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Adjustment Checks

Use this option to issue a manual check for adjusting deductions, taxes, and FICA/Medicare charges. The system calculates the adjustment based on the employee deduction and payroll records. Besides issuing adjustments for the employee, you can also use this option to adjust a benefit's employer contribution.

Menu Path

From the Human Resources menu, select Entry & Processing. From the Payroll menu, select Adjustment Checks.

Adjustment Check Pages

The adjustment process involves the following pages:

Adjustment Checks - Pay Run

Enables you to identify the pay run to use and whether to interface to Fund Accounting. This page also includes the Print item for printing manual/adjustment checks.

Adjustment Checks - Detail

Enables you to identify the employee, select deductions, enter amounts for the adjustments, enter the check number and issue date, and select the accrual records to update.

Adjustment Check

Enables you to review the adjustment prior to posting.

Adjustment checks with characters in their check numbers cannot be printed. You can only use integers in check numbers. Also, adjustment checks with a net value less than 0.00 cannot be printed.

Adjustment Checks - Pay Run Page

  1. On the Adjustment Checks - Pay Run page, the page's fields default to the values from the current pay run, if one is available.

  2. On the Adjustment Checks page, you can:

    • Accept the default values from the current pay run.

    • Identify a different pay run.

    • Set up a new pay run.

    • Click Print on the Action Bar to activate a wizard for printing existing manual or adjustment checks. For the procedure, refer to Printing Manual Checks.

  3. Use the Interface to Fund Accounting field to select whether to interface the adjustment check to Fund Accounting.

    • If you select the checkbox, detail distribution records will be created for the employee in Human Resources when the adjustment check is posted. In Fund Accounting, a batch file will be created in the Automated Payroll Interface option and, if applicable, in the Batch Accounts Payable option for the automated vendor payments.

    • If you leave the checkbox blank, detail distribution records will not be created for the employee in Human Resources when the adjustment check is posted. Also, batch files will not be created in the Automated Payroll Interface option or in the Batch Accounts Payables option.

  4. Click OK.

  5. In the confirmation dialog, click Yes to display the Adjustment Checks - Detail page.

Adjustment Checks - Detail Page

If you are making an adjustment for deduction/benefits that are exempt from FICA/Medicare or Federal Tax and also need to adjust FICA, Medicare and Federal Tax, enter the *FI, *FM and *FT adjustments last. 

  1. On the Adjustment Checks - Detail page, enter the employee ID number, or click Lookup to search for and select an ID.

  2. Click OK to access the Adjustment section.

  3. In the Deduction field, enter the deduction/benefit code to be adjusted.

    • For FICA, enter *FI. For Medicare, enter *FM. For Federal Tax, enter *FT. For State Tax, enter *Sxx (the xx represents the two character state abbreviation as defined in the employee's taxes page). For Local Tax, enter *Txx (the xx represents the two character locality abbreviation as defined on the employee Taxes page).

    • For FICA and Medicare, the system will calculate and default the values in the Deduction Amount, Deduction Gross, Benefit Amount and Benefit Gross fields based on the values entered in the Deduction Amount field and the percentages on the FICA table for all exempt deductions.

    • For Federal Tax, the system will calculate and default the values in the Deduction Gross field based on the values entered in the Deduction Amount field for all exempt deductions. You will need to enter the values for the other fields.

  4. In the Deduction Amount field, enter the adjustment for the employee's deduction. A negative value represents a refund to the employee. A positive value represents an amount that an employee is responsible for.

  5. In the Deduction Gross field, enter the amount for adjusting the deduction gross. This value should be either negative or positive based on the value entered in the Deduction Amount field.

  6. In the Benefit Amount field, enter the adjustment for the benefit. Enter a negative or positive value.

  7. In the Benefit Gross field, enter the amount for adjusting the benefit gross. This value should be either negative or positive based on the value entered in the Benefit Amount field.

  8. Complete the *Budget Unit*, Offset, *Project* and Account fields as needed.

  9. You also can use the following Action Bar items while entering the adjustments:

    • Insert Row: Adds a blank row at the cursor position.

    • Delete Row: Deletes the row at the cursor position.

    • FLSA Worksheet: Displays the FLSA Worksheet page when the cursor is in the FLSA Cycle field and FLSA overtime applies to the employee. For details, refer to Entering FLSA Overtime.

    • Max Distribution Account: In the *Budget Unit* field, defaults the budget unit that accounts for the greatest percentage of the rate distribution. You may change the default, if needed.

  10. Click Accept to access the Check Info tab.

    • If the Net Value of the adjustment is 0.00, you will have a Print Check field on the Check Info tab. Select the checkbox to make the adjustment check available to print. Otherwise, leave the checkbox blank.

    • If the Net Value of the adjustment is less than 0.00, an error message displays. An adjustment check with a negative net cannot be printed.

  11. In the Check Number field, enter a number.

    • If the payroll bank account record includes Payroll Adjustment Checks as a document type, the check number is populated automatically.

    • If you intend to print a check using the Print item on the Action Bar, you cannot use characters, only numbers.

    • If you are not issuing a check, the number you enter serves as a reference for posting the adjustment to the employee record.

  12. In the Issue Date field, enter the date for the adjustment check.

  13. On the Accruals tab, clear any desired fields to prevent the system from updating the accrual data as indicated. Initially, all fields are selected.

  14. Click Accept.

Adjustment Check Page

  1. Review the entries in the Adjustment Check page, and then click Accept.

  2. In the confirmation dialog, click Yes to post the adjustment check.

  3. In the Print window, enter settings for generating the Adjustment Check Journal.
    The report default file name is 99999999a.rpt, with 99999999 representing the check number and a standing for adjustment. For check numbers with fewer than eight digits, the system backfills the file name with zeros to create an eight character name; for example, check 12345 would be saved in a file named 00012345a.rpt.

  4. Click OK to post the check and generate the journal.

  5. To print the check, click Print on the Action Bar in the Adjustment Checks page. For the procedures, refer Printing Manual Checks.

  6. If you selected the checkbox in the Interface to Fund Accounting field on the Adjustment Checks - Pay Run page, post the check to the Fund Accounting System. From the Fund Accounting menu, select Periodic Routines. From the Periodic Processing menu, select Automated Payroll Interface.
    The batch file for posting the check is identified by a control number consisting of the letter P, the check's period end date, and the letter M. For example, a control number for an adjustment check with a period end date of 10/10/2017 would be P101017M.

Fields and Descriptions

Adjustment Checks - Pay Run Page

The following fields enable you to associate your adjustments with a pay run and interface to fund accounting:



Pay Run

Code identifying the pay run being used for the adjustment check.

Run Description

Brief description of the pay run.

Period Start Date

Start date of the pay period for the pay run.

Period End Date

End date of the pay period for the pay run.

Interface to Fund Accounting

Checkbox indicating whether to interface the adjustment check to fund accounting.

Leave the checkbox selected to create detail distribution records for the employee in Human Resources and a batch file in the Automated Payroll Interface option and if applicable, in Batch Accounts Payable option for the automated vendor payments in Fund Accounting, otherwise, clear the box.

Adjustment Checks - Detail Page

The following fields enable you to identify the employee and enter amounts for the adjustments. The Pay Run, Description (untitled), and Period Date fields at the top of the page are display only. Their data defaults from the Adjustment Checks - Pay Run page.



Employee Number

Employee ID number.


Code identifying a record in either the Deduction, Federal Tax, State Tax, Local Tax, or FICA table. You can enter up to 30 codes.


Title or description of the deduction. Display only.

Deduction Amount

Amount of the adjustment for the employee’s deduction. A negative value represents a refund to the employee. A positive value represents an amount that the employee is responsible for.

Deduction Gross

Amount to adjust the gross salary for the employee’s deduction. This value should be either negative or positive based on the value entered in the Deduction Amount field.

Benefit Amount

Amount of the adjustment for the employer-paid benefit. A negative or positive value may be entered.

Benefit Gross

Amount to adjust the gross salary for the fringe benefit. This value should be either negative or positive based on the value entered in the Benefit Amount field.

You may enter account numbers in the following fields or leave the fields blank to use the default accounts.

*Budget Unit*

Number of the low organization for charging fringe benefits. To enter the default budget unit with the largest percentage of distribution, click the Max Distribution Account item on the Action Bar.


Number of the fringe offset account to charge.


Number of the project to charge for the fringe benefit. This field and the following Account field only apply if you use project accounting.


Number of the project account to charge for the fringe benefit.

The following fields are located in the Check Info tab. The checkboxes in the Accruals tab enable the system to update the Accruals tab on the employee’s deduction record for the periods selected. For taxes, the employee’s Earnings and Withholdings tabs will be updated for the periods selected.

Check Number

Number identifying the adjustment check. Do not use characters in the check number if you want to print the check.

If the payroll bank account record includes Payroll Adjustment Checks as a document type, the check number is populated automatically.

The limit is eight integers.

Issue Date

Check date for the adjustment.

Adjustment Check Page

The following fields, which are display only, allow you to confirm your entries prior to posting the adjustment check.




Two fields, the first for the employee's ID number and the second for the employee's name.

Check Number

Number of the adjustment check being issued, as entered in the Check Info tab of the Adjustment Checks - Detail page.


Check date, as entered in the Check Info tab of the Adjustment Checks - Detail page.


Amount of the adjustment. This is the amount to appear on the check for the total of all adjustments entered.


Code identifying the deduction associated with the adjustment.


Title or description of the deduction.

Deduction Amount

Amount being adjusted for the deduction.

Benefit Amount

Amount being adjusted for the employer-paid benefit.


Two fields, the first for the total of the Deduction Amount column and the second for the total of the Benefit Amount column.

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