Attendance Page
This page enables you to enter, change, delete, print, post, and review employee attendance records. A tab is also available for school districts for entering timecards for substitutes.
Menu path
From the Human Resources menu, select Entry & Processing. From the Employee menu, select Attendance.
Action bar
The Attendance Information page's Action Bar includes the following items:
Post | Posts records from the Attendance batch file (attend) to your live database. Once a record is posted, you can no longer access it in the Attendance Information page. For more information on using this item, refer to Posting Attendance. |
Disable/Enable | Disables date checking if you need to enter attendance for holidays and other non-work days that appear on your calendar. When date checking is disabled, the system still issues a warning but allows you to save the record. Clicking Disable/Enable again reinstates date checking. The Validation column in the Attendance Information page’s list section displays either Enabled or Disabled to indicate whether date checking was in effect when an attendance record was saved. For more information on disabling date checking, refer to the procedures in Add and Maintain Attendance Records. |
Attendance Report | Generates the Attendance Edit Listing Report, which lists department codes, employee IDs and names, pay and leave codes, leave dates, and hours/days absent. For information, refer to Generating Attendance Reports. |
Substitute Report | Generates the Substitute Report, which lists leave records where substitutes worked in place of regular employees. For information, refer to Generating Attendance Reports. |
Preview Post | Displays the Preview Posting Attendance page which enables you to generate the Attendance Posting Preview report. This report gives you the same information as the Attendance Posting report without completing the post and updating the employee records. For more information on using this item, refer to Posting Attendance. |
The following item displays along with the other items, but only before running a search: | |
Import | Displays the File Import and Data Selection page, which enables you to import attendance records from files stored on your PC or shared network with the following extensions: *.xml, *.exml, *.csv, *.txt, and *.unl. You must have the proper security to access this item. For more information, refer to Importing Attendance Records. |
In addition to Disable/Enable, the following items display on the action bar when you display an employee attendance record: | |
Duplicate Items | Displays the Duplicate Attendance Items page, which enables you to review attendance records that include duplicate dates. For additional information on this page, refer to the procedures in Add and Maintain Attendance Records. |
Duplicate Substitute Items | Displays the Duplicate Attendance Items for Substitute page, which enables you to review substitute records that include duplicate dates. |
Tracking attendance
In addition to Time Entry, attendance can be tracked in the Human Resources System in two ways:
Using Pay Run Processing Edit Employee Time option, which enables you to enter employee timecards during payroll processing. Timecards can include leave as well as regular pay hours.
Using the Attendance Information page, which lets you enter employee leave information. In addition, school districts can use the Substitute Data tab to create timecards for substitute teachers. These records can be posted separately for teachers and to separate pay runs, if needed.
The method you can use to enter leave depends on the setting in the Attendance checkbox in your Human Resources Profile.
If the field is selected, you can use both methods to record attendance.
If the field is not selected, you can only enter attendance in the Attendance Information page.