Application Section - Applicant Selection Page
The Application section is one of the lists on the Applicant Details page. The section displays a link to the Applicant Selection page, where Human Resources staff members can disposition an applicant, add interview information, and recommend an applicant for hire.
Menu Path: Human Resources > Entry & Processing > Recruitment > Applicant Overview > search for an applicant > click the Pencil icon in the applicant's Edit column to display the Applicant Details page > select an application in the Postings Applications section > click the Applicant Selection link in the Application section
Following are the procedures for dispositioning an applicant, adding or editing interview information, and recommending an applicant for hire.
Dispositioning an applicant
Select Human Resources > Entry & Processing > Recruitment > Applicant Overview to display the Applicant Overview page.
In the Search Criteria section, enter criteria identifying the applicants to list, and then click Find.
In the Edit column, click the Pencil icon for the applicant.
In the Applicant Details page's Posting Applications section, click an application's Select link.
In the Application section, click the Applicant Selection link.
On the Applicant Selection page, select a Disposition Code checkbox from the codes listed. These are populated from the Disposition Code table in the Recruitment reference tables.
Enter a disposition comment in the Comment field.
Click Submit Disposition to submit the disposition.
A confirmation will display and the applicant will be successfully dispositioned.
Adding and editing interview information
Select Human Resources > Entry & Processing > Recruitment > Applicant Overview to display the Applicant Overview page.
In the Search Criteria section, enter criteria identifying the applicants to list, and then click Find.
In the Edit column, click the Pencil icon for the applicant.
In the Applicant Details page's Posting Applications section, click an application's Select link.
In the Application section, click the Applicant Selection link.
In the Applicant Selection page, if this is the first round of interviews, select the Selected for Interview checkbox in the Interview section.
Click Add Interview. A blank line will display in the Interview section for adding details of the interview
In the Date field, enter the date of the interview.
In the By field, enter the employee who conducted the interview. Click the Search icon to search for the employee.
If this is the first interview being added, the number 1 will default into the Round field. For additional interviews, use the field's drop-down list to specify the interview round the applicant has completed. Up to five rounds of interviews can be added.
The interview information can be updated at any time during the interview period.Add a Score, Status, and any Comments about the interview.
When all the information has been added, click Submit Interview(s) to save the interview information. This will set the application status to Interview.
Recommending an applicant for hire
Select Human Resources > Entry & Processing > Recruitment > Applicant Overview to display the Applicant Overview page.
In the Search Criteria section, enter criteria identifying the applicants to list, and then click Find.
In the Edit column, click the Pencil icon for the applicant.
In the Applicant Details page's Posting Applications section, click an application's Select link.
In the Application section, click the Applicant Selection link.
In the Applicant Selection page, select the Recommend to Hire checkbox. The application cannot have a status of Pending or Submitted to be recommended for hire.
To submit the recommendation for hire to the appropriate Human Resources staff member, select the Recommend to Hire checkbox.
If applicable:
Select the checkbox for the Offer Extended, and enter the date in the Sent field.
Select the checkbox for the Offer Accepted, and enter the date in the Received field.
If the date the applicant is available to start differs from the Tentative Start date on the job posting, select the checkbox for the Official Start, and enter the date in the First Day field.
Click Submit Recommendation.
Based on the settings in the Hire Process Email Setup page, an email may be sent to other Human Resources staff members indicating that the applicant has selected the position, that there is a start date that differs from the job postings, and that the applicant has been recommended for hire.
If there are other applicants that were recommended for hire or have been hired and the count of those other applicants is equal to the requested positions for the job posting, the message The maximum number of persons already recommended or hired will display, and the recommendation cannot be submitted.
Once the application has the status of Recommended for Hire, the Pre-Employment Checklist, Applicant Recommendation, and Employee Checklist links will be available in the Application Section.
Following are descriptions of the fields in the Disposition, Interview, and Recommend to Hire sections.
Disposition Section
Field | Description |
Disposition Codes | Disposition reasons which can be selected when dispositioning an applicant. These options are populated from the Disposition Codes in the Recruitment reference tables. |
Comment | Comment regarding why the applicant is not being hired. |
Submit Disposition | Select to submit the disposition and change the application status to Not Selected. |
Interview Section
Field | Description |
Selected for Interview | Checkbox to indicate if applicant is selected for interview. |
Add Interview | Button to enter details about a round of interviews. |
Date | Date of the interview. |
By | Employee conducting the interview. |
Round | Drop-down indicating the number of the interview. |
Score | Score for the interview. |
Status | Drop-down indicating the status of the interview. These options are populated from the Interview Status table in the Recruitment reference tables. |
Comments | Any comments regarding the interview. Character/3000 |
Delete | Select the Delete icon to delete the interview. |
Submit Interview | Select to submit the interview information and change the status of the application to Interview, or to save changes or additional interviews entered since the interview was last submitted. |
Recommend to Hire Section
Field | Description |
Recommend to Hire | Checkbox to indicate the applicant is being recommended to hire. |
Status | Status of the applicant in the hiring process. |
Offer Extended | Checkbox to indicate an offer has been extended to the applicant. |
Sent | Date offer is extended/sent to the applicant. |
Offer Accepted | Checkbox to indicate the applicant has accepted the position. |
Received | Date accepted offer is received. |
Official Start | Checkbox to indicate an official start date for the applicant has been decided. |
First Day | Date for the official start date. |
Submit Recommendation | Select to submit the recommendation to hire and change the status of the application to Recommended for Hire. |