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Applying for a Job Posting (Internal Applicant)

  1. Internal applicants will be able to apply for a submitted and approved job posting with a Publish Type of Internal/External or Internal if the current date falls on or after the Posting Date and on or before the Closing Date.

  2. To apply for a job posting, the internal applicant will log into Employee Access Center (EAC).

  3. In Employee Access Center, the internal applicant will click the Recruitment link under the Employee Tasks section to display the Recruitment Portal.

  4. In Recruitment Portal, the applicant will use the New Postings, By Title, By Position Type, or By Location links under the View Postings section to review the available job postings.

  5. The applicant can click the Posting ID link to view more information about the posting, such as the Job Description, Salary Range, FTE, Hours per Day, Days per Year, Core and Qualifying Certification Areas, and questions that will be asked in the application.

  6. To apply for the job posting, the applicant can click the Apply for this Position link from the Posting Details page accessed from the Posting ID link or click the icon in the Apply column from the New Postings, By Title, By Position Type or By Location pages.

  7. The applicant will first be taken to their Profile page to review their current profile information. If necessary, the internal applicant may make changes to the Primary Email, Alternate Email, Primary Phone and Alternate Phone. These changes will only affect Recruitment, not their current employee record. To continue to the application, the applicant will click Save and Continue to Application.

  8. To respond to a CheckBox question, the applicant will select the box for the appropriate answer.

  9. To respond to a DropDown question, the applicant will select the appropriate answer from the drop-down list.

  10. To respond to a TextBox question, the applicant will enter the appropriate answer.

  11. To respond to a Numeric question, the applicant will enter their answer in number form.

  12. To respond to a Date question, the applicant will select or enter the appropriate date.

  13. To respond to a Certification Information question, the applicant will click Add Certification. The applicant will be required to select a Type and Area and must enter the certification Number. They will also be able to enter the Issue Date, Expiration Date, Registration Date, and select if this is their Primary Certificate. Once all the data is entered, the applicant will click Add. This will save their certification information and re-displays the page to add additional certifications. If there are no more certifications, the applicant will click Close. When an internal applicant is being hired for the posting, the values in these fields will need to be manually updated in the Certifications section of the Certifications/Licenses page in the employee record.

  14. To respond to an Education question, the applicant will click Add Education. The applicant will be required to select a Degree/Diploma, School/Institution, and Major and enter the Issue Date. They will also be able to select a Minor and enter their GPA. Once all the data is entered, the applicant will click Add. This will save their education information and re-displays the page to add additional degree information. If there are no more degrees to enter, the applicant will click Close.
    When an internal applicant is being hired for the posting, the values in these fields will need to be manually updated in the Degree Data page in the employee record.

  15. To respond to an Experience question, the applicant will click Add Experience. The applicant will be required to select an Experience Type and must enter the Years of Experience. Once the data is entered, the applicant will click Add. This will save their experience information and re-displays the page to add additional experience information. If there are no more experiences to enter, the applicant will click Close.
    When an internal applicant is being hired for the posting:

    • If the code associated with the selection in the Experience Type field is DIST, the value in the Years of Experience field will need to be manually updated into the Years Employed field in the General Employment section of the Employment tab in the employee record.

    • If the code associated with the selection in the Experience Type field is STAT, the value in the Years of Experience field will need to be manually updated into the Years in State and Years in Total fields in the General Employment section of the Employment tab in the employee record.

    • If the code associated with the selection in the Experience Type field is OUT, the value in the Years of Experience field will need to be added to the value in the Years of Experience for the Experience Type STAT and manually updated into the Years in Total field in the General Employment section of the Employment tab in the employee record.

  16. To respond to a License/Certificate question, the applicant will click Add License/Certificate. The applicant will be required to select a non-teaching license Type and may enter the License Number, State, Issue Date, and Expiration Date. Once the data is entered, the applicant will click Add. This will save their license information and re-displays the page to add additional license information. If there are no more licenses to enter, the applicant will click Close.
    When an internal applicant is being hired for the posting, the values in these fields will need to be manually updated in the Non-Teaching Licenses section of the Certifications/Licenses page in the employee record.

  17. To respond to a Reference question, the applicant will click Add Reference. The applicant will be required to enter the First Name, Last Name, and Phone Number of the reference. They may also enter the Email, Title, and Years Known and select the Relationship. Once the data is entered, the applicant will click Add. This will save their reference information and re-displays the page to add additional references. If there are no more references to enter, the applicant will click Close.
    If an email address is entered, when the applicant submits the application, an email will be sent to the reference with the eReference Questions associated with the Position Type of the job posting. The responses from the reference can be reviewed in the Applicant Details page.

  18. To respond to a Skills question, the applicant will click Add Skills. The applicant will be required to select a Skill and may enter the Years of Experience and Years of Education. Once the data is entered, the applicant will click Add. This will save their skills information and re-displays the page to add additional skills. If there are no more skills to enter, the applicant will click Close.
    When an internal applicant is being hired for the posting, the value in the Skill field will need to be manually updated in the Job Skills section of the Personnel tab in the employee record.

  19. To respond to a Work History question, the applicant will click Add Work History. In the Employer Contact Information section, the applicant will be required to enter the Employer, Address, City, State, Zip, Phone, and Supervisor. They may enter the Employer Email. In the Position Information section, the applicant will be required to enter the Position Held and Job Description and may select a Work Type. In the Employment Information section, the applicant will be required to enter a date in the From Date and To Date fields and select a value in the Full/Part Time field. They may also enter their Annual Salary ($) and select Reason for Leaving. Once the data is entered, the applicant will click Add. This will save their work history information and re-displays the page to add additional work history. If there is no more work history to enter, the applicant will click Close.
    If an email address is entered and an item on either the Pre-Employment or Employment Checklist is flagged as an eEmployment item, the user in your organization responsible for verifying previous employment records will be able to send an email to the previous employer with the eEmployment Questions associated with the Position Type of the job posting. The responses from the employer can be reviewed in the Applicant Details page in the appropriate checklist.

  20. Once the applicant has responded to all the questions on the application, they will be required to save the application prior to uploading any documents that your organization requests for any of the job posting question/responses.

  21. To upload a document, the applicant will click Upload next to the appropriate question/response. The applicant will locate the document on the PC or Network, select the document, and click Open to upload the file.

  22. Once all the requested documents have been uploaded, the applicant will click Submit to submit the application for your organization.

  23. At any time, the applicant may review the state of their application by logging in to Employee Access Center (EAC), clicking the Recruitment link under the Employee Tasks section, then clicking on the Profile link under the Apply section.

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