Affordable Care Act Hours Page
Menu Path: Human Resources, then Periodic Routines, then Affordable Care Act, then ACA Hours Tracking
The Affordable Care Act Hours page is the main page that will allow you to perform all of the Affordable Care Act functions. From this page you can:
Load records.
Import records.
Access the Benefit Status Table and the Hours Conversion Table.
Run the Hours Tracking Report and Audit Report.
Add, edit, or delete records.
You can add records to the Affordable Care Act Hours table manually or via the Load or Import functions.
The following section outlines the basic functions for the Hours Data on this page.
Add New Records
Select New.
Enter an employee ID number. Use the browse function to search for an employee if the employee number is not known. The software defaults following data from the employee's record:
Employee Type from the Personnel table.
Pay Group, Job Class, Pay Code, and Calendar from the employee's primary pay rate record.
Start Date and End Date of the current system date.
Work hours of 1.0.
The remaining fields can be left blank or filled in with a value:
Pay Run: If you enter a pay run, it must exist on the Pay Run Processing page (the pay_groups database table).
Check number: The system does not validate entered values.
Plan Status: Acceptable values are Q – Qualified, N- Non-Qualified, and D – Declined Qualified Plan.
Find Records
Once records have been added to the Affordable Care Act Hours table, use standard search methods to display records. The Search Criteria contains all of the fields in the Affordable Care Act Hours table.
The Advanced search function allows a user to add criteria from the following areas of an employee's record: Employee demographics, pay rate information, personnel information and payroll information.
Change Records
Once records have been displayed, access a record to alter it. All fields, with the exception of Employee Number, can be altered.
Delete Records
To delete a single record:
Any record can be deleted by selecting the record in the List section, and then selecting Delete.
A confirmation will display. Select Yes to delete the record.
To delete multiple records:
Perform a search to display the records you wish to delete.
Once the records have been displayed, the Mass Delete option will appear.
Select Mass Delete to delete all records that appear in the List section.
A confirmation will display. Select Yes to delete the record.
To delete Records via Void Check Process:
If a check is voided via the Void Check option in the Payroll system and it exists in the Affordable Care Act Hours table, the user will be notified.
The check will be deleted from the Affordable Care Act Hours table and the action will be noted in the Affordable Care Act Audit table.
Print Records
Perform a search to display the records you wish to include.
Once the records have been displayed, click Print. A print page will display.
Select a print destination. You can produce a PDF report or export the records to an excel file.
Click OK.
Field | Description |
Employee Number | Employee identification number. One an employee has been selected, their name will appear next to this field. |
Pay Run | Pay run number, as assigned during payroll setup. If a pay run number is entered, it must exist on the Pay Run Processing page. |
Check Number | Number identifying the check. |
Employee Type | Identifies type of employee, as defined on the employee information record. |
Pay Group | The Pay Group code associated with the employee's primary pay rate record. |
Job Class | Employee's job class associated with the employee's primary pay rate record. |
Pay Code | Employee's pay code associated with the employee's primary pay rate record. |
Calendar | Code identifying the employee's calendar, as defined on the employee's job class. |
Start Date | The start date for the pay run. |
End Date | End date of the pay run. |
Work Hours | Number of work hours for the employee in the given pay run. |
Plan Status | Plan Status value determined by the employee's active deduction records for the employee's healthcare plan. The options are: Q – Qualified, N- Non-Qualified and D – Declined Qualified Plan. |