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Additional Duty Table

The Additional Duty table is used to establish rates for the additional paid duties employees perform.

Additional duty rates, which are added to employees' primary pay rates in the Additional Rates page, apply only to duties that are ongoing, as opposed to special pays. For more information, refer to Additional Rates Page.

The page's Print item enables you to generate a report showing records in the Additional Duty table. The report's default file name is addduties.rpt.


Changing the Percent or Dollar Amount field in an existing Additional Duty record does not automatically update employees' Pay Rate records. To recalculate pay rates in this case, you must either run the Update New Year Rates option or access the pay rates for the employees affected.

Menu Path:  Human Resources > Reference Tables > Payroll > Additional Duty Codes

Using Additional Duty Records

Following are descriptions of how Additional Duty records are used and how to set up records in this table:

  • Additional duty rates can be based on a percentage of base salary, a flat amount, or both. When a duty uses both a percentage and a flat amount, the percentage is applied first, and then the flat amount is added.

  • Additional duties can be assigned when adding or changing pay rates. However, they only apply to primary rates that use a salaried pay method, either P - Pay Period or R - Range/Step Pay. The system provides two versions of the Additional Rates page to accommodate this, one for each pay method.

  • To use the Additional Rates page, the Addl. Salary Window field in the Human Resources Profile must be selected. Also, the page can only be accessed when you are working with the employee's primary rate.

  • If different employees are paid different percentages or flat amounts for the same duty, you need to define an Additional Duty record to account for each circumstance.
    Example: If you have employees who are paid as technical liaisons in addition to their primary work duties and the additional pay is based on their level of expertise, you could set up multiple Additional Duty records, one for each payment option.

  • The system adds the pay for additional duties to the primary rate's salary and recalculates the pay period rate based on the combined pay.

  • If you change the Percent or Dollar Amount fields and one or more employees have the Additional Duty record assigned, a message displays when you save the updated record.
    To recalculate pay rates after changing these fields, you must run the Update New Year Rates option or access employees' Pay Rate records directly.



Duty Code

Code identifying an additional duty, for example, 215 for School Crossing Guard or SPI for Summer Playground Instructor. Character/3

Duty Description

Title or description of the additional duty. Character/20


Payment for the additional duty, stored as a percentage (7.5% =.075) which is then applied against of the employee’s annual salary. The system creates a new salary by adding the amount calculated (Additional Pay = Annual Salary x Percentage) to the base. Decimal/5,4

Dollar Amount

Annual payment for the additional duty, stored as a dollar and cents amount. This pay is added to the employee’s base salary to create a new annual salary. If a percentage is also used, the flat amount is added to the base after the percentage amount is calculated: Additional Pay = (Annual Salary x Percentage) + Dollar Amount.

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