Use this option to add or change beneficiary records for an employee for posting to your database on a future date. You also can update, print, and delete records prior to posting them to your database.
To generate a report on the change records stored in the option's batch file, use the page's Print item. The default file name of the Future Beneficiary Info report is bbenefici.rpt.
For the procedures to follow for using the Effective Beneficiary Changes page, refer to Periodic Processing - Effective Date Changes.
Menu Path
From the Human Resources menu, select Periodic Routines. From the Periodic Processing menu, select Effective Date Changes, then select Beneficiary.
Fields and Descriptions
Following are the fields in the page's Beneficiary Information section. For information on the page's other fields, refer to Employee Deductions Page.
Field | Description |
Effective Date | Date that the record should become effective. When you run the Post option, the system posts batch records that either match or precede this date. Posting also depends on whether the Post? field is selected. |
Post? | Checkbox indicating whether the batch record should be posted based on the Effective Date entered. Select the box to enable posting. Leaving the box blank prevents the record from being posted. |
Open Enrollment | Checkbox indicating whether the record is referred to as an open enrollment record, meaning it either originated in or can be retrieved through the Employee Access Center. If the box is not selected, the record is referred to as a non-enrollment record, in which case it cannot be accessed by the employee. |
You must have the proper security resources to access the Dependent SSN and Beneficiary SSN fields in the Beneficiary option. In addition, the display of these fields depends on the SSN Masking Method setting in the Human Resources Profile.