Workers’ Compensation Table
Use this page to add, update, and delete Workers' Compensation codes. The Workers' Compensation table codes establish job categories for classifying employees concerning Workers' Compensation premium calculations. In addition to defining broad job categories, this table stores the rates used in calculations for employees within the group.
Codes from the table are entered in the Workers' Comp field on the Employee Information page.
Refer to the following sections for more information:
The default file name of the Workers' Compensation Table report is workcomp.rpt.
Menu Path
From the Human Resources menu, select Reference Tables. From the Personnel menu, select Workers' Compensation Codes.
Create records within the Account List in Fund Accounting before adding records to the Workers' Compensation table. Confirm with your system administrator that this table has been set up if needed.
In addition, to distribute charges to Fund Accounting, you must select the Workers' Compensation Charging checkbox in the Human Resources profile.
Field Descriptions
Field | Description |
Workers’ Comp Code | A code identifying an employee category for use in calculating Workers’ Comp premiums, for example, ADMN for administration or MAIN for maintenance. The limit is four characters. |
Title | The full title or a description of the Workers’ Compensation group. The limit is 25 characters. |
Rate | The rate used to calculate Workers’ Compensation premiums for this employee group. Enter percentages as decimals. For example, .025 = 2.5%. The limit is eight total numeric characters plus a decimal, with up to two digits before the decimal and up to six digits following the decimal. |
Regular Salary | The total of all gross earnings subject to this Workers’ Compensation Code. The value in this field, initially zero, cannot be changed on the Workers’ Compensation Table page. The Regular Salary field is updated each time you run a payroll that includes a pay rate tied to the Workers’ Comp Code. Pay Rate records reference the Workers’ Comp Code in their assigned job classes. The Subject to Workers’ Comp field in the job class’s associated Pay Code record determines if earnings are added to the Workers’ Compensation record’s Regular Salary field. Earnings accumulate in this field until you clear the system-calculated regular and overtime salary amounts in the records. Navigate to the Human Resources menu and select Entry & Processing. From the Payroll menu, select Clear Workers' Comp File. This resets the field to zero. |
Overtime Salary | The total gross overtime earnings subject to Workers’ Comp under this code. Initially, the field is set to zero. As with the Regular Salary field, the overtime salary accrues as a result of payroll processing and is reset to the zero default when you run the Clear Workers’ Compensation Files option. |
Withholding Account | The withholding liability account number (General Ledger liability object code) for distributing Workers’ Comp premiums in the Fund Accounting System. This is the account used to track outstanding expenditures. It is updated with premium amounts when the Workers’ Comp Code is part of a pay run. |
Fringe Expense Account | The fringe expense account number (expenditure object code) for distributing Workers’ Comp premiums in Fund Accounting. The premium expense is recorded in this account. The conditions that apply to the Withholding Account field also apply here. |
Workers’ Comp Code Encumbered | Option determining whether Workers’ Comp premiums for this code are encumbered in the Fund Accounting System. Select the box to encumber the premium amounts. If you select the checkbox, the system encumbers premium amounts for employees with a job class including this Workers’ Comp Code. It selects the Pay Code record from the employee’s pay rate. The encumbrance amount is determined by the pay code’s Pay Time Type field:
For distribution of the encumbrance amount, the system references the appropriate Pay Rate record for Budget Units and Project codes. It references the Workers’ Compensation record’s Fringe Expense Account field to determine the account to tie to the budget units and, if applicable, projects. Refer to Payroll Encumbrance for information on how to encumber salary and benefit amounts. |
Set Up Workers' Compensation Codes
Before creating Workers' Comp records, you should understand how the system handles Workers' Compensation.
There are four Human Resources tables involved in the process:
Additionally, the Personnel Information page has a field for assigning a Workers' Compensation Code to an employee. However, this field is not used to calculate the insurance premiums for Workers' Comp coverage.
The following sections describe how the system references tables to determine Workers' Comp premiums during payroll processing.
Workers' Compensation Table
Records in this table allow you to group employees who share the same Workers' Compensation rate. Besides the rate, these records contain the cumulative earnings subject to each Workers' Comp grouping, as calculated through payroll processing. The records also identify the fringe benefit account used to record the premium costs in the Fund Accounting System.
To clear the system-calculated regular and overtime salary amounts in Workers' Compensation Table records, navigate to the Human Resources menu and select Entry & Processing. Then, from the Payroll menu, select Clear Workers' Comp File.
Pay Code Table
Records in this table contain a Subject To Workers' Comp field, among other pay-related settings. When a pay code is assigned to a Job Class record, this field determines whether the system calculates Workers' Compensation benefits for employees in the job class.
Job Class Table
These records are also used to categorize employees but in more specific groupings than those in the Workers' Compensation table. For example, all administrative employees might fall under a single Workers' Comp Code, whereas separate Job Class records are needed for classifying department managers, supervisors, secretaries, and other administrative personnel.
In addition to having different pay codes for each job class (in most cases), these records contain the Workers' Comp Code that applies to the broader employee category.
Pay Rate Table
These employee records, created on the Pay Rates page when adding an employee, contain salary schedules, contract data, annual salaries, pay period amounts, and other rate information. They also include a job class code, which references the record containing the Workers' Compensation code used to set the insurance premium rates.