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Employee Information Deductions Page

Use this page to add, change, or delete deductions, benefits, and combinations. You can enter up to a maximum of 200 records for each employee. You can include a deduction and its related benefit in the same record where appropriate.

From this page, you can also perform the following functions:

  • Set up direct deposit deductions for payroll checks.
  • Update deduction/benefit accruals.
  • Display a page for creating deductions for a U.S. Savings Bond purchase.
  • Display a page to add and maintain Child Support garnishment addendums.

Menu Path

From the Human Resources menu, select Entry & Processing. From the Employee menu, select Employee Information. Search for and select an employee record, select Payroll Information on the Action Bar, and choose Deductions.

The Employee Deductions page includes a list section at the top showing the employee's assigned deduction records and an Employee Deduction Information section defining the selected deduction.

Action Bar Items

The Action Bar on the Employee Deductions page includes the following items:


View Bond

Displays the Bond Information page for a deduction used to purchase a Savings Bond.


Displays the Deduction Addendum page for a deduction used for Child Support Garnishments.

Savings Bond Purchase Deduction

The Bond Information page allows you to enter information for a deduction related to a U.S. Savings Bond purchase. This information is required for electronic reporting to the U.S. Treasury Department.

Before adding a deduction record for this purpose, you must create at least one record in the Deduction table for Savings Bond deductions. Select Deduction for a Bond in each applicable record, so the system knows the table record is for purchasing a savings bond.

Set Up a Deduction Record for a Savings Bond Purchase

  1. On the Employee Deductions page, click Add New to access the Employee Deduction Information section.
  2. In the Deduction field, select a table record that defines a savings bond purchase. This record must be set up in advance in the Deduction table.
  3. Complete the remaining fields in the Employee Deduction Information section. Of particular importance are the following fields:


    Start Date

    Enter the date the deduction takes effect. Do not enter a Stop Date.

    Deduction Amount/Rate

    Enter the per pay period deduction amount to apply toward the purchase.

    Maximum Deduction

    Enter the purchase cost of half the bond's redeemable value upon maturity. When payments reach this limit, the system stops taking the deduction.

  4. Click View Bond to display the Bond Information page.
  5. Complete the following fields. All fields, except Bond Cost, are optional.


    Last Name

    The last name of the bond recipient. You may include a suffix, such as JR or SR.

    First Name

    The first name of the bond recipient. You may include the middle name or the initial after the name.

    Address 1-2-3

    The bond recipient's address: line 1 for the street number and name, line 2 for additional address information, and line 3 for the city and state abbreviation.

    Zip Code

    The five or nine-digit postal code.

    Social Security

    The recipient's Social Security number.

    Bond Cost

    The purchase cost.

    The system uses this value to determine when the employee has accumulated the purchase cost. The list includes standard purchase amounts from $25.00 to $10,000.00.

    Co-owner/ Beneficiary Type

    Identifies whether the bond has a co-owner or beneficiary. The list includes the following selections:

    • Beneficiary
    • Co-owner

    Co-owner or Beneficiary

    The name of the co-owner or beneficiary, if applicable.

  6. Click Accept.

Employee Deduction Information

The Employee Deduction Information section of the page defines the deduction and contains these tabs:



Defines an employer-paid benefit.


Stores information for a paycheck direct deposit deduction.

Access to this tab depends on your security resources.


Displays accrued deduction and benefit totals for the following:

  • Current: The most recent payroll only
  • Month to date
  • Quarter to date
  • Year to date
  • Fiscal to date
  • Since the inception of the deduction or benefit

Employee Deduction Information Fields

The following fields enable you to set up an employee deduction:




The code identifying the deduction or benefit, as defined in the Deduction table.


List menu to determine whether a deduction should be processed in pay runs.


  • A - Active
  • I - Inactive

Deduction Account

The vendor-assigned number identifying the employee's account. For example, the employee's life insurance policy or health plan number. This is not the same as a group policy number, though you can use a group number if no other number is assigned. These account numbers appear in the Payroll Information, Monthly Deduction Summary, and Personnel Information reports.

The entry in this field is for information purposes only unless you use the Employee Benefits System. In this case, you can enter the deduction record's benefit amount. The system then uses the Deduction Account field to update the Coverage field on the Employee Benefit Information page.

Check Indicator

List menu to determine whether the deduction should be taken from the employee's first and second paychecks when multiple checks are issued in the same pay run.


  • X - 1st Check Only (the deduction applies to the first paycheck)
  • S - 1st and 2nd Check (the deduction applies to both paychecks)

Start Date

The date when the deduction takes effect. The system processes the deduction when any date within a pay period falls on or after this date. If you leave the field blank, the deduction begins with the next pay run.

For example, if you want a deduction to be taken for a pay period from 10/12/2022 through 10/25/2022, the start date must be 10/25/2022 or earlier.

Stop Date

The date to stop processing the deduction. The system processes the deduction if its stop date falls within or after a pay period's ending date. If the deduction is to be processed every time the employee is paid, leave the field blank.

Deductions also depend on other settings, such as the Deduction Frequency and Maximum Method fields in the deduction table record and the Maximum Deduction field in the Employee Deductions page.

For example, if you want a deduction taken for a pay period from 10/12/2022 to 10/25/2022, the stop date must be 10/25/2022 or later.

Deduction Amount/Rate

The amount or percentage of the deduction or benefit depending on the deduction method stored in the deduction table.

Refer to the Deduction Method and Deduction Amount/Rate section for more information.

Maximum Deduction

The maximum cumulative amount that can be deducted in the period identified in the Maximum Method field of the deduction table record: Year to Date, Inception to Date, or Fiscal Year to Date.

When this ceiling is reached, the deduction stops. If the record also includes an employer-paid benefit, the benefit can continue, depending on the settings in the deduction section's Stop Date field and deduction table record Maximum Benefit field.


The balance owed by the employee when a pay run's after-tax earnings cannot cover the deduction amount. The system adds the arrears amount to the current deduction in the next pay run.

Use of this field depends on the Maintain Arrears option in the related deduction table record:

  • If Maintain Arrears is selected, a balance due is automatically updated in the Arrears field. During the next pay run, the system deducts the arrears amount in one lump sum as long as the earnings cover taxes and higher priority deductions.
  • If it is not selected, balances are not recorded. If you want an amount due deducted in a pay run, enter it in the Arrears field before processing the run.

Example 1: The deduction amount is $40 in a table record with Maintain Arrears selected. After taxes and other deductions in a pay run, an employee has only $30 remaining. The system deducts the $30 and updates the Arrears field with the $10 due. In the next pay run, a total of $50 ($40 + $10) will be deducted, provided there are sufficient funds.

Example 2: An employee takes two weeks without pay. If Maintain Arrears is not selected and the biweekly deduction is $125, enter this amount in the Arrears field. The next pay run will take $250 ($125 + $125). You can also address this situation by entering 2.00 in the Number of Times field.

Number of Times

The number of times a deduction can be taken in the same pay run. Enter the desired value if a deduction needs to be taken two or more times. This entry only applies to one pay run. After the system processes the deductions, the field resets to the 1.00 default.

Additional Gross

The amount to add to the employee's gross to calculate the deduction. This field only applies if the deduction table's Method field is set to M - % Plus Additional Amount.

The equation for determining the deduction gross is: Deduction Gross = Original Deduction Gross + Additional Gross


Select Continuous to assign a series of deductions to an employee without clicking Add New each time.

Deduction Method and Deduction Amount/Rate

The following table lists the deduction method and the corresponding deduction amount/rate.

Deduction Method


R - Employee %

The decimal value of deduction percentage (.05 = 5%).

S - Employee Amount

The dollar amount of the deduction.

Other Methods

Zero to use the deduction table rate or amount.


The amount or percentage to override the table value.

Employer Tab

The following fields enable you to set up an employer-paid benefit:



Benefit Effective Date

The date that the benefit takes effect. This date only applies to the Employee Benefits System. If you are using Employee Benefits, information from the Deductions page is copied to the employee's benefit record in Employee Benefits as of the effective date.

Benefit Amount Or Rate

The flat amount or a percentage of the employee's pay. Use this field if the benefit amount/rate varies from employee to employee. If it is the same for most employees, you can use the table record to set the amount/rate and appropriate benefit method. This eliminates the need to set these values for each employee with this benefit. Your entry depends on the Benefit Method identified in the Deduction table.

Refer to the Benefit Method and Benefit Amount/Rate section for more information.

Maximum Benefit

The maximum cumulative amount the employer can pay in the period identified in the Maximum Method field of the deduction table record is year-to-date, inception-to-date, or fiscal-to-date. When this ceiling is reached, the benefit stops. For benefits that do not have a ceiling, enter zero.

Additional Gross

The amount to add to the employee's gross to calculate the benefit. This field only applies if the Deduction table's Benefit Method is set to M - % Plus Additional Amount.

The equation for determining the benefit gross is: Benefit Gross = Original Benefit Gross + Additional Gross

Encumbrances Remaining

The number of times for encumbering the benefit during the remainder of the fiscal year. The system tracks the encumbrances and reduces this field by 1 with each pay run where the benefit is assessed. The benefit will not be encumbered in subsequent pay runs when the field reaches zero.

This field only applies to benefits with amount methods (A - Table Amount or S - Employee Amount). In addition, you must select the Encumber Benefits option in the benefit's deduction table record.

Benefit Method and Benefit Amount/Rate

The following table lists the benefit method and the corresponding benefit amount/rate.

Benefit Method


P - Table %

The percentage to override the table percentage.

A - Table Amount

The dollar amount to override the table amount.

S - Record Amount

The dollar amount

R - Record %

The percentage

Enter a percentage as a decimal (5% = .05).

Bank Tab

The following fields are used to set up direct deposit records.

20.11 and later, dependent on the Employee Access Center (EAC) version. Direct deposit records may have attachments with bank information, such as a voided check image.




The code identifying the bank for depositing the employee's pay, as defined in the Bank table.

Transaction Code

The special code used in issuing prenotes to test direct deposits.

  • 22 - Checking Deposit: Activates direct deposit to checking account.
  • 23 - 2nd Checking Prenote: Enables bank to issue final checking prenote.
  • 24 - Checking Prenote: Enables bank to issue first checking prenote.
  • 32 - Savings Deposit: Activates direct deposit to the savings account.
  • 33 - 2nd Savings Prenote: Enables bank to issue final savings prenote.
  • 34 - Savings Prenote: Enables bank to issue first savings prenote.

If a bank requires one or two prenotes to validate deposit information, select the prenote option for savings or checking that matches the bank account type. If the bank does not require prenotes, you can immediately set up the direct deposit by assigning code 22 for checking or 32 savings.

For example, for a direct checking deposit where the bank requires two prenotes, select 24. The Create Bank Prenote option changes the code to the next lower level, 23. When you run the prenote tape option again for the bank, the code changes to 22. This activates the direct deposit for your next pay run.

Bank Account

The employee's checking or savings account number for direct deposits. If you set up direct deposits to multiple accounts, create a separate employee deduction record for each deposit.

If direct deposit deduction records do not add up to the total net pay, a manual check will be issued for the difference.

Accruals Tab

The following fields store cumulative amounts for the periods indicated.

You can clear accrual balances using the following options:

  • Clear Monthly Totals
  • Clear Quarterly Totals
  • Fiscal Process
  • Calendar

You can only clear Inception-To-Date in the Accruals tab.




The deduction amounts for the current, month-to-date, quarter-to-date, year-to-date, fiscal-to-date, and inception-to-date periods.

  • The system clears the Current field at the beginning of every pay run and enters the current deduction amount during payroll processing.
  • The other deduction accrual fields hold the cumulative totals for the periods indicated, including the amount from the most recent pay run.
The system uses the inception-to-date accrual to determine when to purchase savings bonds. Do not clear this field if the deduction is for a bond.


The Benefit amounts for the current, month-to-date, quarter-to-date, year-to-date, fiscal-to-date, and inception-to-date periods.

Ded(uction) Salary

The gross salaries subject to the deduction or benefit for the current, month-to-date, quarter-to-date, year-to-date, and fiscal-to-date periods. Each period has its Deduction Salary field.

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