Create Employee 1095 Option
This option will be used when your organization is ready to create the 1095 file, as well as maintaining 1095 records with updates throughout the year. It is recommended that these are updated monthly. The following section will outline the procedure for the initial creation and subsequent maintenance updates.
When creating the 1095 workfile, there are three methods your organization can use:
Check History method
Deduction method
Benefits Module method
The method the load will use on this page is determined by the Employer record for the given Tax Year and Control Number you enter. The procedures for each of these methods are outlined in this section. For more information on the pre-requisites for each method, refer to Introduction and the ACA Employer Maintenance (Setup Employer Option).
Access this page through:
Menu Path: Human Resources > Periodic Routines > Affordable Care Act > 1095 Maintenance > click Create Employee 1095s
Steps to Take on this Page
Load employee information into a 1095 workfile.
View a report with employee 1095 information that was successfully loaded.
View a report containing employees for whom the system was unable to create a 1095 workfile.
Create Employee 1095s - BASIC
Access the Employee File Update page through:
Menu Path: Human Resources > Periodic Routines > Affordable Care Act > 1095 MaintenanceOn the Employee File Update page, select Create Employee 1095s.
In the Tax Year field, select the tax year for the 1095s being generated.
In the Control Number field, select the code identifying the workfile for loading the records.
Enter a Start Date and End Date.
If you wish to run the create option for an individual or range of employees, you can enter the employee number(s) in the Employee Number field.
If using the Benefits Module, you can select the Load Dependents from Benefits Module checkbox to include dependent information in the 1095s.
In the Benefit Groups section, enter benefit groups you wish to include in the 1095, or leave the default asterisk in the first field to include all benefit groups.
In the pay groups section, enter pay groups you wish to include in the 1095, or leave the default asterisk in the first field to include all benefit groups.
Click OK to run the 1095 creation process.
A Print confirmation will display for the Create Employee 1095 Log file. Select a print destination and select OK. The default file name is employeeload.rpt.
A second Print confirmation will display for the Create Employee 1095 Unprocessed Employees. Select a print destination and select OK. The default file name is employeeRejected.rpt. This report will list individuals for whom a 1095 could not be created. The report lists employee number, name, and department, so that you can investigate possible reasons the file could not be created.
A processing window will display. When complete, select OK.
Create Employee 1095s - Check History Method
Access the Employee File Update page through:
Menu Path: Human Resources > Periodic Routines > Affordable Care Act > 1095 MaintenanceOn the Employee File Update page, select Create Employee 1095s.
In the Tax Year field, select the tax year for the 1095s being generated.
In the Control Number field, select the code identifying the workfile for loading the records.
Enter a Start Date and End Date. This will be the first check date and last check date to use, or pay start date and pay end date. This can be check dates for a calendar or plan year, or a single month.
If you wish to run the create option for an individual or range of employees, you can enter the employee number(s) in the Employee Number field. To select more than one employee, use the pipe symbol, for example, 123456789|234567890|345678901.
If you wish to load dependent information for the employees from the Benefits Module while creating the 1095 workfile, check the Load Dependents from Benefits Module checkbox. If you wish to load only employees, leave the box blank. You will only see this field if your organization is using the Benefits Module.
In the Benefit Groups section, enter benefit groups you wish to include in the 1095, or leave the default asterisk in the first field to include all benefit groups.
In the pay groups section, enter pay groups you wish to include in the 1095, or leave the default asterisk in the first field to include all benefit groups.
Select OK to run the 1095 creation process.
A Print confirmation will display for the Create Employee 1095 Log file. Select a print destination and select OK. The default file name is employeeload.rpt. This report will show the people who were loaded and how the system determined what data to include in the 1095. It will include:
Individuals who had a record created.
Lists calendar months and the offer code for each that was included in the 1095 record.
Summary with total records, updated records, records not created, and load criteria.
A second Print confirmation will display for the Create Employee 1095 Unprocessed Employees. Select a print destination and then select OK. The default file name is employeeRejected.rpt. This report will list individuals for whom a 1095 could not be created. The report lists employee number, name, and department, so that you can investigate possible reasons the file could not be created.
A processing page will display. When complete, select OK.
Create Employee 1095s - Deduction Method
Before running the Create Employee 1095s option, ensure that:
Benefit Effective Date and Deduction Stop Date fields in employee medical deductions records have a value and are accurate.
Access the Employee File Update page through:
Menu Path: Human Resources > Periodic Routines > Affordable Care Act > 1095 MaintenanceOn the Employee File Update page, select Create Employee 1095s.
In the Tax Year field, select the tax year for the 1095s being generated.
In the Control Number field, select the code identifying the workfile for loading the records.
Enter a Start Date and End Date for the time period you wish to load 1095 information. This can be a calendar or plan year, or a single month.
If you wish to run the create option for an individual or range of employees, you can enter the employee number(s) in the Employee Number field. To select more than one employee, use the pipe symbol, for example, 123456789|234567890|345678901.
If you wish to load dependent information for the employees from the Benefits Module while creating the 1095 workfile, select the Load Dependents from Benefits Module checkbox. If you wish to load only employees, leave the box blank. You will only see this field if your organization is using the Benefits Module.
In the Benefit Groups section, enter benefit groups you wish to include in the 1095, or leave the default asterisk in the first field to include all benefit groups.
In the pay groups section, enter pay groups you wish to include in the 1095, or leave the default asterisk in the first field to include all benefit groups.
Select OK to run the 1095 creation process.
A Print confirmation will display for the Create Employee 1095 Log file. Select a print destination and select OK. The default file name is employeeload.rpt.This report will show the people who were loaded and how the system determined what data to include in the 1095. It will include:
Individuals who had a record created.
Lists calendar months and the offer code for each that was included in the 1095 record.
Summary with total records, updated records, records not created, and load criteria.
A second Print confirmation will display for the Create Employee 1095 Unprocessed Employees. Select a print destination and select OK. The default file name is employeeRejected.rpt. This report will list individuals for whom a 1095 could not be created. The report lists employee number, name, and department, so that you can investigate possible reasons the file could not be created.
A processing page will display. When complete, select OK.
Create Employee 1095s - Benefits Module Method
Before running the Create Employee 1095s option, ensure that:
Your organization is using the Benefits Module.
The Benefits checkbox on the Human Resources Profile is selected.
The Employer Setup for the control group has the Use Benefits Module checkbox selected.
Your organization has been maintaining accurate employee records in the Benefits module.
Access the Employee File Update page through:
Menu Path: Human Resources > Periodic Routines > Affordable Care Act > 1095 MaintenanceOn the Employee File Update page, select Create Employee 1095s.
In the Tax Year field, select the tax year for the 1095s being generated.
In the Control Number field, select the code identifying the workfile for loading the records.
Enter a Start Date and End Date.
If you wish to run the create option for an individual or range of employees, you can enter the employee number(s) in the Employee Number field. To select more than one employee, use the pipe symbol, for example, 123456789|234567890|345678901.
If you wish to load dependent information for the employees from the Benefits Module while creating the 1095 workfile, select the Load Dependents from Benefits Module checkbox. If you just wish to load employees, leave the box blank.
In the Benefit Groups section, enter benefit groups you wish to include in the 1095, or leave the default asterisk in the first field to include all benefit groups.
In the pay groups section, enter pay groups you wish to include in the 1095, or leave the default asterisk in the first field to include all benefit groups.
Select OK to run the 1095 creation process.
A Print confirmation will display for the Create Employee 1095 Log file. Select a print destination and select OK. The default file name is employeeloadrpt. The log file displays:
Individuals who had a record created.
Calendar months and the offer code for each that was included in the 1095 record.
Summary with total records, updated records, records not created, and load criteria.
A second Print confirmation will display for the Create Employee 1095 Unprocessed Employees. Select a print destination and select OK. The default file name is employeeRejected.rpt. This report will list individuals for whom a 1095 could not be created. The report lists employee number, name, and department, so that you can investigate possible reasons the file could not be created.
A processing page will display. When complete, select OK.
1095 Load Criteria Page
Field | Description |
Tax Year | Calendar year that applies to the 1095 workfile. |
Control Number | Code identifying a workfile in combination with the tax year, as defined on the Employer setup. |
Start Date | Enter the start date for the load. If using the check history method to create 1095s, you will enter the first check date or pay start date you wish to include. |
End Date | Enter the end date for the load. If using the check history method to create 1095s, you will enter the last check date or pay end date you wish to include. |
Employee Number | If you wish to load the 1095 file for a single employee or range of employees, enter the employee number(s). To select more than one employee, use the pipe symbol, for example, 123456789|234567890|345678901. |
Load Dependents From Benefits Module | Select if you wish to include the dependent information stored in the PowerSchool ERP Benefits module with the 1095 records as covered individuals. If your organization does not use the Benefits module, you will not see this field. |
Create Covered Individuals | Select if you wish to create covered individuals in the 1095 record. |
Generate Safe Harbor Codes | Select if you wish to generate Line 16 Safe Harbor codes, where applicable, in the 1095 record. |
Waived Coverage Safe Harbor - Full time | Drop-down list of Safe Harbor codes to be used for full time employees. Leave blank if there are none to be used. |
Waived Coverage Safe Harbor - Part time | Drop-down list of Safe Harbor codes to be used for part time employees. Leave blank if there are none to be used. |
Waived Coverage Default Benefit Group | Drop-down list of benefit groups that employees can be assigned to as a default provided they are not already assigned a benefit group. |
Benefit Groups | User-defined, four-character codes stored in the ACA Benefit Groups table. These codes are used to associate employee benefit groups with coverage information. This page accepts up to 24 codes. You must enter at least one benefit group. To include all benefit groups, use the asterisk, which defaults in the first field. If you want to identify benefit groups individually, remove the asterisk, and then enter the desired codes. You may need to run the load process multiple times for additional Benefit Groups. |
Pay Groups | User-defined, one-character codes stored in employees' Pay Rate records. These codes are used to group employees during pay runs and are also used to load employee's W2 information. The page accepts up to 24 codes. You must enter at least one pay group. To include all pay groups, use the asterisk, which defaults in the first field. If you want to identify pay groups individually, remove the asterisk, and then enter the desired codes. |