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Applicant Certifications Page

Use this page to enter certifications, licenses, and other credentials held by the applicant. You may enter up to 15 credentials, including serial numbers, certification types, and subject areas, as well as issue, expiration, and registration dates. A field is also included to note the applicant's primary certification. All of this information is rolled over to Human Resources.

After you enter the certifications, click Next to display the Degrees page. You can also click Finish at any time to save the record and exit the wizard.





Registration number of the credential. You must complete this field to enter other information on the current line. If a number is not provided, enter an abbreviated title. Character/16


Date the credential was issued.


Date the credential expires or must be renewed.


Date the credential was registered.


Code identifying the type of credential, as defined in the Certification Type table. These codes can reference a variety of conditions, for example, whether the credential is permanent or temporary or whether it is a certification, license, or other authorization.


Code identifying the subject area associated with the credential, as defined in the Certification Area table.

  • In school districts, these codes often reference academic subjects, such as English or Social Studies. They can also refer to the certification level, such as elementary or secondary,
    Or to professional credentialing in educational administration, guidance counseling, library science, and school nursing.

  • In municipalities, these codes can refer to qualifications in public administration, health, safety, recreation, and other aspects of local government.


Identifies the applicant’s primary certification.


Not Primary

This field is required for each certification entered. If needed, you can designate more than one certificate as Primary, for example, if a position’s requirements include two different certifications.

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