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Changing Additional Rates Page

Use this page to add rates to an employee's primary pay rate for additional duties that are performed on a regular basis. The page accepts codes from the Additional Duty table.

Additional duty pay can be used to issue pay for duties that do not require secondary rates. It also can be used to provide compensation for factors such as seniority, educational level, and performance.

Menu Path:  Human Resources > Entry & Processing > Employee > Employee Information > search for and select an employee > click OK to display the Employee Information detail page > click Payroll Information on the Action Bar, and then select Pay Rates.

Access to the Additional Rates Page

There are two different versions of the Additional Rates page, one for each pay method: Pay Period and Range/Step Pay. However, access to the page depends on the following conditions:

  • The Addl Salary Window checkbox in the Human Resources Profile must be selected to enable the page to be available.
  • The page only displays for the employee's primary rate. This ensures that the employee will receive the additional pay in every pay run where the primary rate is used.
  • The primary rate must have a salaried pay method, either Pay Period or Range/Step Pay.
  • In addition, records must be set up in the Additional Duty table to identify the duties and specify the percentage rates or dollar amounts for calculating the extra pay.

Adding, Changing and or Deleting Pay Method: Pay Period

  1. Select Human Resources > Entry & Processing > Employee > Employee Information > search for and select an employee > click OK to display the Employee Information detail page > click Payroll Information on the Action Bar, and then select Pay Rates.
  2. In the Pay Rate Information record center, select a pay rate record, click OK to display the Pay Rate Information detail page.
    For information on these pages, refer to Pay Rate Information Pages.
  3. Click Additional Rate on the Action Bar.
  4. In the Additional Rates page's Base Salary field, you may change the salary, though in most cases, you should not. Changing this value changes the Annual Salary field in the Pay Rate Information page.
  5. Click OK to advance to the first Additional Duty field.
  6. Following are procedures for adding, changing, and deleting duties:


    Tab to a blank row or click Insert Row to add a row at the cursor's position, and then select a duty from the Additional Duty table. The salary defaults to the Salary field.


    Tab to the desired field, and then replace the displayed duty. The new salary defaults in place of the previous salary.


    Click Delete Row to delete a line containing an additional duty.

  7. Click OK to add the additional pays to the Annual Salary field and recalculate the Pay Rate field based on the combined pay.


To save your entries in the Additional Rates page, you also must save (or re-save) the pay rate itself in the Pay Rate Information detail page by clicking OK.

Pay Method: Range Or Step Pay

The procedure for using the Additional Duty page for a primary pay rate with a Range/Step Pay method is the same as the one for the Pay Period method. The fields, however, are different:

Base SalaryDisplays the salary from the Pay Rate Information page.
Actual (Top)Displays the total of the salary from the Pay Rate Information page and the salaries in the Additional Rates page.
Additional DutySelect a duty from the drop-down list of codes from the Additional Duty Table. You can assign up to 30 codes.

Select this box if you want the system to prorate the duty's salary because of a difference between the Days Worked and Contract Days. This only applies to duties that use flat amounts.

Prorated Salary Amount = Salary Amount x (Days Worked รท Contract Days) x FTE

SalaryDisplay only. Shows the annual salary based on the Additional Duty record, which can contain a flat amount, percentage, or both. If the record uses both methods, the system multiplies the annual salary by the percentage, and then adds the flat amount.
FTEDuty's full-time equivalency value. You may change the 1.0000 default if the employee is not full time and is not entitled to the full rate. For full-time employees, leave the field at its default.
Actual (List Section)

Display only. Shows the calculated amount the employee will receive, based on the Salary and FTE fields.

Actual Salary = Salary x FTE

The system adds this amount to the employee's current annual salary when you return to the Pay Rate Information page.

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