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Bond Information Page

The Bond Information page allows you to enter additional information for a deduction that is related to the purchase a U.S. Savings Bond. This information is required for electronic reporting to the U.S. Treasury Department. You can display the page by clicking Bond Info in the Deductions page's Employee Deduction section.

Entering a deduction record for a savings bond

  1. Set up a record in the Deduction table for U.S. Savings Bond deductions. Be sure to select the Deduction for a Bond checkbox in the Deduction Table page's Benefit tab.
  2. In the Deductions page's Deduction field, select the Deduction record set up for savings bond purchases.
  3. Complete the remaining fields in the page's Employee Deduction section. Of particular importance are the following:

    Start Date

    Enter the date the deduction takes effect. Do not enter a Stop Date.


    Enter the per pay period deduction amount that will go toward the bond's purchase.

    Maximum Benefit

    Enter the bond's purchase cost, which is half of its redeemable value upon maturity.

  4. Click Bond Info to display the Bond Information page.
  5. Complete the page's fields:

    Last Name

    Last name of the bond recipient. If needed, you may include a suffix, such as JR or SR.

    First Name

    First name of the recipient. You may include the middle name or initial after the name.

    Address 1-2-3

    Bond recipient's address: line 1 for the street number and name; line 2 for additional address information, and line 3 for the city and state abbreviation.

    Zip Code

    Five or nine-digit postal code.

    Social Security

    Recipient's Social Security number.

    Bond Cost

    Purchase cost. The system uses this value to determine when the employee has accumulated the purchase cost. The field's drop-down list includes standard purchase amounts from $25 to $10,000.

    Co-owner/Beneficiary Type

    Identifies whether the bond has a beneficiary or co-owner.


    POD - Beneficiary
    OR - Co-owner

    Co-owner or Beneficiary

    Name of the beneficiary or co-owner, if applicable.

  6. Click OK to save the record.
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