Add and Maintain Attendance Records
Use the Attendance Information page to add, change, and delete employee attendance records.
For school districts, the page includes two tabs for entering attendance, one for employees and the other for substitute teachers.
For government clients, the page one includes one tab for entering employee attendance.
After you post your Attendance records, you can no longer access them with the Attendance option. However, you can create new records to adjust or cancel out data that has already been posted. For information on correcting and posting leave records, refer to Posting Attendance.
Menu path
From the Human Resources menu, select Entry & Processing. From the Employee menu, select Attendance.
Attendance requirements
Following are conditions to keep in mind about entering attendance:
To record leave for an employee, you must select a pay code that has the appropriate leave code stored in its Leave Code to Subtract Time From field. In addition, this leave code must correspond to one of the leave banks in the Leave Bank tab of the employee's Employee Information page.
The first digit in a leave code identifies a leave bank. For example, if leave code 440 is for vacation pay, then the digit 4 identifies the bank for vacation leave. In order to qualify for vacation pay, the employee's Leave Bank tab must contain a leave code that begins with the digit 4.If an employee takes two or more types of leave, you must create a separate record for each, even if the leave occurred on consecutive days. For example, if an employee takes off three days and elects to use two vacation days and one personal day, you need to create two attendance records, one for the vacation leave and the other for the personal leave.
You cannot enter attendance using a pay code for leave without pay (codes 090 through 099). However, the system generates leave without pay if you post attendance and the employee does not have the required leave available.
The Disable/Enable item disables date checking, which allows you to include a holiday, weekend, or other non-work day in the range of dates.
To cover a period that includes a non-work day, you must create separate attendance records for the leave time before and after the non-work day.
Example: An employee takes three sick days from Thursday of one week through Monday of the next. Two attendance records are needed to exclude the weekend, one for Thursday and Friday and the other for Monday.You can enter two or more records that share the same date, for example, if an employees takes a half day of personal leave and a half day of vacation leave on the same date. The system issues a warning to alert you to the fact that a date has already been used, but it allows you to proceed with the entry.
When you enter attendance for a substitute (school districts), the system creates a timecard. You can set up a pay run specifically for substitutes to accommodate this or process the timecard in the current pay run.
If more than one substitute fills in during a leave period, you must create a separate record for each substitute and divide the leave time accordingly.
Add an attendance record
On the Attendance Information page, click Add New.
In the Employee Data tab, use Lookup to search for and select an employee.
Complete the fields.
In the Leave section (untitled), review the employee leave balances and other leave bank information.
For school districts, if a substitute filled in for the employee, use the Substitute Data tab to enter the substitute information.
Click Accept to save the record.
You may need to enter two or more attendance records for the same absence, depending on the employee leave balances and also on whether non-work days fall within the range of leave dates. For details, refer to the Attendance requirements section of this page.
Change an attendance record
On the Attendance Information page, in the Search Criteria section, enter criteria identifying the records to list, and then click Search. To run an advanced search, use the Advanced button.
In the List section, select the attendance record you want to change, and then click Accept. You can only change a record that has not been posted.
In the Employee Data tab, change the fields as needed.
If a substitute filled in for the employee (school districts only), you also can change the fields in the Substitute Data tab.
Click Accept to save the record.
Delete an attendance record
On the Attendance Information page, in the Search Criteria section, enter criteria identifying the records to list, and then click Search. To run an advanced search, use the Advanced button.
In the List section, select the attendance record you want to delete. You can only delete a record that has not been posted.
Click Delete.
In the Confirmation dialog, click Yes.
Calendar validation
On the Attendance Information page, from the action bar click Disable/Enable to turn on or off calendar validation. Turning off validation lasts until you enable it again or exit the Attendance Information page.
In the Confirmation dialog, click Yes.
If you disable calendar validation, the message CALENDAR VALIDATION HAS BEEN TURNED OFF appears between the list results and the tabs. With date checking disabled, the system allows you to save attendance for non-work days.
If you enable calendar validation, the message is removed.
Review records that contain duplicate dates
On the Attendance Information page, follow the procedure to add or change an attendance record. If you enter dates covered by an existing attendance record, the system displays the following warning: Attendance with date MM/DD/YYYY has already been entered.
Click Duplicate Items or Duplicate Substitute Items as needed. The Duplicate Attendance For Substitute page lists the duplicate dates for the substitute and the ID number of the corresponding employee.
Review the record listed. Usually, the page only displays one record. However, it is possible to have two or more records with duplicate dates.
Click Back.
Fields and descriptions
Search Criteria
The following fields can be used to search for attendance records:
Employee number
Pay code
Start date
Stop date
Posting status
Substitute (employee number)
Job ID: Identifies that a record was inserted from integration with SmartFind Express (SFE). The field appears only when the integration is enabled.
Employee Data
Use this tab to enter the employee’s attendance. Leave information is populated from the employee number and read-only.
Field | Description |
Employee Number | ID number of the employee whose attendance you are entering. |
Pay Code | Code referencing the type of leave, as defined by the leave code stored in the pay code. The system verifies whether the first digit in the leave code matches the first digit of one of the codes in the employee Leave Information tab. This digit identifies the leave bank charged, such as sick, vacation, or personal. For additional information on selecting a pay code, refer to the description of the Leave field. |
Start Date | Beginning date of the absence. The date range in the Start/Stop Date fields is verified against the employee calendar and cannot include holidays or nonwork days. Also, the range must fall within the employee contract dates. To allow exceptions to these conditions, click Disable/Enable. This temporarily discontinues calendar validation. To reinstate calendar validation, click the item again. Calendar validation is reinstated when you exit the Attendance Information page. |
Stop Date | Ending date of the absence. If any date in the Start Date/Stop Date range has already been used, a warning displays: Attendance with date MM/DD/YYYY has already been entered. If so, click Duplicate Items to display the Duplicate Attendance Items page. |
Hours/Days | Total number of units for the absence, depending on whether the pay code uses hours or days. Your entry must be consistent in regards to the units defined by the pay code. For example, if an employee was absent for an eight-hour day and the pay code uses hours, enter 8 and not 1. The limit is eight digits, with four allowed after a decimal. |
Remarks | Brief note regarding the absence. The limit is 200 characters. |
Posting Status | Indicates the status of the record. This field does not display when you are adding a record. Selections include:
Leave information on Employee Data tab
The following display-only fields show the employee Leave Bank record:
Field | Description |
Leave | Codes identifying the leave records assigned in the Leave Bank tab of the employee record. The first digit of a leave code identifies a leave bank. Leave can be charged in the Employee Data tab using any pay code that has a leave code stored in its Leave to Subtract Time From field whose first digit matches one of these banks. Example: An employee Leave Bank record includes leave code 420 for sick leave. To record sick leave, you must select a pay code that has a leave code beginning with the digit 4 in its Leave to Subtract Time From field. |
Balance | Amount of leave the employee has remaining in the current year. The system calculates this based on the following formula: Leave Balance = Earned YTD - Taken YTD + Carryover from Previous Years. |
Taken YTD | Amount of leave the employee has expended in the current year for each leave code displayed. |
Earned YTD | Amount of leave the employee has earned in the current year for each leave code displayed. |
Pending Leave Balance | Displays the amount of pending leave. |
Substitute Data
This tab, which only displays for school districts, enables you to identify the substitute teacher and enter the substitute attendance data. The information entered here produces a timecard for the substitute when posted.
Field | Description |
Substitute Employee | Employee ID number of the substitute teacher who served in place of the regular teacher. |
Pay Code | Code assigned to the substitute teacher, which defaults from the job class in the substitute Pay Rate record. If you change this, the pay code you select must have a pay type of H - Hourly, D - Daily, or U - Per Unit. |
Class | Job class from the substitute primary Pay Rate record. You may change the default as long as the class you enter contains the pay code entered in the previous field. |
Pay Rate | Rate from the substitute primary Pay Rate record. If needed, you may change the default value. The substitute rate and the regular employee hours/days determine the calculated value in the Amount field. As with the Hours/Days field, the value you enter must conform with the type of units defined in the employee primary pay rate. If hours are used, the rate must be an hourly rate; if days are used, then a daily rate must be entered. |
Amount | Substitute total pay amount. The system calculates this based on the rate and work units (Amount = Pay Rate x Hours/Days). If you adjust the amount, you should change the pay rate accordingly (Pay Rate = Amount ÷ Hours/Days), since the system only calculates the initial amount. |
Location | Check location from the Payroll tab in the substitute Employee Information page. If needed, you may change the default. |
Tax | Pay frequency code used in selecting Federal, State, and Local Tax tables. Two additional codes (P and O) are provided relating to whether a supplemental percentage should be used. Valid entries include:
If you leave the field blank, the system defaults the pay frequency from the Payroll tab in the substitute Employee Information page when processing the timecard. |
*Budget Unit* | Organization to be charged in Fund Accounting for the substitute pay. If you leave the field blank, the system uses the distribution from the absent employee pay rate. This field title is defined in the Fund Accounting profile. |
Account | Number identifying the account being charged for the substitute pay. If you leave the Budget Unit field blank, you cannot access this field, and the account defaults from the absent employee primary pay rate. However, if the Pay Code record has an account assigned, this overrides the rate distribution account. In any case, you may enter any account, as long as the budget unit and account combination is set up in the Fund Accounting Expenditure Ledger. |
22.4 and later Account Number replaces Budget Unit and Account fields if using Full Account Format | Charging information for substitute pay. If you leave the field blank, the system uses the distribution from the absent employee pay rate. |
Start Date | Date that the substitute started working for this employee. |
Stop Date | Last date that the substitute worked for this employee. |
Hours/Days | Total hours or days that the substitute worked. This value is used to calculate the Amount field in the Substitute tab. |