ACA Employer Maintenance (Setup Employer Option)
You must create at least one employer record with a tax year and control number before you create employee 1095s.
Menu Path
From the Human Resources menu, select Periodic Routines. In the Affordable Care Act section, select 1095 Maintenance. From the action bar, select Setup Employer.
Manage Employer Records
Add a Record
On the Setup Employer page, select New.
On the Employer tab, select the Tax Year from the drop-down list. This defaults to the current system year.
Enter a unique Control Number for the employer record. The tax year and control number combine to identify a work file when you create employee 1095s.
Enter the fields on the Employer tab as required. For details, refer to the Fields section.
If your organization is eligible for 1095-B status and you want to file the 1095-B form, select the 1095-B checkbox.
If your organization is a Designated Government Entity (DGE), select the Designated Government Entity tab and fill in the information. None of these fields are required.
On the Monthly Information tab, you can fill in the data for your Minimal Essential Coverage (MEC) Offer Indicator, Full-Time and Total Employee Count, Aggregated Group, and Section 4980H Transition Relief. You can indicate if this information is applicable for the full year, or changes by month. Refer to the Fields section for more information on the fields and checkboxes in this tab. For 1095-B organizations, this section is not required.
If your organization is part of an Aggregated Applicable Large Employer Group (ALE), select the Aggregated ALE Group tab. As per the IRS, if your organization was a member of an Aggregated ALE Group for any month of the calendar year, you must report the names and EINs of up to 30 of the other Aggregated ALE Group members in order of size descending from largest. For 1095-B organizations, this section is not required.
On the Pay Information tab, enter the Pay Groups to be considered for the Full Time Employee Count Calculation. Enter * (asterisk) to include all pay groups. Select the Calculation Date: C-Check Date, S-Pay Start Date, or E-Pay End Date. Enter the Pay Runs for Total Employee Count Calculation. Pay runs must include the 12th of the month for which they are entered. Pay runs must be separated by a pipe (|) symbol. Do not use a comma (,). For example 123|A98.
Select Accept to save.
Edit a Record
Choose the 1095 Employee File Update page and select Setup Employer to display the ACA 1095 Maintenance Setup page.
On the ACA 1095 Maintenance Setup page, enter search criteria to search for the employer record you wish to edit.
In the List section, select the record you wish to edit, then select OK.
You can edit any of the fields on the tabs of the employer record.
Select OK to save or Back to abandon changes.
Delete a Record
Choose the 1095 Employee File Update page and select Setup Employer to display the ACA 1095 Maintenance Setup page.
On the ACA 1095 Maintenance Setup page, enter search criteria to search for the employer record you wish to delete.
Select the record, then select Delete.
If a 1095 work file containing records has already been created for the given year and control number, an error page displays and you cannot delete the record. You must first use the Purge option to delete the 1095 records before deleting the employer record.
If no 1095 work file has been created for the selected tax year and control group, a confirmation will display. select Yes to delete or No to cancel the delete.
Select Calculation Method
From this page, you can also determine the method to create the 1095 records. The Use Deduction Benefits Date and Use Benefits Module checkboxes on the Employer record determine if your organization uses the Deduction Benefit Effective Date method or the Benefits Module Record. You can choose one or the other of these checkboxes. If you choose neither, the 1095 records generate with the Check History method.
The information regarding employer name, certificates of eligibility, and tabs other than the Employer tab are included on the 1094 transmittal.
You can also set your organization with 1095-B status. New for 2020, organizations with fewer than 50 full-time employees are eligible. This reduces submission requirements for organizations and has the software produce the 1095-B form.
If your organization is eligible for 1095-B status, it is optional. You may continue to file the 1095 form if you wish.
Steps to Take on This Page
Set up an employer record using a specific tax year and control number.
Determine, on the employer record, what method your organization plans to use to create the 1095 (check history, deduction, or benefits module).
Store other information for the 1094 transmittal. If desired, you may set up multiple control numbers to allow 1095 creation in different ways for dependent groups.
Action Bar Items
The following items display on the Action Bar under specific conditions:
Item | Description |
Calculate Full-Time Employee Count | Select to calculate the full-time employee (FTE) count. This calculation requires accurate ACA Hours Tracking table records. It also requires the Pay Groups section of the Pay Information tab, and Tax Year and Calculation Date fields in the Employer tab to determine which records to process and calendar month fields update. This Action Bar item is available based on the following conditions:
The calculation performs as follows: The program checks hours worked by each employee per month. If an employee worked more than 130 in a month, one is added to the FTE Count. Worked hours less than 130 in a month are added to a total of hours worked. Each sum of hours worked per month is divided by 120. That result is added as FTE count. This is added to the already counted FTEs to collect as that month's Full-Time Employee Count in the Monthly Information tab. Manual edits to the Total Full-Time Employee Count fields will be overwritten by this program calculation. |
Calculate Total Employee Count | Select to calculate the total employee count. This updates the Total Employee Count column in the Monthly Information tab with the number of checks processed in a given month. This calculation requires accurate pay run numbers containing checks that include the 12th of each month in the months' pay run fields on the Employer Record's Pay Information tab. Check history records must also be accurate and not voided. This Action Bar item is available based on the following conditions:
The calculation performs as follows: The program reviews records and counts accurate matches. These totals will fill the Total Employee Count month fields in the Monthly Information tab. Manual edits to the Total Employee Count fields will be overwritten by this program calculation. |
Calculate Full-Time Employee Count
Choose the 1095 Employee File Update page and select Setup Employer to display the ACA 1095 Maintenance Setup page.
On the ACA 1095 Maintenance Setup page, enter search criteria to search for the employer record you wish to edit.
In the List section, select the record you wish to edit and then select OK.
On the Action Bar, select Calculate Full-Time Employee Count. Refer to the Action Bar Items section for a description of the calculation.
Calculate Total Employee Count
Choose the 1095 Employee File Update page and select Setup Employer to display the ACA 1095 Maintenance Setup page.
On the ACA 1095 Maintenance Setup page, enter search criteria to search for the employer record you wish to edit.
In the List section, select the record you wish to edit and then select OK.
On the Action Bar, select Calculate Total Employee Count.
In the Print window, specify how to generate the report, then select OK. The report's default file name is employerpayrun.rpt.
Review the report for accuracy and make changes if needed.
The following descriptions are only for fields that require special considerations.
Employer Tab
Field | Description |
Tax Year | The calendar year for the 1095 information being submitted. The tax year and control number combine to identify a work file. Required. |
Control Number | Code uniquely identifying a work file for the selected tax year. Required. Character/8 |
Calculation Method | Determines the calculation method to be used. Select:
Check History Date | Indicates the check history date to be used when creating the work file. Required. Select:
Self Insured | Select this checkbox to indicate your organization is self-insured. If your organization's healthcare provider is providing the information for the 1095-B for covered individuals and your organization is just reporting on offers to employees, clear this box. This will default to selected. If this box is blank, printed 1095 records will not display covered individuals. |
1095-B | Select this checkbox to indicate your organization is eligible for 1095-B status. Eligible organizations have fewer than 50 employees. This is |
Use Benefits Module | Indicates whether the 1095 record should be created from the Employee Benefits System information. If your organization does not have the Employee Benefits system configured, this field does not display. |
Employer Name | Name of your organization. This defaults from your organization's W2 Employer record and can be changed as needed. Required. |
Federal ID Number | Employer Identification Number (EIN) assigned by the IRS. Use a dash to separate the first two digits from the remaining digits: for example, 99-9999999. This defaults from your organization's W2 Employer record and can be changed as needed. Required. |
Street Address | Street address for your organization. This defaults from your organization's W2 Employer record and can be changed as needed. Required. |
Street Address 2 | Additional, specified street address for your organization. This includes apartment, suite, or building numbers. |
City | City name for your organization's address. This defaults from your organization's W2 Employer record and can be changed as needed. Required. |
State | State for your organization's address. This defaults from your organization's W2 Employer record and can be changed as needed. Required. |
Country | Country for your organization's address. This defaults from your organization's W2 Employer record and can be changed as needed. Required. |
Zip Code | Zip code for your organization's address. This defaults from your organization's W2 Employer record and can be changed as needed. Required. |
Contact Name | Name of the primary contact for your organization for 1095 filing. Required by the IRS. |
Phone | Phone number for the primary contact for your organization. Required by the IRS. |
Authoritative Transmittal | Select this checkbox to indicate this work file is the transmittal that the IRS should consider including all information for your organization. |
Member of Aggregated ALE Group | Select this checkbox to indicate your organization is a member of an Applicable Large Employer Group. If your organization and other organizations are offering coverage together, or you are part of a consortium, select this box. If you are a member of a consortium, you will also need to fill in the Aggregated ALE tab of the Employer record. Access the tab to report up to the 30 largest members of your group, including yourself. |
Certifications of Eligibility | Select the checkboxes that apply to your organization regarding the 1095 record. These definitions are according to IRS documentation as of September 15, 2015, and your organization should check the most recent IRS documentation at
Designated Government Entity Tab
If your organization is part of a designated government entity, you will enter the DGE information on this tab. If this does not apply to your organization, this tab should remain blank. Refer to IRS documentation ( for more information on whether this designation applies to your organization.
Field | Description |
DGE Name | Name of the Designated Government Entity (DGE) to which your organization belongs. |
Federal ID Number | Employer Identification Number (EIN) assigned by the IRS for the DGE. Use a dash to separate the first two digits from the remaining digits: for example, 99-9999999. |
Street Address | Street address for the DGE to which your organization belongs. |
City | City for the address of the DGE. |
State | State for the address of the DGE. |
Country | Country for the address of the DGE. |
Zip Code | Zip code for the address of the DGE. |
Contact Name | Name of the primary contact for the DGE. |
Phone | Phone number for the primary contact person for the DGE. |
Monthly Information Tab
Your organization can add and store data on this tab as well as calculate Full Time Employee Count and Total Employee Count.
This section is not required for 1095-B organizations.
Field | Description |
MEC Offer Indicator | Indicates that the employer offered minimum essential coverage to at least 95% of its full-time employees and their dependents for the months indicated, or the calendar year if the All 12 Months checkbox is selected. |
Full-Time Employee Count | The number of full-time employees for your organization. This checkbox is not required if the 98% Offer Method checkbox on the Employer tab is selected. |
Total Employee Count | The total number of employees, including full-time employees and non-full-time employees and employees in a Limited Non-Assessment Period, for each calendar month. |
Aggregated Group | Select this checkbox to indicate your organization is a member of an Aggregated Applicable Large Employer Group. If this checkbox is selected for any month of the calendar year, you must fill in the Aggregated ALE Group tab. Refer to the description of the Aggregated ALE Group tab for more information. |
Section 4980H Transition Relief | Drop-down list indicating the employer is eligible for Section 4980H Transition Relief for the selected months. Select:
These codes are determined by the IRS. For detailed descriptions of the relief, including which employers are eligible for the relief status, refer to IRS documentation regarding Instructions for Forms 1094 and 1095 ( These drop-down lists are inactive. |
Aggregated ALE Group
If your organization is a member of an Aggregated Applicable Large Employer Group, such as a consortium, you will need to fill in this tab. As per the IRS, if your organization was a member of an Aggregated ALE Group for any month of the calendar year, you must report the names and EIN of up to 30 of the other Aggregated ALE Group members. If there are more than 30 members of the Aggregated ALE Group, enter the 30 with the highest monthly average number of full-time employees, for the year or for the number of months during which the ALE Member was a member of the Aggregated ALE group. Regardless of the number of members in the Aggregated ALE Group, list on the 30 members in descending order, by the highest average monthly number of full-time employees.
This section is not required for 1095-B organizations.
Field | Description |
Name of Other ALE Member | Name of the member organization for your Applicable Large Employer Group. |
EIN | Employer identification number for the group member. |
Multiple Profiles for District
Select this checkbox to indicate your organization has multiple database profiles that will be submitting ACA returns. It is available only when Authoritative Transmittal is checked. This should only be used each database profile shares federal ID number(EIN), An example would be a school district and a central office that are in separate database profiles but share a federal ID, and electronic transmittals will be made for each. When checked, a field opens up to enter the 1095 counts from the non-authoritative transmissions, which will be added to the count in the electronic file for the authoritative transmittal.