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Benefit Charge Override Table

Use this table to set up Fund Accounting distributions for benefit records if you need to override the default distributions stored in employees' pay rates. You can add, update, and delete entries in the table as needed.

Ordinarily, benefits are charged to the same budget units or accounts as payroll. In some circumstances, you may need to use different distributions. For example, if a grant covers employees' salaries but not their employer-paid benefits. The Benefits Charge Override table enables you to define the budget units or accounts that can be used in place of the default units.

Menu Path

Human Resources

From the Human Resources menu, select Reference Tables. From the Payroll menu, select Benefit Charge Override.

Personnel Budgeting

From the Personnel Budgeting menu, select Reference Tables. From the Personnel Budgeting menu, select Benefit Charge Override.

Action Bar Items


Select Import to display the File Import and Data Selection Benefit Charge Override page. Use this page to import Benefit Charge Override tables.

The import file must be in .xml, .exml, .csv, .txt, or .unl format.


Select Copy to copy Benefit Charge Override records from the current active fiscal year to the next fiscal year.

Copy only appears in the Human Resources module.


Select Post to post the Benefit Charge Override records to Human Resources for the next fiscal year.

Post only appears in the Personnel Budgeting module.

Identify Prospective Override Records

Before using the Benefit Charge Override page, you need to identify records affected by benefit charging restrictions.

  • Review records in the Deduction table to identify benefits that are restricted.

  • Determine whether grant restrictions apply to all health care benefit records or only certain records.
Example: A grant may provide for an employee's salary and FICA/Medicare payments, but not employer-paid health care. Make a list of the benefit codes for the health care records and the budget unit or account codes stored in these records.

Options Affected by Overrides

The distribution overrides stored in the Benefit Charge Override table apply to the following options in Human Resources:


Periodic Routines

Fund Accounting Interface

Redistribute Payroll

Manual Checks

Summer Pay Fiscal Year Accruals

Payroll Encumbrance

In addition, the table is used to override distributions in Personnel Budgeting's Distribute Salary and Fringe option.

Create Files for Import

Create the file to be imported into the table in any manner you choose. The easiest way is to use a spreadsheet program. Fields in the file can be entered in any order. Once the file is created, it needs to be saved with the extension of *.xml, *.exml, *.csv, *.txt, or *.unl.

Required fields must be included in the file or entered in the wizard's Static Column Value Mapping page. Defaults will display on the Static Column Value Mapping page, but may be changed.

The database table used to store benefit charge override records is ben_chrg_override. Following are the database names of the Benefit Charge Override table's fields and their descriptions:

ben_chrg_override.charge_acct (Charge To Account)

ben_chrg_override.priority (Priority)

ben_chrg_override.charge_orgn (Charge To Organization)

ben_chrg_override.salary_acct (Salary Account)

ben_chrg_override.ded_cd (Benefit Code)

ben_chrg_override.salary_orgn (Salary Organization)

ben_chrg_override.empl_no (Employee Number)

ben_chrg_override.yr (Fiscal Year)

Import Benefit Charge Override Mapping

  1. Select Import to display the File to Import Data and Selection page.
  2. Select Upload in the File to Import field to identify the file to import.
  3. Select the desired file.
  4. Select Load to load the data from the file.
  5. In the Import File Data section, select the line to use for Column Titles, then select Set Column Titles.

    If you select an incorrect line, click Reset Column Titles to reinstate the line in the list, and repeat the step with the correct line selected.
  6. Once the column titles are set, select the lines to import from the file.
    • To select a range of lines, select the first line in the range, press and hold the Shift key, and then select the last line.
    • To select multiple lines individually, press and hold the Ctrl key, and select each line.
    • To select all lines, select Select All.
  7. Select Next.
  8. On the Define Column Mapping page:
    Select a mapping from Saved Import Mapping.
    Tab into the Table Field column for the first Import File Column, and select the table field from the database table to map to the column listed in the Import File Column field. The Field Description column defaults the field's user-friendly name and cannot be changed. Map the additional fields accordingly.
  9. Select Next.
    • If the data in the file does not meet the requirements of the database table, the Import Errors page will display. You cannot proceed until either the file or the mapping is corrected.
    • If there are no errors but some required fields from the database are not mapped, the Static Column Value Mapping page displays. Complete Steps 10 and 11.
    • If there are no errors and all required fields are mapped, proceed to Step 12.
  10. In the Static Column Value Mapping page, required fields from the database table that were not mapped on the Define Column Mapping page will display. Add values as needed. Click Append Row to add other fields that have not been mapped if needed.
  11. Once the static mapping is complete, click Next.
  12. In the Save Import Mapping page, enter a unique name to identify the mapping, and then complete the following fields:

    Mapping Name

    If desired, assign a unique mapping name. Character/38


    User name of the person importing the file. Display-only.


    Select the checkbox to enable others to use the mapping file.


    Select the checkbox to prevent others from changing the mapping file.

    Save Options


    • Create New Mapping to create a new mapping file under the name assigned.
    • Update Existing Mapping to save changes to an existing mapping file. This option is not available when you create a new mapping file or if changing the file is restricted.
    • Do Not Save Mapping to only use the mapping for the current file.

      The ability to add and update an import mapping on the Save Import Mapping page is dependent on security.
  13. Click Finish.
  14. If any errors or warnings are encountered during data validation when the file is imported, the Import Status page displays. The page lists the errors and warning messages.
    • The Display Results field provides options for controlling the display: Warnings Only, Errors Only, Warnings/Errors Only, or Show All.
    • The page's Line # column lists the line numbers in the import file for finding the data that must be corrected.
    • The Summary Information section displays the number of Errors, Warnings, and Successes.
      At this point, you can:
    • Select Print to print the listing of errors.
    • Select Import on the Action Bar to import any successes. If there are no successes, this option does not appear.
    • Select Back to exit, correct the file, and then re-run the import procedure.
  15. If there are no errors or you clicked the Import item in the last step, a Confirmation dialog will display.
    Click Yes to import the file and generate a final Confirmation.

The benefit charge override records will now display in the Benefit Charge Override page.

Benefit Information Section

The system uses your entries in the Year, Benefit Code, and Employee Number fields to find deduction records requiring an override.




Fiscal year assigned to the benefit charge override record. Displays the default year from the Human Resources profile. You may change this if a different year applies to the record being created.


System-assigned integer determining the order of processing for a series of override records tied to a specific budget unit / account. The highest priority is 1. When you create records, the system assigns 1 as the priority for the first record in a series, 2 for the second record, and so forth.

When a user processes a pay run or check, for example, the system looks for the original budget unit / account. When it finds the match, the system stops looking and processes the highest priority record first. It then processes any additional records with the same distribution in order of priority.

If you delete an override record, remaining records in the series with higher priority numbers but lower priorities than the record that is deleted are renumbered accordingly. For example, if you delete the priority 2 record, the priority 3 record is renumbered to priority 2.

Benefit Code

Code identifying the benefit record in the Deduction table that contains the default budget unit / account that needs an override.

Employee Number

ID number of the employee receiving the fringe benefit.

Salary Account Number
22.4 and later.

If the Full Account Format option is enabled in the Fund Accounting profile, enter the full account number based on the format defined in the Fund Accounting profile translation page.

Charge To Account Number
22.4 and later.

If the Full Account Format option is enabled in the Fund Accounting profile, enter the full account number based on the format defined in the Fund Accounting profile translation page.

Salary Distribution Section

The system uses your entries in these fields to find records requiring an override.



*Budget Unit*

Number identifying the default budget unit for charging an employee's salary and fringe benefits.


Number identifying the default account for charging an employee's salary and fringe benefits.

Charge To Distribution Section

The systems uses your entries in these fields to define the budget unit and account override for benefits charging.



*Budget Unit*

Number identifying the budget unit to use as an override for the default budget unit assigned to the benefit.


Number identifying the account to use as an override for the default account assigned to the benefit.

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