Applicant Add Page
Use this page to identify an applicant and enter address and telephone information. You can enter a present address, if needed. However, the permanent address is the address that rolls over to Human Resources.
This is the first page displayed by the Applicant Tracking wizard. When you complete its fields, click Next to display the next page, Employment.
General Section
The fields in this section identify the applicant. Most of this information rolls over to Human Resources in the applicant rollover process.
Field | Description |
Applicant ID | Number identifying an applicant in Applicant Tracking. The system can automatically assign this number depending on the following fields in your Human Resources Profile: Auto Assign Applicant, Applicant Start Number, and Applicant Increment.
When an applicant is hired, you can convert the applicant number to an employee ID, unless the number matches the ID of an existing employee. |
Last Name | Applicant’s last name. Dashes are allowed in hyphenated names, such as GRANT-WILLIAMS. Character/30 |
First Name | Applicant’s first name. Character/30 |
Middle Name | Applicant’s middle name. Character/30 |
Suffix | Applicant’s suffix, such as JR or SR, as defined in the Suffix table. |
Day Phone | Telephone number where the applicant can be contacted during the day, either at a current employer, home, or other location. The system provides the dashes after the area code and three-digit exchange. This number does not roll over to Human Resources. |
Previous Last Name | Applicant’s former last name, for cases where the name has been changed, for example, as the result of marriage or divorce. This name does not roll over to Human Resources. Character/15 |
Continuous | Checkbox for adding more than one applicant. If the box is selected, the system re-starts the wizard process when you save the current applicant. Clear the checkbox if the current applicant is the last or only applicant being added. |
Addresses Section
This section contains fields for two addresses and telephone numbers. The first address accommodates applicants who are still attending college, as well as others who have two addresses. All of the fields associated with the present address are required, except the second street address field.
Field | Description |
Present Or Permanent Address | Two lines for each type of address, the first for the street address and second for additional address information, such as a post office box or rural delivery number. You may use abbreviations but without periods and other punctuation. Character/30 per line |
Tip | If the applicant only has one address, we recommend that you enter the same address in both address sections. |
City | Name of the employee’s city of residence. Character/20 |
State | Standard two character state abbreviation. Use the drop-down list to select an abbreviation. |
Zip Code | Five digit zip code and optionally, its four-digit extension. Be sure to enter a dash if you include the extension. |
Phone Number | Area code and telephone number. The system provides the dashes. The telephone number for the permanent address rolls over to the Home Telephone field in a hired applicant’s Employee Information detail page. |