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Workers’ Comp Rate Study

Use this report to list Workers' Compensation rates and related wages and premiums for job categories. The categories are based on the userdefined Workers' Comp codes in employee Job Class records.

The Workers' Comp Rate Study report shows regular and overtime wages, totals, rates, and premiums. You can sort the report either by job category or by department then category.

Menu Path

From the Human Resources menu, select Reports. From the Payroll menu, select Workers' Comp Rate Study.

Workers' Compensation Premiums

Every time you calculate a payroll, the system references employees' Pay Code records to see if the gross wages are subject to Workers' Compensation. If so, the system references the assigned Job Class records to determine the Workers' Compensation job category that applies for allocating employer-paid premiums.

The system stores the gross wage amounts in an internal file by department under the proper Workers' Compensation category. The file accumulates the gross wage and category data until you run the Payroll Database menu's Clear Workers' Comp Files option.
If you want your Workers' Comp Rate Study report to reflect monthly gross wages, you must clear the file after the last payroll of a month and before generating the first payroll for the next month. Otherwise, the report shows the cumulative amounts since the last time this information was cleared.

For additional information on Workers' Compensation, refer to Workers' Comp Distribution and Workers' Compensation Table.

Generate the Workers' Comp Rate Study Report

  1. On the Workers' Comp Rate Study page, in the Sort Order section, select Job to sort by job category or Department to sort by department and then category, and then click Accept.

  2. In the Report Criteria section, enter criteria identifying the records to include, and then click Accept. To run an advanced search, use the Advanced button.

  3. In the Print window, specify how to generate the report, and then click OK. The report's default file name is comprat1.rpt if sorted by job category or comprat2.rpt if sorted by department.

Fields and Descriptions



Workers' Comp Code

Code identifying the Workers' Comp job category, as defined in the Workers' Compensation table. Enter criteria identifying the categories to include, or leave the field blank to include all categories.

Rate, Regular Salary, and Overtime Salary

Rates or amounts specifying the levels or ranges to include in the report. Following are examples of how you can use query symbols to focus the report on certain data:

  • To specify a certain rate, enter the rate. For example, 0.04 matches all records using this rate. Do not enter a specific value for a salary, unless you only want records with this exact amount.

  • To list categories with totals greater than $10,000, enter >10000 in the Regular Salary or Overtime Salary field.

  • To specify a range, separate the low and high ends of the range with a colon. For example, 10000:20000 would specify all salaries from $10,000 to $20,000.

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