Adding Additional Rates Page
Use this page to associate additional rates with an employee's primary pay rate. This type of pay can be used for duties an employee performs that do not require secondary rates. It can also provide compensation for factors such as seniority and education level.
The Additional Rates page allows you to enter up to 30 codes from Payroll's Additional Duty table. To display the page and add the rates to the annual salary, the following conditions must be met:
The Addl Salary Window field in your Human Resources Profile must be selected.
Records must be set up in the Additional Duty table to identify the duties and specify the rates or amounts for calculating the added pay.
The duties can only be added to the employee's primary rate record.
The primary rate must have a salaried pay method, either P - Pay Period or R - Range/Step Pay.
The Pay Period method requires that the Hours/Day field be completed, while the Range/Step Pay method requires completing the Pays/Year field.
The system provides two types of Additional Rates pages, one for the Pay Period method and another for the Range/Step Pay method. Following are the procedures for using these pages.
Pay Method: P - Pay Period
In the Pay Rates page's Class field, enter a job class with a Pay Period pay method and a pay code with a Per Period Rate pay type.
Complete all necessary fields up to and including the Pays/Year field. Be sure to select the Primary Pay Rate checkbox to indicate that this is the employee's primary rate.
If desired, you can complete all the fields through the Contract Days, but once you reach the Organization section, you cannot access the Additional Rates page again. However, you can access it later if you need to update the employee's primary rate.Click Rate Window.
If the Base Salary field contains a zero (0.00) default, enter the employee's annual salary.
If you completed all of the fields in the Pay Rates page through the Annual Salary field, the Base Salary field displays the annual salary. You may accept or change this value.
The base salary increases after you enter the additional rates and close the page. The total (Annual Salary + Additional Rates) replaces the value that was in the Annual Salary field when you displayed the page.Click OK.
In the Additional Duty field, select a code from the drop-down list, which displays records from Payroll's Additional Duty table.
Press <Tab> to advance to the next Additional Duty field. The salary for the additional duty you selected displays in the corresponding Salary field. You cannot change this amount.
Repeat Steps 5-6 for as many rates as you need to add.
Click OK to add the additional pays to the Annual Salary field and recalculate the Pay Rate field based on the combined pay.
Pay Method: R - Range Or Step Pay
In the Pay Rates page's Class field, select a job class with a Range/Step Pay salary schedule.
Complete all fields up to and including the Primary Pay Rate checkbox. Be sure to select this field to indicate that this is the employee's primary rate.
Click Rate Window.
The page's Base Salary field displays the per period amount from the salary schedule, while the Actual Salary field is calculated based on the rate's annual salary, FTE, and days worked. The actual salary could differ from the base salary if the calendar's Days Worked differs from the salary schedule's Contract Days.
Click OK.Complete the following fields as indicated:
Additional Duty Select a duty from the drop-down list of codes from Payroll's Additional Duty table.
Prorate Select the checkbox if you want the system to prorate the duty's salary because of a difference between the Days Worked and Contract Days. This only applies to additional duties that use flat amounts.
Following is the equation for prorating the salary:
Prorated Salary = Salary Amount x (Days Worked รท Contract Days) x FTE
Salary Display only. Shows the salary based on the Additional Duty record, which can contain a flat amount, percentage, or both. If the record includes both methods, the system multiplies the employee's annual salary by the percentage, and then adds the flat amount.
FTE Full-time equivalency value of the duty. You may change the default (1.0000), if the duty is not considered full time and the employee is not entitled to the full rate. If the employee should receive the entire amount, you may accept the default.
Actual Display only. Shows the calculated amount the employee will receive, based on the Salary and FTE fields. The calculation used is:
Actual Salary = Salary x FTE
The system adds this amount to the employee's current annual salary, when you return to the Pay Rates page.
When you complete the fields, the cursor advances to the Additional Duty field on the next line.Repeat Step 5 for each additional duty you want to include.
Click OK to add the additional pays to the Annual Salary field and recalculate the Pay Rate field based on the combined pay.