Course Summary
Use this option to generate a report which displays a summary list of Professional Development courses. Depending on the radio button selected in the Report Sort Method section, the Course Summary report can be sorted by Course Title; Course Name, Course ID; Location, Course ID or Start Date, Course ID.
For the steps for generating a report, refer to Standard Reports Procedure.
Menu Path: Human Resources > Reports > Professional Development > Course Summary
Field | Description |
Course ID | Course identification number.
Course Title | The title of the course. To include all course titles, leave blank. |
Course Status | Status of the course. Select: AC - Active To include all course status codes, leave the field blank. |
Course Start Date | The date the course was started.
Location | Select the location for the course. The field's drop-down list is populated by the Professional Development's Location Codes table.
Instructor Or Facilitator | The user ID number of the person who is the instructor/facilitator for the course.