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Application Section - Applicant Recommendation

The Applicant Details page's Application section displays a link to the Applicant Recommendation e-Form. The e-Form is used to initiate the approval and complete the hiring process. For external applicants, when the e-Form is approved, the applicant is hired, and a pending employee record is created. Information on the Applicant Recommendation e-Form, along with responses to questions on the application, will default into various pages in the pending employee record.

When an application has a status of Recommended for Hire, the Applicant Recommendation link will display in the Application section. The Human Resources staff member must use this link to complete the hiring process for an applicant.

Menu Path:  Human Resources > Entry & Processing > Recruitment > Applicant Overview > search for an applicant > click the Pencil icon in the applicant's Edit column to display the Applicant Details page > select an application in the Postings Applications section > click the Applicant Recommendation link in the Application section

Submitting and approving an Applicant Recommendation e-Form

The following procedure applies to both external and internal applicants.

  1. Select Human Resources > Entry & Processing > Recruitment > Applicant Overview to display the Applicant Overview page.
  2. In the Search Criteria section, enter criteria identifying the applicants to list, and then click Find.
  3. In the Edit column, click the Pencil icon for the applicant.
  4. In the Applicant Details page's Posting Applications section, click an application's Select link.
  5. In the Application section, click the Applicant Recommendation link.
  6. In the Applicant Recommendation e-Form, the Human Resources staff member will enter any additional information and click Submit.
    Depending on the settings in the Applicant Recommendation Workflow Configuration Profile, approvals may be required. If so, the user defined in the approval group setup for workflow task 109-Approve Applicant Hire or their delegate receives the Needs Approval notification. They will need to access the Applicant Recommendation e-Form to complete the approval, either through the workflow activity on the Activities tab/panel or by clicking the link in the notification email.
  7. The approver or delegate will review the e-Form, select the approval action for their level, and click Submit.
    • If the approval action was Approved and the approver or delegate is the only approval level, the external applicant becomes a pending employee. The applicant record will have an Employee Number and an Employee Status of Pending Employee. Also, the application status is updated to Hired, the Approved workflow notification is sent to the Human Resources staff member that initiated the Applicant Recommendation workflow and, if applicable, the Notification workflow notification is sent to the user defined on the approval group setup for workflow task 110-Applicant Approve Notification. If the position the applicant was hired for is the final position on the job posting, the posting status will change from Posted to Filled.
    • If the approval action was Approved and the approver or delegate is only one of several approved levels, the Needs Approval workflow notification is sent to the approver or delegate on the next level.
    • If the approval action was Denied, the application status is updated to Rejected for Hire, the denied workflow notification is sent to the staff member that canceled the Applicant Recommendation workflow, and the workflow ends. The applicant cannot be hired with this e-Form. If the e-Form was denied in error, a staff member will need to re-initiate the Applicant Recommendation.
  8. If at any point prior to the final approval or the denied action the user that initiated the applicant recommendation chooses to cancel the request, they will select Cancel Request.
    Once the request is canceled, the user who canceled the request will receive the Canceled workflow notification. Approvers or delegates who previously received the Needs Approval or Reminder workflow notifications will see that the request was canceled when they display the e-form either through a notification email or the Activity tab/panel.
  9. If the applicant was an external applicant, a Human Resources staff member will be required to access the pending employee record center for the newly hired applicant. All pages for the pending employee record will need to be accessed, reviewed, and completed. Once all the required pages have been completed, the pending status can be removed and the applicant will be an active employee.
    If the applicant was an internal applicant, a Human Resources staff member will be required to access employee information for the hired internal applicant. All pages for the employee record will need to accessed, reviewed, and updated.


Following are descriptions of the fields in the Applicant Recommendation e-Form. For more information on how the fields on the e-Form, as well as the responses on the application, are defaulted into Human Resources for both external and internal applicants, refer to Data Flow for an External Applicant and Data Flow for an Internal Applicant.

General Information Section

The information in these fields, which defaults from the applicant's detail record unless otherwise specified, can be changed by the user submitting the e-Form if necessary.



Applicant ID

Applicant's identification number

First Name

Applicant's first name.

Middle Name

Applicant's middle name.

Last Name

Applicant's last name.


Applicant's suffix, such as JR or SR. If this field is not on the applicant detail record, it can be filled in manually.


Two lines for the applicant's address.


Applicant's city.


Applicant's state.

Zip Code

Applicant's zip code zip extension.

Applicant Information Section

The information in the following fields, which defaults from the job posting unless otherwise specified, can be changed by the user submitting the e-Form if necessary.



Posting ID

System-generated number used to identify the job posting throughout Recruitment. The posting number displays in the Posting Details page as a link to the job posting.

Hire Date

Applicant’s recommended hire or rehire date. The Tentative Start Date from the job posting will default into this field, if the Official Start First Day field in the Recommendation to Hire section of the Applicant Selection page is blank. If the Official Start First Day field has a date, that date will default into this field. If no Tentative Start Date or Official Start First Day has been entered, the user will be required to enter a date on the e-Form.

Part Or Full Time

Selection identifying the applicant’s employment preference, either full- or part-time. This field is not on the job posting and can be manually updated, if known.


Code identifying the job class associated with the applicant’s recommended position, as defined in the Job Class table.


Position assigned to the job class, as defined in the Position Control table. This field only applies if you are using Position Control and the selected job class is under Position Control.


Code identifying the department associated with the position, as defined in Payroll's Departments table.

Base Location

Code identifying the primary work location associated with position, as defined in Security's Location Codes table.

Employee Type

Code identifying the applicant’s general employment category, as defined in Personnel's Employee Types table.


Code identifying the applicant's status, as defined in Personnel's Status Codes table.

Recommended Salary Information Section

This section will only display if the Allow Salary Entry field of the Applicant Recommendation Forms Tab is set to Always or Use PowerSchool ERP Security. If the Use PowerSchool ERP Security is set, the user initiating the Applicant Recommendation needs to have security to add or update employees' pay rates in Employee Information for this section to display. The fields in this section are only required and verified when the user clicks the Calculate Salary button.

The information in these fields, which defaults from the job posting unless otherwise specified, can be changed by the user submitting the e-Form if necessary.



Pay Method

The potential pay method for the primary pay rate if the applicant is hired. This field is required when the user clicks the Calculate Salary. The options are: Daily, Hourly, Pay Period, Range/Step Pay, or Range/Step Rate.

Days Worked

Total working days in a year the applicant will work if hired. The value in this field will default in from the Days Per Year field on the job posting.


Number of hours per day the applicant will work if hired. This field is required if using the Calculate Salary button. The value in this field will default in from the Hours Per Day field on the job posting.


Gross wages the applicant will be paid, either hourly, daily, or per pay period, if hired. This field is required if using the Calculate Salary button.


Number of pays per year the applicant will receive if hired. This field is required if using the Calculate Salary button. The value in this field will default in from the Pays Per Year field on the job posting.


Full-time equivalency value (full time = 100% = 1.000000) for the position. This field will default in from the Employee FTE field on the job posting.

Annual Salary

Annual gross wages the applicant will be paid if hired. This field is required if using the Calculate Salary button.


The potential pay schedule for the primary pay rate if the applicant is hired. This field is display-only and defaults from the schedule associated with the class entered in the Applicant Information section.


The potential pay schedule range for the primary pay rate if the applicant is hired. This field defaults to 01 for the schedule associated with the class entered in the Applicant Information section, but may be changed to any range on the salary schedule.

StepThe potential pay schedule step for the primary pay rate if the applicant is hired. This field defaults to 1.00 for the schedule associated with the class entered in the Applicant Information section, but may be changed to any step on the salary schedule.

Notes Section

This section contains additional information about the applicant from the user initiating the Applicant Recommendation.




Free text field to enter additional information regarding the applicant recommendation.

Approvals Section

This section must be completed in order to hire the applicant and end the Applicant Recommendation workflow. This section is only accessible to users defined on the approval group or users delegated to approve applicants for hire. For all others accessing this e-form, the section's fields are display only.




The date that the Approved or Denied action was taken by an approver or delegate. This date is system-generated when the approver or the delegate selects Approved or Denied in the Action/Comments column and clicks Submit.

Action/ Comments

The action performed by the approver or delegate and additional comments about the action. The choices for the action are:


No action has been taken on the applicant recommendation at this time by the approver or delegate.

The applicant recommendation has been approved by the approver or delegate for this approval level. When selected and the approver or delegate clicks Submit, the workflow will do one of the following based on the status of the e-Form:

  • If there are additional approvals that need to be performed, the workflow will notify the approver or delegate on the next approval level.
  • If there are no additional approvals that need to be performed, the workflow will complete the applicant recommendation process, send the Approved workflow notification to the user that initiated the applicant recommendation, and, if applicable, send the Notification type workflow notification to the users defined in the approval group set up for workflow task 110-Applicant Approve Notification. The application status is updated to Hired, and if the position the applicant was hired for is the final position on the job posting, the posting status will change from Posted to Filled.
DeniedThe applicant recommendation has been denied by the approver or delegate for this approval level. When selected and the approver or delegate clicks Submit, the workflow will send the Denied workflow notification to the user that initiated the applicant recommendation and end. The application status is set to Rejected for Hire and the applicant cannot be hired with this e-Form. If the e-Form was denied in error, a staff member will need to re-initiate the Applicant Recommendation.


The approval group level. Display-only.


Name of the user who is defined on the approval group for this level. Display-only.

Approved By

Specifies who approved or denied the applicant recommendation for the approval group level. The value in this field is system-generated when the approver or delegate clicks Submit. The value will either be Approver or Delegate. Display-only.


The name of the user that was defined as the delegate for this workflow task during the approver's absence. Display-only.

Approval Group Name

The approval group name defined in the approval group. Display-only.

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