Audit Listing of 1099-R Changes
Use this option to print a report to verify changes to records in your 1099-R workfile.
The 1099-R Audit report includes the IDs of individuals who made changes, the dates and types of changes, tax years, employee numbers, fields modified, and original and new field values.
Save a copy of the audit report for future reference.
Menu path
From the Human Resources menu, select Periodic Routines. From the Year End menu, select 1099-R Processing. Click Audit Listing of 1099-R Changes.
Generate the 1099-R audit report
On the Audit Listing of 1099-R Changes page, select the Tax Year to print.
Click Accept.
In the Print window, specify how to generate the report, and then click OK. If you select File, you can edit the File Name so that you do not overwrite a previous report.
The default file name is 1099Raudit.rpt.