Applicant Details Page
Your Human Resources staff can use the Applicant Details page to maintain and monitor specific details regarding an applicant and the application process.
Menu Path: Human Resources > Entry & Processing > Recruitment > Applicant Overview > search for an applicant > click applicant's Edit column to display the Applicant Details page
Page Sections
The Applicant Details page includes the following sections, depending on the applications available for the applicant:
Applicant Personal Information | Stores personal information from an external applicant's Recruitment Portal registration or an internal applicant's Employee Information page. The section's data includes the applicant's mailing and email addresses, phone numbers, Social Security number, and State Educator ID. |
Posting Applications | Lists specific job postings that the applicant has applied for and saved or submitted on the Recruitment Portal. The listing is ordered by the most recent Posting ID number. |
To Complete | Lists any responses that are required to be completed by the applicant before the application can be submitted on the Recruitment Portal. |
Application (Links) | Displays links to the following pages:
Application (Specific) | Displays the responses and verifications for an application selected from the Posting Application section. This section displays to the right of the Application (Links) section. |
Menu Path: Human Resources > Entry & Processing > Recruitment > Applicant Overview > search for an applicant > click the applicant's Edit column