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Benefits Interface

The Benefits Interface option allows users to import a data file from your organization's third-party open enrollment application into the Human Resources feature. The data can then be processed using the Effective Date Changes option. This feature:

  • Allows users to eliminate manual entry of deduction and benefit election changes.

  • Expands the standard Effective Date Changes process to allow the import of deduction codes employees do not currently have.

  • Provides corresponding updates in the Benefits system when the same codes are used in Payroll and Benefits.

  • Provides an option to convert deduction codes if the third-party application and PowerSchool ERP do not use the same codes.

  • Allows your organization to use the employee's identification number or the social security number in the data file.

  • Provides a summary report.

Menu Path:  Human Resources > Periodic Routines > Periodic Processing > Benefits Interface

The number of fields than can be imported per record is 22. If your organization was using a prior version of the Benefits Interface, you may need to request a new file from your third-party provider.

Updates to the Benefit system for dependents, dependent records, and beneficiary records will still need to be performed by your organization manually. The Benefits Interface does not make changes to deduction code reference table records. The option also is not intended to import deductions that have direct deposit information. All bank-related fields in the import file will be cleared.

Action Bar Items

The following items display on the Action Bar:


Displays the Benefits Interface Setup page. This option allows users to set processing options for the Benefits Interface.

Data Crosswalk

Displays the Crosswalk Table page. For details, refer to Crosswalk Table.

Import Requirements

The Benefits Interface page allows users to load third-party records into the database from comma-delimited, plain-text files stored on the network server.

To use this function, you need to make sure the source text file is formatted correctly. For this function, the source text file must be formatted correctly. The data is loaded directly into the Effective Data Changes deductions and benefits tables. Therefore, the text file's file data must be arranged in exactly the same order as the corresponding database table columns. The feature uses the comma (,) symbols in the file to mark where one field value ends and the next begins.

  • In the optional fields, field data can be omitted from the text file by placing two commas next to each other in the appropriate position.

  • A single record in the text file must contain 22 commas total and must end with a comma.

  • Bank information imported from the third-party software will be blanked out.

  • The decimal formats shown in the length column of the table represent the total number of digits before and after the decimal. For example, 10,2 would allow for a number up to 9999999999.99.

  • Dates must be formatted as YYYYMMDD.

Import File Fields

#Data Field Type Contents/Notes

  1. eff_date YYYYMMDD The date from the Benefits Interface page will override the date in the data file and will be used to select records when posting.

  2. empl_no Character (9) Employee number (default) or SSN without dashes (Setup option).

  3. ded_cd Character (10) Deduction code

    • The deduction codes are 4-character fields.

    • If the deduction codes used in the third-party application and PowerSchool ERP are not the same, the deduction codes must be converted using a crosswalk. For details, refer to Crosswalk Table.
      The maximum length for the deduction codes to be converted is 10.

  4. status Character (1) A (Active) or I (Inactive)

  5. account Character (10) BLANK - not used

  6. start_x YYYYMMDD Date deduction/benefit is to start.

  7. stop_x YYYYMMDD Date deduction/benefit is to stop.

  8. beff_date YYYYMMDD Benefit effective date.

  9. ded_amt Decimal (12,6) Deduction amount (1.00 = $1) or percentage (0.5 = 50%)

  10. cont_amt Decimal (12,6) Benefit (employer paid) amount (1.00 = $1) or percentage (0.5 = 50%)

  11. num_deds Decimal (4,2) Constant - 1 (deduction is taken one time on a pay run).

  12. max_amt Decimal (10,2) If there is a maximum amount on this deduction paid by the employee.

  13. max_fringe Decimal (10,2) If there is a maximum benefit paid by the employer.

  14. arrears Decimal (10,2) 0.00

  15. chk_ind Character (1) N (NULL)

  16. bank Integer Bank number for the employee's direct deposit.

  17. bt_code Character (2) Transaction code for employee's direct deposit.

  18. bank_acct Character (20) Bank account for employee's direct deposit.

  19. enroll_flg Character (1) Y

  20. post_flg Character (1) Y

  21. operator Character (15) BLANK - program generated

  22. date_chg Date BLANK - program generated

Setting up Benefits Interface

  1. Select Human Resources > Periodic Routines > Periodic Processing > Benefits Interface to display the Benefits Interface page.

  2. Click Setup on the Action Bar to display the Benefits Interface Setup page.

  3. In the Setup Options section, complete the fields as needed. For details, refer to the Fields section below.

  4. Click OK to update the profile.

Loading records into the Benefits Interface

  1. Select Human Resources > Periodic Routines > Periodic Processing > Benefits Interface to display the Benefits Interface page.
    Before importing a file, ensure:

    • The file has been transferred to the default log file directory defined on the application server.

    • The Benefits Interface Setup Page options are set for the file to be imported.

    • Any records that need to be crosswalked have been entered in the Data Crosswalk table.

  2. In the Load Criteria section, enter the Data File Name and Effective Date as needed. The Effective Date will default to the current date.

  3. Click OK.

  4. In the Print window, specify how to generate the report, and then click OK. The report's file name will be whatever was entered in the Data File Name field.
    The Load Status dialog will display. If there were any errors, this dialog will list the number of errors. Click Yes to complete the load with errors, or No to cancel the import. If No is selected, the Load Summary Report will display, and the user can review and make corrections as needed.

  5. After the report is loaded, you will return to the Benefits Interface page and the import will be complete.

Posting imported records using Effective Date Changes

  1. Select Human Resources > Periodic Routines > Periodic Processing > Effective Date Changes to display the Effective Date Changes page. For details on Effective Date Changes procedures, refer to Periodic Processing - Effective Date Changes.
    The data must be imported beforehand. For details, refer to the previous procedure. 

  2. Select Deductions to display the Effective Deduction Changes page.

  3. In the Search Criteria section, enter criteria identifying the records to list, and then click Find.
    Review the desired records. The Open Enrollment checkbox must be selected to view the imported records.

  4. Click Back to return to the Effective Date Changes page.

  5. Click Benefits to display the Effective Benefit Changes page.

  6. In the Search Criteria section, enter criteria identifying the records to list, and then click Find.

  7. Review the records. The Open Enrollment checkbox must be selected to view the imported records.

  8. Click Back to return to the Effective Date Changes page.

  9. Click Post.

  10. In the Post Effective Date Changes page, enter the Effective Date for the records being posted.

  11. The Open Enrollment Deduction/Benefits/Beneficiary Records checkbox must be selected.

  12. Click OK.

  13. In the Print window, specify how to generate the report, and then click OK.


Benefits Interface Page



Data File Name

Location and file name for the file to be imported. The page displays the location of the file and the file name as defined in the Benefits Interface Setup page. The location is the default log file directory defined on your application server.

Effective Date

Date assigned to the records to be processed in the effective date change option. By default, the current date will display.

Benefits Interface Setup Page



Convert Deduction Codes

Checkbox to determine whether the system needs to convert deduction codes from the third-party into the deduction codes used in the application.

If this is selected, users must create records in the Data Crosswalk table. When processing the import, the program will then search for the code in the Data Crosswalk table data. If the third-party code is not found, a warning message will display on the load summary report. The program will also check whether the resulting code is found in the Deductions reference table. If the code is not on this table, an error will display on the load summary report, and the record will not be imported.

Convert SSN to Employee Number

Checkbox to indicate the data to be imported contains employee social security numbers, which the system will convert to the employee number using the employee record. If the SSN is not found, an error message will display on the load summary report.

Skip Inactive Deductions

Checkbox to indicate duplicate records per employee should be processed as warnings. Some third-party applications create two records for changes: one to inactivate the old election with a status of Inactive and one to activate the new election with a status of Active. If the box is selected and the data file contains active/inactive pairs of records for the selected employee deductions, the system will skip inactive deductions only if a matching active deduction is in the data file. The summary report will contain a warning message when this occurs.

If this checkbox is blank and a second record for the same employee number and deduction code is found in the file, the system will mark the inactive deduction as an error and the record will not be imported.

Default Import File Name

Displays the default name of the import file. Users can enter a custom name for the file if desired. That name will then display on the import page.

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