Generating Attendance Reports
Use the following action items on the Attendance Information page to generate attendance reports:
Attendance Report | Generates the Attendance Edit Listing Report, which lists department codes, employee IDs and names, pay and leave codes, leave dates, and hours/days absent. You can select records that are posted, unposted, or both. In addition, school districts can limit the report to regular employees or substitutes. |
Substitute Report | Generates the Substitute Report, which lists leave records where substitutes worked in place of regular employees. The pay data includes hours/days worked, pay rates, total pay per substitute, and a report total. This report only applies to school districts. |
Menu Path: Human Resources > Entry & Processing > Employee > Attendance > click Attendance Report or Substitute Report on the Attendance Information page's Action Bar
Generating the Attendance Edit Listing report
Select Human Resources > Entry & Processing > Employee > Attendance.
Click Attendance Report.
In the Report Criteria section, enter criteria, and then click OK.
In the Report Options section, complete the following fields:
Status Type
A - Attendance - Selects records from the Attendance option (default).
T - Timecards - Selects records from payroll processing.
B - Both - Selects all attendance records.Post Type
U - Unposted - Selects records that have not been posted (default).
P - Posted - Selects records that have been posted.
S - Substitute Only - Selects records that were only posted for substitutes.
E - Employee Only - Selects records that were only posted for employees.
B - Both Posted & Unposted- Selects both unposted and posted records.Sort Order
1 - Department/Name - Sorts by department, then name (default).
2 - Department/Employee # - Sorts by department, then employee ID.
3 - Name - Sorts by employee name only.
4 - Employee # - Sorts by employee ID only.
5 - Check Location/Name - Sorts by check location, then employee name.
6 - Base Location/Name - Sorts by base location, then employee name.Click OK.
In the Print window, specify how to generate the report, and then click OK. The report's default file name is attedit.rpt.
Generating the Substitute report
Select Human Resources > Entry & Processing > Employee > Attendance
Click Substitute Report.
In the Report Criteria section, identify the attendance records to include.
Click OK.
In the Report Options section, complete the following fields:
Post Type
U - Unposted - Selects records that have not been posted (default).
P - Posted - Selects records that have been posted.
B - Both Posted & Unposted - Selects both unposted and posted records.Sort Order
1 - Sub Name/Date - Sorts by substitute name, then date (default).
2 - Location/Sub Name/Date - Sorts by check location, name, then date.Click OK.
In the Print window, specify how to generate the report, and then click OK. The report's default file name is subatend.rpt.