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Create Employee Details Page

Use this page to add employee details to selected contracts. A report covering the new contract details will generate at the end of the procedure.

To use this option, employees must have a contract assigned in their Personnel tab and must also have the proper attachments. For details, refer to Employee Information Page: Contract Section. Also refer to the attachments procedure in Contract Definitions Page.

Menu Path:  Human Resources > Periodic Routines > Contracts > Contract Center > click Create Employee Details on the Action Bar

Creating employee details

  1. Select Human Resources > Periodic Routines > Contracts > Contract Center to display the Contract Center.

  2. Click Create Employee Details on the Action Bar to display the Create Employee Details page.

  3. In the Process Mode section, select the Preview Mode checkbox if this is to be a preview. To create and save an actual record, clear the field.

  4. In the Process Selection Criteria section, complete the fields as needed to specify which employee records these details pertain to. For details, refer to the Fields section below.

  5. In the Process Details section, complete the fields as needed to add those details to the employee's contract.

  6. When finished, click OK to save the record.

  7. In the Print window, specify how to generate the report, and then click OK. The report's default file name is creatempl.rpt.


Create Employee Details Page

Process Mode Section



Preview Mode

Checkbox to generate a preview report rather than update the record. Leave the field selected to preview the updates. To allow updates, clear the field.

Process Selection Criteria Section



Contract Type

Select the contract type for creating employee details.

School Year

School year assigned to the contract type. Display only.


Description associated with the contract type. Display only.

Employee Number

Enter the ID number of the employee for whom you are creating details. Only employees who have the appropriate contract assigned in the Personnel tab of their Employee Information page can be selected.

Hire Date Range Start

Beginning date for the range of hire dates used to select employees who are to be included in this contract creation run. MM/DD/YYYY format.

Hire Date Range End

Ending date for the range of hire dates used to select employees who are to be included in this contract creation run. MM/DD/YYYY format.

Personnel Status

Dropdown selection of status used to select employees who are to be included in this contract creation run. The selections in the field's drop-down list are defined in Personnel's Status Code Table.

Process Details Section



School Year Start

Beginning date of school year. MM/DD/YYYY format.

School Year End

Ending date of school year. MM/DD/YYYY format.

Contract Start

Date when contract begins. MM/DD/YYYY format.

Contract End

Date when contract ends. MM/DD/YYYY format.


Date when contract will be shown to the employee in Employee Access Center. MM/DD/YYYY format.


Due when the contract must be signed by. MM/DD/YYYY format.


Description of the employee details for this contract. Character/40

Batch Identifier

Unique number assigned to the contract for this group of contracts. Character/20

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