Data Flow - Registration
The following registration procedures apply to external participants/instructors who are registering with your organization for the first time. An internal employee will access Professional Development through Employee Access Center, as detailed in Participant View.
The prospective participant/instructor accesses the Professional Development Login page using the URL provided by your organization.
On the Professional Development Login page, the prospective participant/instructor clicks the Create New User link to display the Create a New Professional Development Account page.
The prospective participant/instructor enters their personal data, such as their first and last name, Social Security number, address, and contact information.
In the User Name and Password fields, the prospective participant/instructor enters the information they will use to log in to Professional Development, including a matching password in the Confirm Password field.
The prospect is also required to enter a Security Question and Security Answer in the event they need to submit a forgot password request.When the information is complete on the Create a New Professional Development Account page, the prospective participant/instructor clicks Submit and then confirms that the registration has been submitted.
The Registration Needs Approval workflow notification is then sent to approvers defined on Professional Development's User Forms tab in the Workflow Configuration Profile. The approvers receive the notification through email or on the Activities tab of the PowerSchool ERP home page, depending on their User Preferences.
When an approver receives notification, they need to access the Participants/Instructors table. This can be done by clicking the URL in the email notification, double-clicking the activity in the Activities tab, or through Professional Development's Reference Tables menu in Human Resources.
In the Participants/Instructors table page, the approver will search for and select the prospective participant/instructor and click either Approve or Deny on the Action Bar.
If the approver clicks Approve, the Approval Status will change from Inactive to Active, and the participant/instructor will have access to Professional Development. At this point, the Registration Approved notification will be sent to the participant/instructor.
If the approver clicks Deny, the Denial Comment page displays, and the approver can enter a comment on the denial. A delete confirmation will then display for either removing the prospective participant/instructor from the table or leaving the prospect's status set to Inactive.Before or after the approval, the approver or administrator can edit the table record to designate the user as an instructor, participant, or both. This setting determines the menus the user will have access to in Professional Development.
As needed, approver or administrator can also update other fields in the participant/instructor's table record.