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Create 1099-R Work File

Use this option to copy employee records into your 1099-R work file. You can then use the other options on the 1099-R Processing menu to review, edit, transfer, and delete records stored in the file.

Before running this option, you must copy employee information into your W2 work file. For details, refer to Copy W2 Information.

Menu path

From the Human Resources menu, select Periodic Routines. From the Year End menu, select 1099-R Processing. Click Create 1099-R Work File.

The load process uses the following pages:

1099-R Workfile Load Criteria

Set the tax year and determine whether to add to or replace any records already stored in the workfile.

1099-R Workfile Pay Groups

Load employees by pay group. Enter * in the first box to load all pay groups.

1099-R Workfile Retirement Pay Codes

Specify pay codes used for retirement contributions.

Create new 1099-R work file

  1. On the 1099-R Workfile Load Criteria page, enter the Tax Year of the tax records you want to load.

  2. For the Drop current records for tax year checkbox:

    • Select the box to delete all existing work file records for the year specified. This allows you to start over at any point prior to printing forms and generating the electronic files. However, if you previously created a work file and added or changed records, you will lose this information.

    • Clear the box to overwrite existing records without losing records that were added with the 1099-R Work File Maintenance option. This allows you to load additional records, but retain any employees added to the work file who were not in your database.

  3. Click Next.

  4. In the Pay Groups fields, enter pay groups identifying the employee records you want to load. You may enter up to 24 pay groups. To select all pay groups, enter an asterisk in the first field.

  5. Click Next.

  6. In the Retirement Paycodes fields, identify the pay codes used for employee retirement plans. You may enter up to five pay codes.

  7. Click Next.

  8. On the confirmation dialog, click Yes to begin loading records and open a processing page.

  9. Click OK on the Processing page to return to the 1099-R Processing page when the load is complete.

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