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Create 1099-R Electronic File

Use this option to create a file of your 1099-R data for internet submission. 

Complete your 1099-R records and print1099-R forms before you create the electronic file.

Menu path

From the Human Resources menu, select Periodic Routines. From the Year End menu, select 1099-R Processing, then Create 1099-R Electronic File.

Create 1099-R electronic file

Include details in electronic file

To include details in the electronic file, you must first opt in to print the detail in Set Up 1099-R Parameters. This impacts the print controls in the electronic file process.

  1. From the 1099-R Processing page, select Set Up 1099-R Parameters.

  2. On the 1099-R Print Controls page (third page), select Print Detail on Media.

Generate 1099-R electronic file

  1. On the Create 1099-R Electronic File page, the Tax Year defaults from the 1099-R Parameters. It cannot be edited on this page.

  2. Enter Pay Groups to identify the employees you want to include. You may specify up to 36 groups. To select all groups, enter an asterisk in the first field.

  3. Click Accept.

  4. In the Electronic File Criteria section, complete the fields. Refer to the Fields and descriptions section of this page.

  5. Click Accept.

  6. If you selected Print Detail in Media on 1099-R Print Controls page, a 1099-R detail report print dialog box appears first. Otherwise, the first print dialog box is for the electronic file. The summary report appears last.

  7. On each Print page, if you select File as the output you can edit the file name. If you are processing batches, enter a unique file name so that you do not overwrite saved files.

  8. Click OK to process the files.

Default File Names

The default file names for each printing stage are:

  • Detail report: rptdtl.rpt

  • Electronic file: IRSTAX.txt

  • Summary report: sum1099.rpt

Fields and descriptions



File Indicator

Specify the file type you want to generate:

  • O - Original: Contains information for returns not previously reported to the IRS.

  • R - Replacement: Use this option if the original file receives a Bad status from the IRS. After making necessary changes, transmit the entire file as a replacement file.

  • C - Correction: Use this option under the following conditions. A Correction file should only contain records that require corrections, not the entire original file.

    • Original file was processed by the IRS and received a Good status.

    • It has been 10 or more calendar days since the original transmission.

    • You have identified an error in the original file that was accepted by the IRS.

  • T - Test: Contains data formatted to IRS specifications. Only send a Test file to the test system.

Do not transmit live data to the test system.

Alpha Char (Character)

Only use this field for a Replacement file. Enter the alphanumeric characters following the Transmitter Control Code (TCC) on the returned file.

The limit is two characters.

File Name

Only use this field for a Replacement file. Enter the IRS-assigned file name of the file being replaced. This may be different from the original file name that was submitted. It should be located where you find the file status.

The limit is 15 characters.

Federal Tax ID

Read-only field displays the Federal Tax ID from the 1099-R Parameters.

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