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Batch Status Detail

Use this option to generate a detailed report on the status of the positions in your Batch Position table.

The Batch Position Status Detail report lists employee names and ID numbers, along with job classes, positions, locations, and fulltime equivalency (FTE) values. If no employee rates are assigned to a batch position, the report provides the message POSITION NOT FILLED in place of the employee name.

The report's default file is batpos73.rpt. For the standard procedure for generating reports, refer to Position Control Reports Procedure.

Menu Path:  Human Resources > Reports > Position Control > Batch Status Detail

Including Terminated Rates

The Batch Status Detail option uses the standard report procedure, except a message displays after you click OK in the Batch Position Status Detail Report page:

Click Yes to include employee pay rates that have been terminated or No to exclude them. The code TERM identifies a terminated rate in the report.

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