Advanced Verification Page
Use this page to review and verify the applicant's response to a question, reject the application or the applicant, and email the applicant if the Human Resources staff member has a question in regards to the response.
The top section of the Advanced Verification page will display the applicant's name, applicant identification number, social security number, and state educator identification number as it appears in the Applicant Details page, followed by the question and response. This display will vary for your organization.
Menu Path: Human Resources > Entry & Processing > Recruitment > Verification Overview > click the Edit icon in the Advanced field. You can also click the Edit icon in the Verification page to display the Advanced Verification page.
Following are the procedures to verify a response, reject the application, reject the applicant, and email the applicant from the Advanced Verification page.
Verifying responses
Select Human Resources > Entry & Processing > Recruitment > Verification Overview to display the Verification Overview page.
In the Search Criteria section, enter the criteria to search for a particular applicant or job posting, and then click Find. To list all responses that require verification, leave all of the section's fields blank.
Review the responses that appear in the list.
In the Advanced field, click the Edit icon to display the Advanced Verification page.
If Multiple displays in the Answer field, click the link to display the Verifications page, and then click the Edit icon to display the Advanced Verification page.In the Verification section, enter an Expiration Date for the verification of the response and an Internal Comment, if applicable. The values entered in these fields will display in the response on the application on the Applicant Details page once the verification is processed.
Click Verified to approve the verification and close the Advanced Verification page for that response.
If there are additional verification levels that need to be completed, the responses to those questions will display in the Verification Overview page.
If there are no other verifications required, the response on the question is flagged as Approved, while the application status is flagged as Verified.
Rejecting applications
Select Human Resources > Entry & Processing > Recruitment > Verification Overview to display the Verification Overview page.
In the Search Criteria section, enter the criteria to search for a particular applicant or job posting, and then click Find. To list all responses that require verification, leave all of the section's fields blank.
Review the responses that appear in the list.
In the Advanced field, click the Edit icon to display the Advanced Verification page.
If Multiple displays in the Answer field, click the link to display the Verifications page, and then click the Edit icon to display the Advanced Verification page.In the Verification section, enter an Expiration Date for the verification of the response and an Internal Comment, if applicable. The values entered in these fields will display in the response on the application on the Applicant Details page once the verification is processed.
Click Reject Application to reject the response on the application and close the Advanced Verification page for that response.
When a response is rejected, all responses for the application for that applicant that require verification are removed from the Verification Overview page, the response on the question is flagged as Rejected, and the application status is set to Rejected for Hire.
Rejecting applicants
Select Human Resources > Entry & Processing > Recruitment > Verification Overview to display the Verification Overview page.
In the Search Criteria section, enter the criteria to search for a particular applicant or job posting, and then click Find. To list all responses that require verification, leave all of the section's fields blank.
Review the responses that appear in the list.
In the Advanced field, click the Edit icon to display the Advanced Verification page.
If Multiple displays in the Answer field, click the link to display the Verifications page, and then click the Edit icon to display the Advanced Verification page.If applicable, enter an Internal Comment in the Verification section and an Expiration Date in the Reject Applicant section.
Click Reject Applicant to reject the applicant and close the Advanced Verification page.
When an applicant is rejected, all responses for the applicant that require verification are removed from the Verification Overview page, neither the response on the question nor the application status are changed, but the Applicant Status is changed to Do Not Hire.
Sending an email to the applicant
Select Human Resources > Entry & Processing > Recruitment > Verification Overview to display the Verification Overview page.
In the Search Criteria section, enter the criteria to search for a particular applicant or job posting, and then click Find. To list all responses that require verification, leave all of the section's fields blank.
Review the responses that appear in the list.
In the Advanced field, click the Edit icon to display the Advanced Verification page.
If Multiple displays in the Answer field, click the link to display the Verifications page, and then click the Edit icon to display the Advanced Verification page.At the top of the page, click Email to display the Send Email page.
The From field will default your organization's system-defined default email address, while the To field will default the applicant's email address. The From field can be changed if the applicant should reply to a particular staff member in your organization. You can also leave the default address and enter the reply email address in the body of the email.As needed, enter email addresses in the Cc and Bcc fields.
In the Template field, select a template defined in the Email Template Setup page, or leave the field blank to enter a personalized Subject and Body (untitled).
Click Send. A confirmation will display, showing all email addresses for the recipients who will receive the email.
Click Continue to send the email.
Following are descriptions of the fields that display in the Verification and Reject Applicant sections of the Advanced Verification page. Field descriptions are also included for the Send Email page.
Verification Section
Field | Description |
Status | System-assigned status of the verification: Not Verified, Approved, or Rejected. This status can be seen in the verification section of the response to the application question in the Applicant Details page. |
Expiration Date | Date the current verification will expire. |
Internal Comment | Text field for a comment about the verification. Character/250 The comment can be seen in the verification section of the response to the applicant question in the Applicant Details page. |
Verified Date | System-assigned date when the verification was completed. This date can be seen in the verification section of the response to the application question in the Applicant Details page. |
Verified By | System-generated name of the user who completed the verification. This name can be seen in the verification section of the response to the application question in the Applicant Details page. |
Reject Applicant Section
Field | Description |
Expiration Date | Date the rejection of the applicant will expire. When an applicant is rejected for hire, regardless of whether a date is entered in this field, the Applicant Status will be Do Not Hire. Applicants can continue to apply for job postings with no knowledge of this status. However, they will not appear in the Verification Overview page or the Posting Review page until the date in this field has passed, or a Human Resources staff member changes the Applicant Status to Active. |
Send Email Page
Field | Description |
From | Email address from which the email is being sent, as stored on your server. The default is your organization’s system-defined default email address. This field can be changed if the applicant should reply to a particular staff member in your organization, or you can leave the default as is and enter a reply email address in the body of the email. |
To | Email address to which the email is being sent. The default is the applicant’s email address. |
Cc | Email address to receive a copy of the email message. Character/250 You can enter multiple email addresses, separated by commas. |
Bcc | Email address for sending a blind copy of the email message. Character/250 You can enter multiple email addresses, separated by commas. |
Subject | Subject of the email message. Character/150 |
Template | Displays the ID and Title of a template defined in the Recruitment System Configuration's Email Template Setup page. When selected, the information from the template will default into any blank fields on the Send Email page. |
Body (untitled) | Text of the email message. Character/4000 |