, select Yes to delete the job class association. The job class code will then appear in the drop-down list again if you wish to re-associate it.

Associate Deduction Codes with a Benefit Group

  1. Access the ACA Benefit Group Table page through:
    Menu Path: Human Resources > Periodic Routines > Affordable Care Act > ACA Benefit Group Maintenance
  2. Enter Search Criteria and select Find to search for the group you wish to associate with deduction codes. In the search results, select the benefit group.
  3. With the group selected, select the Deduction Codes item. The ACA Deduction Coverage Options page will display.
  4. On the ACA Deduction Coverage Options page, select New to associate a Deduction with the Benefit Group.
  5. In the Deduction Coverage Options Data section, select a deduction code from the Deduction drop-down list. These codes are established in the Payroll Deductions table.
  6. Enter a description in the Plan Type field, enter a name for this type of deduction.
  7. In the Coverage Type field, indicate the type of coverage. For example, Single, Family, Employee +1.
  8. To select multiple deduction codes to add at once, click the Select Code(s) button next to the Deduction field. A Deduction Codes page will display. To select multiple codes, hold down the Ctrl key on the keyboard and select the codes, or hold down the Shift key to select a range of codes. When you select OK on this page, the codes will be added.
  9. Once you have selected the deduction code or codes you wish to associate, select OK to save. If the Continuous checkbox is selected, the record will be added and you will be able to add more deduction codes. If the Continuous checkbox is blank, your cursor will return to the list section.
    • You may associate the same deduction with multiple Benefits Groups with the same or different coverage years.
  10. If you incorrectly associate a deduction with a benefit group or wish to remove the association, locate it in the ACA Deduction Coverage Options page, and select Delete. A confirmation will display. Select Yes to delete the deduction association. The deduction code will then appear in the drop-down list if you wish to re-associate it.

Copy a Benefit Group

To create a Benefit Group record for the new year or coverage cycle, you can copy an existing group to a new coverage period. This will automatically include linked job classes. You can choose whether or not to include deduction codes.

  1. Access the ACA Benefit Group Table page though:
    Menu Path: Human Resources > Periodic Routines > Affordable Care Act > ACA Benefit Group Maintenance
  2. Enter Search Criteria and select Find to search for the group you wish to copy.
  3. Select the group and select Copy. The Copy ACA Benefit Group page will display.
  4. In the New Title field, enter the title for the new benefit group. This field will default the existing group name, and can be changed.
  5. In the New Coverage Start Date field, enter the date the coverage for the new benefit group starts. This cannot overlap with an existing coverage period with the same job classes.
  6. In the New Coverage End Date field, enter the end date for the coverage. This cannot overlap with an existing coverage period with the same job classes.
  7. Select the Include Deductions if you want the new benefit group to include the deduction codes associated with the existing benefit group. If blank, the deduction code associations will not be copied.
  8. Select OK to copy the records. A confirmation will display. You will remain on the Copy ACA Benefit Group page, and can create more copies for coverage periods, if you wish. Select Back to return to the ACA Benefit Group Table page.





Name of the Benefit Group. This can be up to four characters, alpha-numeric.


Descriptive title of the group. For example, Teachers, Administration Staff, Exempt, etc.

Part-Time Status

Drop-down list to determine if the group consists of full-time employees, part-time employees, or both.

Coverage Start Date

The date that the health care coverage plan starts. This could be a calendar year start or another cycle as provided by your healthcare plan. If your plan is not a calendar year, you will have two benefits groups with mutually exclusive dates for the same job class(es).

Coverage End Date

The date of the end of the plan year for your health care coverage. This could be a calendar year end or another cycle as provided by your healthcare plan. If your plan is not a calendar year, you will have two benefits groups with mutually exclusive dates for the same job class(es).

Coverage Offered

Code describing the default type of coverage offered. These are determined by the IRS. Select the Help button next to this field to see full descriptions of the coverage codes.

Offset Type

Drop-down list determining whether or not there is a delay period for healthcare deductions appearing in check history.


I - Immediate
F - 1st of Next Month
D - Waiting Period Days
M - Manual

If you select D-Waiting Period Days, you will be required to enter a value in the Days field. This should be the number of days for the offset.

Hire Offset Type

Drop-down list determining whether or not there is a waiting period for new hires for their healthcare deductions to take effect.


I - Immediate
F - 1st of Next Month
D - Waiting Period Days
M - Manual

If you select D-Waiting Period Days, you will be required to enter a value in the Days field. This should be the number of days for the offset until the employee coverage can start.

Termination Offset Type

Drop-down list determining whether or not there is a waiting period once an employee has been terminated for their healthcare plan to end.


T - Termination Date
F - 1st of Next Month
D - Days After Termination
M - Manual

If you select D-Waiting Period Days, you will be required to enter a value in the Days field. This should be the number of days after the employee termination date that coverage ends. If there is no extra coverage selected (COBRA).

Summer Coverage

Checkbox indicating whether or not the benefit group has summer coverage, meaning even if the employees are not paid during the summer months, they retain healthcare coverage. Leave blank if the group works year-round or if they have coverage only when there is a deduction in check history.

Summer Termination Date

Date which is the last day, if the group falls under Summer Coverage, the employees will still have healthcare coverage for the summer months even if they have been terminated. Enter date before which there is no summer coverage for an employee terminated at the end of the school year. Required if the Summer Coverage checkbox is selected.

Employee Share Amount

Monthly cost to the employee for the lowest cost single employee coverage for the group providing minimum essential value.

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