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Clear Worker’s Comp File

Use this option when you need to clear the internal table that determines Workers' Compensation wage payments and insurance costs.

The Workers' Compensation (wkrtable) table accumulates employees' gross salaries and related data whenever you process a payroll. To maintain this data accurately, you need to run the Clear Workers' Comp File option monthly, quarterly, or annually, depending on how often you calculate these amounts.

Clearing the internal Workers' Compensation table

  1. Select Human Resources > Entry & Processing > Payroll > Clear Workers' Comp File.

  2. In the confirmation dialog, click Yes to clear the table.
    When processing ends, another dialog displays.

  3. Click OK.

  4. To verify the data has been cleared, run the Human Resources > Reports > Payroll > Workers' Comp Rate Study option.
    The option's Summary report should show zero amounts for all Workers' Compensation categories, while the Department report should be totally blank. For more information, refer to Workers' Comp Rate Study.

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