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Defined Windows Selector

You can create additional employee pages using the Human Resources Profile's Defined Windows option. These pages display when you add an employee and can be accessed using the Defined Windows selector.

Menu Path

From the Human Resources menu, select Entry & Processing. From the Employee menu, select Employee InformationSearch for and select an employee record, select Personnel Information on the Action Bar, and choose Defined Windows. 

Change a Defined Page

  1. On the Defined Windows page, select the page you want to change, then click Accept to display it.

  2. Change the desired fields.
    The requirements of user-defined windows are the same as those for other Human Resources windows. For example, in a date field, you must enter a date in MM/DD/YYYY format. Help messages are usually included to guide you in completing individual fields.

  3. Click Accept to save the record.

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