Approval Report
Use this report option to view the approval status for selected Time Entry timecards. You can limit the report based on employee number, Time Entry department, pay week starting date, approval status, supervisor ID, and pay run code for posted records.
The report can be generated in two formats:
Summary Report - Lists the selected timecard records showing identifying information for the employees, starting dates for their timecards, total hours worked, approval status, and supervisors.
Detail Report - Provides added descriptive information for the employee's supervisor and Time Entry department and provides the pay run code for posted timecards.
Menu Path: Human Resources > Reports > Time Entry > Approval Report
Generating the Time Entry Approval report
Select Human Resources > Reports > Time Entry > Approval Report to display the Time Entry Approval Report page.
In the Time Entry Approval Criteria section, enter criteria identifying the records to include in the report.
In the Report Setup Option section, enter your selections, and then click OK.
In the Print window, specify how to generate the report, and then click OK. The report's default file name is timrptap1d.rpt for the detail format and timrptap1s.rpt for the summary format.
Time Entry Approval Criteria Section
Field | Description |
Employee Number | Enter a specific employee's ID, or leave this field blank to include all employees, depending on your other criteria. |
T/E Department Code | Select a specific Time Entry department, or leave the field blank for all departments. |
Week to Print | Select a specific pay week starting date, or leave the field blank if you do not want to limit based on date. |
Approval Status | Determines the records that will be included in the report based on their status. Select: Pending Full Approval - Timecard is not yet fully approved. |
Supervisor Employee # | Enter a specific supervisor's employee ID, or leave this field blank to include all supervisors, depending on your other criteria. |
Pay Run | Enter a code for a specific pay run, or leave the field blank to include timecards regardless of pay run. |
Report Setup Options Section
Field | Description |
Detail Or Summary Report | Defines the report's format. Select: Detail Approval Report |
Report Sort Order | Defines the report's sort order. Select: Employee Number |